You dirty rat. Study shows rats living in filth are healthier than those in clean laboratory conditions. Plus implications for the human immune system, and support for our preference never to bathe, shave, clean the house, or wash anything. NYT
Left-wing nostalgia. Living in the past can distort your view of the present. Driscoll on Barone's piece.
Gators, bears, cougars: They are less fearful of man (and dogs), and more likely to attack. We should leave them their own space, and quit moving into theirs: there really is enough space to go around.
Murders up: Things getting back to normal in New Orleans. Gov. calls in National Guard.
What are the limits of the Clean Water Act? The Supreme Court cannot decide. The issue is land ownership vs. wetlands protection.
Call me Jose - Me no pay tax: Become illegal and cash in: P/T Pundit
The history of the inheritance tax. View from 1776
I am Pasquale Orsini. Shape of Days - nice piece of writing.
What is Murtha really thinking? And how can he get so much press if he doesn't make sense? Rick Moran
Details on Al Quaida's NYC subway attack plan. Protein. I think they were afraid that they would piss us off even more.