A couple of new posts last nite - don't miss 'em.
Duct Tape in space: repairing the shuttle.
Lying lies and the liars who tell them. When you smear someone with a lie, it never goes away, even after corrections. The American Left has learned that lies work as well as facts, but you run out of facts too quickly. For example, after Rather, how many Americans still think Bush played games with his Guard service? Tons. How many people still believe the NSA was listening in on their phone calls? Tons. Now the Ann Coulter plagiarism smear has been corrected, but as a commenter to the piece at Lucianne succinctly says:
Sorry, Ann, too late. The progressives' stink bomb has gone off and the old media doesn't care what you say. As long as some know-nothing moderates now think there was plagiarism, the left's idea of the greater good has been served.
Nature Conservancy buying fishing fleet. Good example of the market approach to conservation. Marginal Rev.
No religion please - we're English. Brits believe they have better ways to reach and reform jailbirds than through religion. Wish they would share this hitherto unknown knowledge with the world. Dinocrat
Probably read this already, but Al Baradei was covering for the Iranians. But he keeps his UN job. Wizbang
The beheadings, on video. I cannot watch. Can you? My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. But go ahead, and ask me what we are fighting for.
Bill Keller in 1944. Why do these folks love Jihadist Islam? Horsefeathers.
Is John McCain unstable? He just sounds like a tough guy to me, but how come no-one who knows him likes him?
Corruption? More Clintons and money. They do love their money. Captain Ed. Always funny how socialists love their own money, but don't want you to keep yours.
Bush 41. What a gentleman. He gets a ship named after him, with grace and humor. Rhymes with Right
Wackos reveal their true view: The US Army are Nazis. Is there a name for this disorder? LGF