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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, May 14. 2019Tuesday morning links Watching Harvard, My Alma Mater, Surrender to the Mob Employees Of 'Socialist' Brooklyn Food Co-op Discover Downside Of Socialism, Demand Union VDH: Journalism is Dead—Long Live the Media! States fight Trump rollback of Obama lightbulb rules Is there no limit to the reach of government? Whenever government regulations lead to higher prices, the champions of regulation blame the free market for failing to fix the problem. New EU Declaration Mandates Europe ‘Empower’Children to Help Set Policy Agendas “DIVERSITY” AND THE WELFARE STATE' The Partner Chase - An elite law firm’s inability to promote enough minority partners exposes the unrealistic expectations of diversity mandates - Heather Mac Donald Whatever Happened To Obamacare? The Atlantic offers proof of Trump's racism CNN Wonders If Trump’s July 4th Speech Will Call “For Violence”… Byron York: Why was FBI so wrong in Trump-Russia wiretap warrant? William Barr appoints US attorney to examine origins of Russia probe A prosecutor? That's a big deal. It means they suspect crime. I am agnostic on that, but I do not trust the deep state at all. Never did. Obama’s Defense Secretary Just Destroyed the Democrat Narrative on Trump and Russia China’s Latest Crackdown Target Is Liberal Economists Trackbacks
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Don't tell anyone but I stocked up on those less efficient, aka: incandescent, light bulbs before production was mandated by regulation. I think I have enough to last the rest of my life, they don't burn out as fast as those POS CFLs.
Incandescent bulbs are sold at all the usual places around here. I switched to CFLs years ago because they lasted longer and I hate changing bulbs. Leds have now gotten cheap enough to make sense so I'm switching over to them. I guess I'll take my boxes of incandescent and CFLs to the thrift store
Glad to see we've solved all our problems and are now free to tackle the really serious existential threats to our nation: Lightbulbs. I really dislike the light quality of the CFLs, which look exactly like what they are: designed by a Congressional Committee - plus I once had a bad experience with mercury, and naturally don't want to introduce the possibility of another one. These bulbs are a disaster in a glass container. LED's are getting much better and you can get them in the wavelength you want (sunlight to warm yellow). But I have yet to see one live up to the quoted numbers of longevity - I've had many fail within just a month or two (mostly Chinese manufacture), so there's a ways to go yet. Also I note that at least some of the incandescent bulbs that you buy in the Big Box stores no longer give you service life directly in hours - they just give an indication of life in years based on an undisclosed formula of average daily usage hours. LEDs are getting so cheap, and are so much cheaper to run, that it won't be long before incandescents are simply not made anymore because there's no reason to. Just what we need: More regulation to do what the market already does automatically, and more efficiently.
But incandescents are still being made even if not by GE and Sylvania. Stores around here are full of them although I can't think of why anyone would use one.
CFL's also came in the 3 standard colors, warm white(same as incandescent), bright white and daylight. Making light bulbs--another industry we lost to China because all of this regulatory nonsense and the fact you cannot make CFLs in America because they violate environmental standards. https://energystar.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/211438818-Are-any-CFLs-manufactured-in-the-US-CFLs may be more "efficient," but they are also more environmentally harmful because they contain mercury among other things. So they are all made in China which has more lax environmental standards and then we buy them. In my state, they totally banned sales of incandescent bulbs, thus establishing a black market for them, and then forced everyone to buy the bulbs from China. And although use of CFLs was mandated, it was also illegal to dispose of them when they burned out because they contain mercury. You had to take them to a certified hazardous waste disposal site. But here as in most socialist states, people just ignored the government mandates and threw them in the trash, so we now have all that extra mercury in the landfills.
If you are going to turn on a light for a minute or two, it is not cost-efficient to use a CFL or LED light bulb. My understanding is that CFL/LED bulbs need to be on for at least an hour for maximum life. They will quickly burn out if turned on for a short while and then turned off . Incandescent bulbs are best for rooms that have lights that are turned on for less than an hour, such as bathrooms or closets. Which assumes, of course, that one isn't going to spend several hours in the tub.
It annoys me that we don't produce CFL/LED bulbs in the US. LEDs don't care much. If there's power, they light.
CFDs, on the other hand, need to warm up, don't do well in cold, don't have a long life (In my experience) - they suck and have few redeeming qualities. Thanks for the info. My advice was based on what I had read years ago about CFL. I will start purchasing LED after my current CFL supply runs out.
text QUOTE: One bright point here is that LED lights are much less prone to wear and tear from frequent switching on and off, than are fluorescent lights, so if you do turn off lights whenever you leave a room (even if you might return very soon after), you’ll save energy while not damaging the lights. Your advice is confirmed correct. Thanks again.Sure! BTW, with the low power draw on LED (You're looking at maybe 7-10 watts/hour for a 60 watt equivalent) you might not have to be OCD on switching it off every time you leave the room...
(This was for a GE 60 watt equivalent on Amazon.) Brightness: 800 lumens Estimated yearly energy cost: $1. 08 (based on 3 hour/day, 11 cents/kWWh: costs depend on rates and use) Life: 13 years (based on 3 hours/day)
2019-05-14 16:58
Before the entire world only produces one form of light source, it would be intelligent to do some long term studies on the effects of each. While not an expert, I do know that some are recognizing that LEDs may not be the most "healthy" form of artificial lighting.
Do any of the Maggie Farmers have good sources from which to pluck the latest? At this point, I use all three depending on need. Perhaps we should just rely on sunlight and go to bed when it gets dark/awake with the sun, but then again, I've heard the sun does much damage. Lawdy only knows the effects of moon glow! BTW, I notice people reverting to all the methods my grandparents touted for various household chores and healthcare: vinegar, lemon juice, baking soda, Epsom salts, etc. seem to traverse a wide array of challenges at very little cost. BD should do a column on this topic. There's nothin' like a New England Yankee for knowing how to spread a dollar... and knowledge. Luv, y'all! I started the article on Trump's racism. Their second claim is that his demand to see Obama's birth certificate was racist, which is mind-reading. For the third claim, the documentation has been lost. Well, darn. I stopped reading.
Trump might be racist, but he's not doing it now as president, which is what matters. If people want to be more suspicious of him because of his past, that's fair. But Trump is currently elected to do a particular job, and that is what we should be paying attention to. And even now after all these years no birth certificate. Obama's own book said he was born in Kenya. The media and the left made a massive effort to turn that story around but zero effort to produce a legitimate birth certificate. Why would they do that if there was a birth certificate??? How about his college grades or papers? Why were they hidden? Why was information about who paid for his tuition and who got him into these great schools hidden? He has never actually had a real job but thrived and was pushed forward in politics, how did all that happen? I truly do not understand why the MSM agreed to this massive coverup. This could be the story of the century and almost no effort was put into reporting on it. Why? I suspect that at the highest levels the reporters and investigators were told to back off or their career would be destroyed. Who has the power to do that???
Russian agents have better documentation than Obama has.
(Does that mean Obama isn't a Russian plant/agent? My Magic 8-Ball says "NO".) Almost everyone is "racist". Every black is racist, most white's are "racist" (some are to stupid or inexperienced to have arrived at "racist" yet). The criteria should be are they actively and harmfully racist. Most people are not they are simply aware that the other races don't like them (because they are "racist") and the only defense is to be "racist". If you ever believe that you are not "racist" or that all or most blacks are not "racist" please feel free to spend a Friday evening in downtown East St. Louis bar hopping or just walking around enjoying the ambience.
Jessie Jackson famously said that when he is walking down the street at night and a black man (or men) approach him that he crosses the street out of fear of being mugged; "racist"!!! But very smart. 'Most people' engage a mind and realize that the whole racist trope is a creeping malign ailment foisted by disordered malcontents against their political opponents or deployed as a social lever by pathological leftists against people they don't like but know nothing about.
That's generally the context but thanks for the helpful observations on a version thereof with no relation to the obvious problem of constantly hollering racist against normal people in America in the present day. Because that problem is that eventually the target starts adopting this bullshit trope and either starts unwittingly slipping it into daily parlance itself ('Trump is probably a racist') or the target claims this psuedo-morality for itself outright and starts projecting right back. "No, you're a racist!" This we call codependency with disordered people. We see both all over the right these days, proving that if you give the right 20 years it becomes the left. You're not helping but then that's not surprising. Racism" is normal like fear of heights, large animals and sharp knives in the hand of aggressive people. It is a normal and logical survival emotion. I trust my family, I allow certain non-family limited and monitored trust, I do not trust strangers and people who are different from me. That would NOT be "racist" if everyone was from the same tribe or the same color, etc. BUT that natural human emotion becomes "racist" simply because in real life it is mostly those of other tribes that you show the most distrust in.
2019-05-15 11:19
As dumb as your stuff generally is I can't actually blame you for completely missing the point.
2019-05-15 15:47
Not surprisingly I have thought the same of you many times.
But what you might be missing is I am referring to "racism" and not to racism. Racism is what Dylann Roof demonstrated. "Racism" is the accusation that the race baiters make to elevate themselves and lower their opponents.
2019-05-15 18:03
In other words you missed the point. Thanks, jeenyus.
2019-05-16 00:02
I didn't miss the point it simply wasn't there.
2019-05-16 10:56
At least your subscription to weekly 32 oz flats of Obtuse seems to be working. Amazon?
2019-05-16 13:13
Re: Empowering children -
Children are likely to want governments to fix things and right all wrongs. Just out to make sure that the most easily manipulated are in charge of the agenda.
Re: lightbulbs
When you can get LED lightbulbs at the dollar store or Goodwill, efficiency regulations are silly. In my area the EnergySmart eco bulbs available at the Goodwills and dollar stores are subsidized by the local energy company as a means of meeting their "Energy Efficiency Resource Standard" mandates from the regulators. They can count each bulb distributed as a certain amount of energy saved, whether or not it actually replaces an incandescent bulb in practice.
We've replaced almost all the incandescents and CFLs with LED bulbs. It's a convenience thing - they just don't burn out.
The new house I am building has all LED lighting in it. Some research, including a conversation with the CTO at CREE, indicated that the reliability issues were largely behind the industry. You are correct about the subsidies being provided by utilities; my electrical supplier for the new house pointed me to a retail rebate that they couldn't match - it saved me about $3 / bulb. I am trying to get the builder to put hours on the lights before settlement to screen any infant mortality.
Yeah, on a home-DIY forum I frequent I always suggest using the same LED fixtures that you have in the main rooms as "singles" in stairwells, closets, etc.
It's a real bummer when one of the 6 can-lights in a ceiling needs to be replaced, and the currently available ones don't match, so you have to replace all 6. If you have them elsewhere in the house, you can move the matching one and put the mismatched new fixture in that spot where it won't be compared to the others. Re: Obama's Defense Secretary
I would ask, "In which respects is Trump less tough on the Russians than Obama?" We've warned you repeatedly about looking at the facts, comrade.
re China’s Latest Crackdown Target Is Liberal Economists
China has been cracking down on free thought for a couple of years now. My thinking is that this will substantially handicap the Chinese economy over the long haul, as this will discourage risk taking and innovation. The media is lying to you about Trump’s China tariffs
From the column: " . . . facts are facts. Most of what the public is being told about these tariffs is either misleading or a downright lie. Tariffs are simply federal taxes. That’s it. The extra costs paid by importers, and consumers, goes to Uncle Sam, to distribute as he sees fit, including, for example, on Obamacare subsidies. It wasn’t long ago the media was complaining because Trump was cutting taxes. Now it’s complaining he’s raising them. Confused? Me too. And the amounts involved are trivial. Chicken feed. President Trump just hiked tariffs from 10% to 25% on about $200 billion in Chinese imports. In other words, he just raised taxes by … $30 billion a year. Oh, no! The total amount we all paid in taxes last year — federal, state and local — was $5.51 trillion. This tax increase that has everyone’s panties in a twist is a rounding error. Investors panic needlessly Meanwhile, the total value wiped off U.S. stocks during Monday’s panic was about $700 billion. More than 20 years’ worth of the new tariffs. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-media-is-lying-to-you-about-trumps-china-tariffs- Harvard yields to the mob. Of course they do, and they've had a LOT of practice at it.
Employees Of 'Socialist' Brooklyn Food Co-op Discover Downside Of Socialism, Demand Union. Heh, Heh, Heh. Bum-MER. VDH on "The Media": This is why I despise, detest, and distrust the media. The media have blown off their lower extremities with howitzers. The ATLANTIC: An Oral History of Trump’s Bigotry Ya Know, I just don't trust The ATLANTIC. Good Grief: CNN Wonders If Trump’s July 4th Speech Will Call “For Violence”… They'll SAY it is, anyway, and every way they can. Byron York: Why was FBI so wrong in Trump-Russia wiretap warrant? Cupidity, and stupidity, and they thought Hillary would win. Teaching in Colonized Vienna: The second Anschluss is well under way. Bill Nye the Science Guy has gone full retard. Definitely gives off some kind of pedo vibe.
I will say that for someone with an engineering degree he shows an abysmal knowledge of both metrology and statistical inference.
Incandescent bulbs produce heat as well as light. Might come in handy some day.
If you've ever lived in the Texas countryside, you depend on this very fact. Raising chickens, especially baby chicks, you'll have an incandescent light burning at night in 3 seasons, close to the ground, to give them a heat refuge if they need it. And if you have a water well, a couple of 100w bulbs in a pump shed will keep the above-ground pipes from freezing on all but the coldest days.
re Doris Day: America’s Sweetheart
And Ensign Parker has died as well. Comedy legend Tim Conway, star of 'The Carol Burnett Show,' dead at 85 https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/tim-conway-carol-burnett-show-dead-85 I believe it was Groucho Marx that quipped he knew Doris Day before she was a virgin.