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Thursday, March 8. 2018Who believes in Russiagate?Excellent (h/t Powerline): Who Believes in Russiagate? Knowledgeable reporters on the left and right are frightened by the spread of an elite conspiracy theory among American media
My theory is that the "deep state" and "inside Washington" were determined to save the country and their careers from the lunatic Trump who obviously had no clue about how "inside Washington" works - and didn't even care. In many ways, Trump had lived in a bigger world than they ever had, a world of national and international commerce, media, sports, beautiful girls, and real estate. He took the blows, was knocked down many times, always got back up - and knew how to manage media. He always knew that politicians were low, devious people like him, but easily manipulated. I believe that many laws were broken in the process of preventing Trump, in the confidence that they could drag Hillary across the finish line. That did not happen, and Freak-out ensued. However, blowing up "Inside Washington" is part of why Trump was elected. The "Imperial City" is elite, arrogant, ingrown, bien-pansant, too social, and too wealthy. They only talk to each other, and they are all dependent on highly-paid government jobs. Had I the power, I would move every federal agency to a different middle-sized city, and just keep State and Defense in the DC area. DC was built on a Potomac swamp, is a swamp entirely disconnected from regular people. Trump, with his countless flaws, was the only answer for us peasants. He had to be knee-capped at least. And there we find ourselves.
Posted by The News Junkie
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Mueller and company better be careful what they wish for.
If they should somehow succeed in forcing Trump from office, the immortal words of Bugs Bunny apply: "You realize, of course, that this means war!" Do you have any proof or genuine evidence of deviousness on Trump's part, if so please link.
Good analysis, News Junkie. First rate. And concise.
There is no way the Democrats want Trump actually forced out of office. That means that Pence would be president. Pence is ten times more dangerous to the progressive agenda than Trump, and Pence knows how to play the political game. Plus he has no dirt on him.
This is all a game by the Democrats to fund-raise and get votes for the next election. we need a half dozen or more special prosecutors to investigate Obama's crimes. Let's investigate the real criminal.
"Had I the power, I would move every federal agency.."
What if every congressman was forced to be in his district night and day, 50 weeks a year (any one who could prove he left was given $5000 withdrawn from his congressional pay). I want my congressman driving on our traffic choked pot-holed roads and living in my neighborhood with us and our problems, not in DC having fancy dinners with K street lobbyist. Had I the power, I would move every federal agency to a different middle-sized city, and just keep State and Defense in the DC area. DC was built on a Potomac swamp, is a swamp entirely disconnected from regular people.
I hear there is a lot of very empty land at discount prices in Detroit City. Perfect place to put some federal offices. Good plan, Gringo. With luck 50% of the DC dwellers will quit and never be replaced. Departments such as Education and Commerce can go back to the states' jurisdiction. Those we really need can Skype themselves to oblivion. If Trump secures peace with RocketMan after how many years of failure by other leaders, the other overseas bickering should be a piece of cake.
Now what to do with our homegrown academics, media and great unwashed politicos that just won't give up their constant whining? As a non-American, I think Americans should become more concerned that their government of "by the people for the people" has civil servents living like Sultans.
How do they get their money? I saw that Nancy Pelosi is worth over 25 million. She has been accused of insider trading. This may be true or false, but those representing the American public should be above reproach when it comes to influencing peddling and insider trading. Otherwise, the system that is envied around the world will become like all those corrupt nations where politicians and their cronies enrich themselves at the expense of society. Well said. I would add that I assume the Russians have been playing at this for nearly 100 years, but it didn't matter until it was DJT. The troll factory is/was a preposterous joke, I liken it to pissing in the ocean and believing that it swamped NYC. It also looks like what goes around comes around and the Powers that Be are badly undermined and exposed for who they are.
It isn't just the sneaky, behind the scenes underhandedness or the nepotism and the ineptness, ala Gruber, Ben Rhodes. It isn't just that the "Rules are for thee, but not for me." Hillary is the poster child. It isn't just about the useless top heavy, regulatory state, serving the entrenched interests, and favored Special Interests, while suppressing growth and American competitiveness. It is about the willingness to denigrate and demonize the Middle (Workers & Main Street) while simultaneously stiffing them, people whose only crime is their increasing alarm over their own livelihoods and the future standard of living for their children. I second the motion of moving the EPA to Detroit. If steel comes back it would be a great vantage point to monitor the health of the Great Lakes basin, once an EPA success story.
The Great Lake must be in the top 5 of America's most important assets. It is a significant source of the planet's fresh water and millions of people in many states and two countries rely on it. Maybe they will figure out away to undo the unintended consequences of invasive species foisted on us by the cavalier and reckless Globalists and Financialists. I think there is an element of truth in News Junkie's analysis but I also think it is incomplete. The Deep State has never been a Grand Conspiracy, but I do think they saw the rise of Trump as a threat to their gravy train. However, I also think many of the Beltway Establishment see Trump for what he is - a deeply unqualified, man-child with no real idea what he's doing that is largely out to enrich himself and to try to look impressive/important while doing it. They began afraid he'd ride the populism to drain the swamp and have subsequently realized he only wants to drain it so he can put up another Trump Tower.
The "Imperial City" elite have realized that Trump is only a different kind of corrupt and one that is also dangerous, not only to themselves, but everyone. Worse, the danger from Trump isn't the same as the danger of a Putin or Xi Jinping - very smart, savvy men that can consolidate and manage ruthless power. Trump's danger is more like the monkey with an AK-47. He's sitting in the most powerful office in the world and has no idea what to do with it and no willingness (or ability) to learn. In many ways this is a good thing. If he was actually competent he'd pose a serious threat to turn himself into an American version of Putin. While I'm deeply committed to finding ways to reduce and alter the size and scope of the federal government, I think the first thing we need to do is get the AK-47 away from the monkey. So S-R, have you actually worked with DJT, interacted with him, met him or even seen him from afar in an arena? Or is your take based on gossip, rumors , 2, 3, 4 times removed hearsay, or idle speculaion? I, for one, make an effort not to conflate a public persona with the real person. It's amusing the number of people who imagine they have deep insights into someone they have never met.
No, I've not worked with him and I do not know him. I'm building my analysis based on the available evidence - and it all points to him being in far over his head.
FYI: If you do not know him, etc., then you, too, are imagining you have deep insight into someone you've not met - in my opinion, in spite of the evidence to the contrary. Really, when did I do that? I don't pretend to have any insight into him personally or into any other public figure. I am not particularly interested in personalities but rather by ideas.
The available evidence from a media and punditry that actively hate him? The criticisms from those in our political class that are horribly offended some rich UPSTART dared to run, refused their 'advice' on how to run his campaign, and yet somehow won?
Sorry - I'm looking at results here, and aside from repealing Obamacare (which the Republicans were afraid to do) I'm not at all unhappy with what he's done. Rolling back regulation, getting Saudi Arabia to start pushing back against radical Islam, getting NK to come to the table (whether anything comes from it is another matter - at least they're coming), getting taxes lowered, getting countries to repatriate the money they've held offshore, getting companies to reopen steel and aluminum mills here in the US... Sorry - I'll take what I'm seeing over what the people who hate him are saying. YMMV, results not guaranteed, you know the drill. It's not necessary to believe that Trump is playing 5-D chess to recognize that the 'idiot in over his head' narrative is not accurate, either. All you need is a little bit of history to see that pretty much the same narratives are pushed by the DNC-MSM media complex when any Republican occupies the Oval Office, starting with Ronald Reagan and continuing through GHWB and W.
to paraphrase Scott Adams First, Hitler Then, Incompetent Finally, I don't like what he's accomplishing Exactly. It's not as if we never heard Demos chanting this before. I am reminded of Reagan's saying "There you go again" during a Presidential candidate debate. Demos have gone through this cycle time and again.
There is a final part to the cycle. After the Pub is out of office and no longer all that active in politics, then the former "just like Hitler.. incompetent" PubX, then becomes a contrast to the suddenly now "like Hitler...incompetent" Pubs. "You Pubs are so evil...incompetent, in contrast to PubX, who was such a great guy. Ignore what we once said about him."
2018-03-09 14:23
Some blogger somewhere else has pointed out that Russiagate is actually a free speech issue, and that even Russians have the right to comment on and try to influence our elections.