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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, May 10. 2019Friday morning links
A nasty plant for sure. I see it everywhere CDC Warns Consumers That Kale Is Still Disgusting Where Did All the Free-Flowing Rivers Go? A map of the world’s free-flowing rivers shows a shrinking number can still meander as they please. New plans for hydropower will further constrain flow. Is tribalism undermining objectivity about low-carb, high-fat diets? Disney's 'Tolkien' Movie Cuts Out the Christian Faith That Inspired His Life and Work Tesla Story Gets Even Weirder as $TSLA Completely Changes Its Business Strategy Major British University Warns Jewish Students Not To Celebrate Israel Independence Day Offended By What Someone Said? Now You Can Report Them To Law Enforcement Break up Facebook? Teddy Roosevelt would cheer Denver voters reject ‘Right to Survive’ homeless camping initiative Homeless is a euphemism. AOC Wants a Government Bank Operated by the Post Office Comey: “Reasonable,” “Totally Normal Step” To Plant Undercover Sources In Political Campaign Dem Rep. Jackie Speier: Trump “Has In Many Respects Become A Dictator”… Why not just call him Hitler and be done with it? Who Were the Mueller Report's Hired Guns? Liberal Law Professor Clinically Dismantles Democrats' Contempt Case Against Barr It's all theater Trump being highly amusing (and clever too) Yup, theater " Democrats want secret grand jury information and investigative files so they can doxx, harass, and attack political opponents. Unless and until the courts finally rule, there is no crisis, much less a constitutional crisis." Turkey Venerates Its Violent Conquest of Christian Territory with Conversion of Hagia Sophia to a Mosque Just politics. Regardless, when in Istanbul definitely see this cathedral. U.S., Japan, India and Philippines challenge Beijing with naval drills in the South China Sea Comments
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QUOTE: " Democrats want secret grand jury information and investigative files ..." It's a constipational crisis. Give 'em a prune. Knotweed - Suddenly I've seen three separate articles in one day about it.
Since we moved from England we knew all about the mortgage problems there in relation to having knotweed. Then when we started clearing brush in our US place, we discovered that our neighbor really liked the stuff as a ground-cover -- had actually planted it intentionally. In the time since planting it had spread enthusiastically onto our land and we had a very tall established stand. The trouble with knotweed is that it is persistent. Well so am I! Since it is a plant with rhyzomes, you need to "kill" it fully, and not leave a bit of root or rhyzome behind to regenerate. So for me this indicated judicious use os a systemic herbicide, which is what we did. I bought a pint of concentrated glyphosate from the farm store and mixed it according to instructions in a sprayer. Then before work on clear days I'd carry a big sheet of cardboard to hold behind each leaf I sprayed to avoid overspray problems, and just make my way through getting spray on each convenient leaf as I went. As this was repeated for many clear days of the summer, the stand appeared to thin and die back. We had distributed lots of native wildflower seeds over the area so that the following spring there would be some other ground cover beginning to establish. Treatment continued as before. Now, about once every two years, we find a single knotweed plant trying to grow, and we've been dealing with that the same way. Of course now I've learned that my first port of call in dealing with plant issues should be getting the advice-sheet from whichever state ag-school has written about dealing with that issue, and I'm pretty sure in hindsight that if I followed the advice from PA it would have been more effective, faster with less effort: https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/nrcs142p2_017951.pdf Kale IS disgusting.
But caterpillars love it and will consume it before cabbage and other plants (usually) so plant it for a decoy. Ladies, Stop Trying to Have Sex Like Men
From college campuses to our nation’s boardrooms, women try to pursue sex the way men often do: no commitment necessary. And they’re getting burned. https://thefederalist.com/2019/05/09/ladies-stop-trying-to-have-sex-like-men/ I would say men can get as badly hurt as women. The difference is, the guy often ends up committing suicide as a result, or becomes violent against the woman. Or they just harden their hearts and become predatory against women in general, leading to the situation described in the article.
Another Bat-Winged Dinosaur Has Been Found
Ambopteryx had a long wristbone that likely supported leathery membranes, allowing it to glide between trees. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/05/ambopteryx-another-bat-winged-dinosaur-has-been-found/588940/ Dem Rep. Jackie Speier: Trump “Has In Many Respects Become A Dictator”…
Why not just call him Hitler and be done with it? They have, as they have every Republican president since Nixon. Maybe even Ike. Denver voters reject ‘Right to Survive’ homeless camping initiative : They don't WANT to be like Frisco. OOOOOOHhhhh, that Barr makes the Dems so maaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddddddddddddd! Why not just call him Hitler and be done with it? They have, as they have every Republican president since Nixon. Maybe even Ike.
Regarding Republican Presidents or Presidential candidates: before Ike. NYT headline: PRESIDENT LIKENS DEWEY TO HITLER AS FASCISTS' TOOL QUOTE: CHICAGO, Oct. 25 -- A Republican victory on election day will bring a Fascistic threat to American freedom that is even more dangerous than the perils from communism and extreme right "crackpots," President Truman asserted here tonight. Denver voters reject ‘Right to Survive’ homeless camping initiative
By an 83-17 margin. Even a lefty city hasn't gone entirely moonbatty. Offended By What Someone Said? Now You Can Report Them To Law Enforcement
-------------------------------------- This has already been implemented in colleges. E.g., Williams College Bias Incident Reporting. You know not to open your mouth, because you could get hauled up before the Honor Committee for discipline or expulsion for saying something someone disagreed with. A few years back a study was done on how to restore some East Coast rivers to their original natural flow. And what was discovered is that there's no way to determine what that is. Beavers have built dams- disrupting flows. Since any human appeared on the scene stones have been placed in the water to walk across. And stones have been thrown in to create still pools where the fishing is easier. Not full dams. Each and every little change over the millennia has changed the watercourse. This is no doubt true of every river in the world.
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