Along with whatever meds you usually take (I do BP pills, a statin, and baby aspirin for good luck), I always carry a bottle of amoxicillin, a Z-pak, and about ten 10 mg Ambiens (Zolipidem). I break Ambiens in half as needed.
Flying west to east, I need them to help me recalibrate my sleep. 5 mg works like a dream. I get on local time overnight.
Any doc who knows you will give them to you for travel. Lots of people use them to sleep on planes but neither wine nor Ambien help me do that. Nothing works on planes for me. Torture.
Flying east to west is no problem for me. Going home feels good!
(Caveat: Some people, very few, have strange reactions to Ambien. Just to make sure, try one before your trip if you have not used them before.)