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Wednesday, January 30. 2019Wednesday morning links
Wilder was a sweet, humble guy Superman: America's Jewish superhero Makes sense The de-cluttering movement is overwhelming thrift shops Virginia Bill Would Legalize Abortion Up to Birth Why not after, too? Super Incredible Cold Weather In Chicago Is Sign Of ‘Climate Change’ Or Something Why it's called "hot cold wet dry" Another University Is Trying To Block Shapiro From Speaking. Here's Their Strategy. University of Michigan and Pitzer College are just the tip of the iceberg. University leaders across the country must loudly condemn faculty who would implement an academic boycott of Israel that deprives students of educational opportunities and academic rights in the name of personal politics. How Social Justice Becomes Law: Title IX Can the Republic Survive the Mainstream Media? Harris: Do You Like Your Health Insurance? You Can’t Keep It The Democrats Have A Serious Radicalism Problem, And Kamala Harris Just Proved It Democrats take aim at Starbucks to 'school' Howie Schultz TOP SAUDI OFFICIAL: BARACK OBAMA LIED, SET MIDDLE EAST BACK 20 YEARS Trackbacks
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How social justice became law, Title IX...end the student loan program and Title IX goes away. It's a bribery/extortion racket like all SJW law.
re Democrats take aim at Starbucks to 'school' Howie Schultz
The Democrats Have A Serious Radicalism Problem and the attack on Howie Schultz and Starbucks proves it. So. . . Is there any way to stop the radicalization of the Democratic Party within the arena of ideas? If not, where does it all end? Is it just getting worse and worse of am I just imagining that it is? They will eventually drive the sane and sober out of the party and lose power. If not we will see CWII.
I think that despite all the claims back in the day, Nixon's 'Silent Majority' and the 'Reagan Democrats' were really the beginning of another fundamental realignment of the two main political parties rather than the culmination. Both parties are really going through a rough patch as various groups try to sort themselves and establish their relationship within this new framework. The Democrats are having a something of a harder time because they've lost what they thought was their rightful dominance of government stretching back to FDR, coupled with the claims to inherit an emerging majority that never quite materializes. The GOP was always a minority, just more cohesive, but they're still looking like the dog that got a bite out of the tire and doesn't quite know if he's supposed to keep chewing or not.
My estimation is that it will get worse to the degree that the Democrats keep doubling down on identify politics, especially racial identity politics that will tend to drive most whites into the Republican party. Abortion right up to birth. 63 million babies killed. Is this toxic femininity? But, but this is a choice between the mother and the doctor. WTF, we call her a "mother"??? This is disgusting. It is killing babies for no reason at all. Not for the mothers health, as is often claimed. Disgusting!
Because of the cold some states in the Midwest are declaring a state of emergency. Can they do that??? It's not as though the borders are being invaded and the invaders are killing and raping Americans. The left doesn't want Trump to declare a state of emergency to protect us but the states can declare a state of emergency because winter is here??
Just caught Wilder and Radner in their "bomb" Haunted Honeymoon on one of the cable movie channels. It's a hoot! A great period comedy with Dom DeLuise chewing the scenery, and Wilder and Radner clearly devoted to each other. Catch it if you can.
If only Hollywood had more Wilders and J.D. Coles, they might have our respect. Never fear CNN is already on board with Harris's campaign to minimize Democrats "Serious Radicalism Problem" .
Goes nicely with CNN being there to record Mueller's midnight raids for parking ticket violations by anyone near Trump. Can the Republic Survive the Mainstream Media? I ask, Can the MSM survive the Republic? I, and I expect, many others, despise, detest, and distrust the MSM.
Medicare for all: OK, since 1965 every worker put money into Medicare (as part of their payroll taxes) for that day when they would be eligible. For me that was 48 years. So I paid into it for 48 years before I was eligible to use it. Then they began taking 10% of my SS check to pay for Medicare once I was eligible to use it. In addition to that I pay the 20% of the doctors bill that Medicare does not pay. Not to mention I sometimes pay all or most of the bill because Medicare doesn't cover it.
So, is this what the Democrats mean when they say Medicare for all? Will all future Medicare users who have not yet reached age 65 have to pay into the system for 48 years before they can use it? Will they then have to pay 10% of their income to be eligible to use it? AND will they have to pay 20% of all the bills that Medicare pays 80% of??? Is THAT the plan OR is this really more free stuff that we will call "Medicare for all"? They're just calling it Medicare to elicit good feelings. Single Payer, Medicaid etc. have iffy reputations and wouldn't sell well. Rest assured whatever it ends up being called, it will screw private sector self employed and salaried people as much as or more than Obamacare did.
The truth is that not only is Medicare more expensive for the geezer than most youngsters imagine, it's more expensive to for the doctor than almost everybody imagines. The only reason there are any doctors who take Medicare patients is because they have a sufficient number of other patients that they can still survive economically.
When I moved my mother to live close to me, My wife had a difficult time finding a doctor who took new Medicare patients. When I retired, the office I had gone to for over five years informed me in so many words that they really didn't want to take Medicare patients. The office I got to now is fine but they don't do a REAL physical - it's a "wellness visit" which, after taking my vital signs, consists mostly of questions and drawing a picture of a clock, etc. They will essentially address only one issue - other issues are addressed in a second visit. All this is because of the thinning payment schedules for Medicare. The question for these up and coming socialists is not how will their Medicare for all will be paid for, but how many doctors will stick around for their plans. The established ones will sell their practice and retire, the young ones who either buy those practices or are employees of other "corporate" clinics will last for a while till they burn out and the supply of doctors coming up through school will dry up. I agree and disagree. First on what doctors are reimbursed. You are absolutely correct that Medicare pays them at best between 25%-35% of what they bill. Where I disagree is that so does blue cross, and every other health insurance. AND the doctors know this and inflate everything by about 20%-50%. In fact most hospitals in this country EXIST because of the huge number of retirees subsidizing them. But more importantly the reason they take medicare patients is because most of them would go out of business without it. 90% of patients now a days are under 12 or over 65. If you only cater to the healthy group between 18- 65 you might as well learn to code.
I am in no way capable of making sense of hospital pricing or appreciate all the impacts of that pricing. One of the problems of our "health care system" is the opaque pricing. My supposition is that at least part of the shortfall from Medicare and Medicaid patients are paid for by those who have "real" insurance, but I could be convinced otherwise. A friend of mine who had no insurance was hospitalized for a heart attack. They gave him a bill but since he had no insurance, they cut it in half. My supposition was that the hospital did that figuring that they'd probably padded the bill (as their usual practice) but accepted half because they were rather have half a loaf than none. But as I said, I have to suppose because of the opaque pricing system.
What I know is that I had Blue Cross health insurance for a long time and nobody blinked when I went to the doctor. No doctor said they had as many Blue Cross patients as they could handle, I could talk to the doctor (though this was usually a PA) about as many issues as I wanted, and I got a full physical. Now, Blue Cross could be squeezing doctors just like Medicare does, but the evidence I have is that they at least don't squeeze nearly as hard as Medicare.
2019-01-30 17:54
60 years ago
The Knox mine disaster Jan 22 1959 From the post: On this day in engineering history, the River Slope Mine collapsed after the Knox Coal Company tunneled too closely to the mighty Susquehanna River. The River Slope Mine Located near Pittston and Port Griffith in Pennsylvania's Wyoming Valley, the River Slope Mine was flooded with 10-billion gallons of water that claimed the lives of 12 miners. Later, the U.S. Bureau of Mines concluded that "the cause of this disaster was the removal of the natural support (coal) in the immediate vein beneath the river where the rock strata was insufficient to support the river". Coal and Water On the morning of January 22, 1959, miners from the Knox Coal Company tunneled through rock until the distance between the mineshaft and the river bed was just 6 feet. The company, which had been cited for mining beyond a safety stop line in September 1958, had permission to mine an area about 50 feet inland from the Susquehanna's low water mark. According to the property owner, some 35 feet of rock separated this region from the river and the underlying Pittston vein, a well-mined coal bed. When the Knox Coal Company tunneled toward the riverbed and beyond the safety stop line, the waters of the ice-laden and swollen Susquehanna rushed into the mine. The main roof overlying the Pittston vein consisted of sandstone, a sedimentary rock with relatively high porosity. The mineshaft's immediate roof was made of slate stone, a rock with a lower water-absorption rate, but the miners trapped inside never had a chance to escape. The collapse of the think rock roof created a 150-ft. hole that resembled a monstrous bathtub drain. https://cr4.globalspec.com/blogentry/11299/January-22-1959-The-Knox-Mine-Disaster The final tally was 12 miners killed, 69 rescued. As all the anthracite mines in the Wyoming Valley were interconnected, the anthracite busines was killed over night and 5000 miners were thrown out of work. If you think very late-term abortion is wrong you need to look up Princeton bioethics professor Peter Singer.
Peter Singer has been advocating for infanticide for a long time,(and for no reason). It looks like the mainstream is catching up with him.
The governor of Virginia is recommending infanticide too. So, they want to legalize abortion up to birth, and after too.