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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, December 27. 2017Wednesday morning links Holiday Retail Sales Highest in Six Years TRUMP EFFECT: RECORD HOLIDAY SALES NEAR $600 BILLION; Expert: Spending Pace Not Seen Since Great Recession How not to save a dying shopping mall Why does the University of Minnesota hate Christmas and Hanukkah? 2017 Was the Year of ‘Diversity Fatigue’ How Progressives Cling to the Past - Progressivism claims to be forward-looking, but it is actually rooted in the distant past. Comrade De Blasio Not Happy With Peasants Riding E-Bikes Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years ONE-THIRD Of U.S. Homicide Spike Coming From 5 Chicago Neighborhoods Trump Slams "Crooked Hillary Pile Of Garbage"-Funded "Bogus" Dossier Have Republicans finally found their groove? Trackbacks
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A thought: Is the NYT actually dissing the mall?
U. Minn.: Hates religion, being "good" lefties. Diversity fatigue: I'm tired of leftist "progressives". How Progressives Cling To The Past: The word "Progressive" always makes me think of cancer, which it is an example of. "Free-fire zone": Some areas of Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit(?). Have Repubs Found Their Groove: I'm hoping it's not too late, and that they can and will stay in it. I wish that the Republicans would find their groove. But I think they have squandered a year that might have been their best opportunity to turn this country back to the constitution and in the best interests of it's citizens. I honestly believe a significant part of doing that would have been to investigate and prosecute those in power who broke our laws. Without any punishment/penalty for their crimes what will stop the Democrats from doing it all again when they gain power. How can we possibly allow the IRS to get away with using their power to affect elections? Why would we allow Hillary/Bill to use their power to enrich themselves by hundreds of millions and worse to use such traitorous tactics to do so? How do we justify allowing the DOJ, the FBI and the CIA to actively engage in partisan political meddling AND to actually commit crimes and then cover it all up? The list of crimes committed by the Obama administration is very long but the Republican congress effort to root out the crimes of the Democrats seems very limited.
Crooked Hillary Pile of Garbage While zerohedge is wacko, they sometimes have some information before others. If true, Trump may have put in place tools to go after the clinton crime foundation, the awan spyring in congress, the uranium one bribery, the podesta-clinton crime foundation interactio, the hatian pedophile trafficing and looting, etc. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-12-27/new-trump-executive-order-targets-lobbyists-clinton-linked-individuals-and-perhaps-u Maybe the FBI Inspector General will finish his review before McCabe gets his pension....and the leakers will be prosecuted? The Awans were likely laundering drug and crime money for Obama's favorite Iran charity, Hezbollah.
Indy, if that is all they did, it would be a blessing. Unfortunately, the Awans had access to ALL the Democrat-held classified information of classified congressional committees. And Debbie Wasserman-Shultz kept them in place long after she was warned.
We have heard very little about this massive Democrat-caused security leak. Something is very fishy here. When you consider that Pres. Trump is working against all the corruption that feeds the professional political class, the global conglomerates, their lawyers and their lobbyists very, very wealthy, it's amazing that any progress has been made to return property rights and privacy to the citizens, not be mention the rule of law. This state of affairs didn't happen overnight, but has been growing since before 1913 and came into full bloom during the reigns of Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama, the ultimate Swamp Rats.
That Swamp runs deep, but we should be seeing some abrupt changes in the next months, starting with the EO issued December 20 that has many of the privileged class quitting their jobs and/or leaving the country. https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-in-sserious-human-rights-abuse-or-corruption JMA, don't get in an elevator with a sex-crazed "Justice" Department lawyer.
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/12/27/doj-scolds-obama-administration-over-reported-groping-harassment-office-sex.html Its not surprising that the FBI and Justice Department clear crooked hillary and generate piles of garbage. Where is zach to tell us that we can trust the ethics and morals of adulterers, breast grabbers and sex abusers who use their government management positions to create an "insurance policy" against a political candidate? There are surely many honest low-level workers at the FBI and Justice Department, who are demoralized by the immoral behavior of their "leaders". E-bikes. I used the Citibike in NY using the bike lanes. The e-bike drivers drove menacingly in the bike lanes. Its the driver s (they're not riders) who drive dangerously and aggressively in the bike lanes. They don't belong in the bike lanes, just as motorcycles don't . Nor should they be on the sidewalks. Elsewhere, such as the street. Let them take their chances.
I'll see your They don't belong in the bike lanes and raise you a bike lanes don't belong alongside traffic lanes.
I rode daily in San Francisco for many years, before, and while in my '70's. I can say I was more menaced by bikers than drivers, and the bike lanes infringed on auto traffic movement, increasing congestion and pollution.
As a rider, I used a bell to alert pedestrians, and drivers of my presence nearby; but I was nearly singularly; indeed, riders breezed by me without any concern of the danger, or alert of their approach. So easy to be courteous but there's and arrogance with many riders. I don't object to bike lanes although I do consider it to be dangerous to mix bicycles and cars on the street. But the biggest problem for (law abiding) bicycle riders on streets is cars making right hand turns. The law, probably foolishly, gives the bicycle on the right the right of way and even more foolishly I see bike riders taking that right of way at top speed. It's almost as though they have a death wish.
Note to bicycle riders; the car driver doesn't expect you to be passing on his right as he makes a turn. About the only way they learn to watch for bicycle riders passing them on the right in intersections while they prepare to make a right hand turn is if they have already hit or almost hit one. Don't be that guy. bike lanes. When Bloomberg's transportation chief wanted bike lanes, Bloomberg, a numbers guy, wanted evidence that this would be safer for traffic, pedestrians and bikes. She showed in several pilot studies, and later in longer term results that bike lanes result in fewer accidents overall and with little or no slowing of car traffic. Note : bike lanes specifically made it safer for pedestrians. as for right turns, as I recall, the north bound lane for bikes is on the left (and I think the same is true for the southbound). This avoids bikes being on the right and cars turning. If a bicyclist doesn't choose to ride in the bike lane, that's on him/her.
Bottom line: the Bloomberg data shows that bike lanes make walking, bike riding and and even car driving safer and doesn't slow car traffic significantly, if at all. Data talks. |