Can We All Agree That New Year’s Eve Is The Worst?
Sue Grafton, Writer of Popular 'Alphabet' Mysteries, Dies
Public Ignorance and GMO Foods - Fear of GMO foods is an example of the broader problem of political and scientific ignorance.
I will only consume GMO foods in 2018
Poor people get fat because of the food choices they prefer
Who knew? Only in America are the poor fat and the prosperous fit
TRIALS - A Desperate Fight to Save Kids & Change Science
"Boys don't wear princess dresses." Try saying that in public.
Is "men of good will" a scriptural phrase?
Uncle Sam as Santa Claus: Wasteful spending under the tree
Anti-Israel bias reigns at Columbia
Is it safe to hire a woman?
Rich or poor? Most American incomes vary from year to year
The privilege of citizenship
“A powerful person has been accused of misconduct every 20 hrs"
How the ‘feminist’ left let women down in 2017
Why Are Accused Sexual Harassers Overwhelmingly on the Left?
Bad, terrible, no good news for Democrat identity politics destiny
The press vs. Trump, and news too good to fact-check
The Top Ten Underreported Stories of 2017
If it makes the admin look good, it doesn't get reported
How Trump hatred has become the ravings of a crazy uncle
BREAKING: Senator Lindsey Graham Just Confirmed The Steele Dossier Was Used For 2016 FISA Warrant…
Wow. Drain the swamp!
Jan. 2017 was notable because it marked the beginning of the worst year of political journalism in modern history.
CNN appears to have closed its file on the case of the big white truck, but not before demonstrating its nose for news, its news judgment, and its investigative ineptitude.
Imagine a new president whose first year saw: withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord; wiped out ISIS; reversed hundreds of Obama Administration regulatory overreaches; saw back-to-back quarters of 3 percent economic growth; a stock market gain of over 20 percent; illegal immigration plummeting by more than 50 percent; a sterling originalist appointed to the Supreme Court and a record number of similarly-minded judges to the lower appellate courts; and the most fundamental pro-growth tax reform in 30 years.
Sounds pretty good, no?
Price protests turn political in Iran as rallies spread
Tracked: Dec 31, 08:58
Tracked: Dec 31, 09:38