Mrs. BD has been traveling around Normandy with her Dad for the past week. Yes, they did it the high-end way.
Wherever they went, people walked up saying things like "Thank you, Americans, for what you did for us." Europeans of all types from all counties (not Germans) showing gratitude to Americans.
Very moving, obviously. Story goes that the old guy was too young to join the army. He lied about his age, but the recruiters phoned his Mom to check. His two older brothers were in the war (one on Omaha Beach), and both survived and went on to great educations, great careers, with fine families.
Photo is Mrs. BD's Monkfish supper last night in a tiny seaside port in Normandy. She says they poached it right, tender, juicy, delicate, and not chewy as in the US. Those French know how to cook.