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Tuesday, December 26. 2017Tuesday morning links
FROM JERUSALEM, MERRY CHRISTMAS Franklin Graham: “Refreshing” That Trump Doesn’t Care “What The Liberals Think” On Christmas Ice Age Earth: Global Freeze Lasting 120 Years Threatens ‘More Intense’ Winters From 2019 Two Heterosexual Irish Men Marry To Avoid Inheritance Tax On Property Tucker Carlson Shares Hilarious List Of 100 ‘Racist’ Things FBI report on Martin Luther King Jr. among documents in JFK files Defying Trump again, Jerry Brown pardons immigrants about to be deported Manchin: So, it Looks Like the Tax Bill I Voted Against Will -- Um -- Help A Lot of West Virginians THE BIG LIST OF TAX-CUT PAYOFFS - 17 companies announce bonuses, more pay, expansion Good news An opinion on the ‘EPA Gravy Train’ – and why shutting it down is a good thing Was the Steele Dossier the FBI’s ‘Insurance Policy’? TRUMP “COLLUDES” WITH UKRAINE AGAINST RUSSIA The movement to impeach Trump is just beginning For what? ON DNC/FBI/RUSSIA COLLUSION, THE CIA AND NSA PLAYED A PART TOO Trump Goes SCORCHED EARTH on Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe For ‘Racing the Clock to Retire With Full Benefits’ Christmas Miracle: #NeverTrumpers Praise POTUS As Year One Comes To Triumphant Finish If only the jackass would STFU PANIC AT THE WASHINGTON POST Trump Tells Mar-a-Lago Guests, 'You All Just Got a Lot Richer.' Liberals Lose Their Minds Navy grants fitness amnesty to 48,000 sailors who failed test U.S. Cuts UN Funding By $285 Million Unemployed African “Refugees” Go on Strike in Germany Trackbacks
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He's turned the entire political world on its head, for good reason, and with good results.
"If only the jackass would STFU". I say he's earned the right to say whatever, whenever he wants. Christmas Miracle: #NeverTrumpers Praise POTUS As Year One Comes To Triumphant Finish If only the jackass would STFU _____________________________________ WHY? Because it offends your fine sensibilities under the Marquis de Queensbury rules and reduces the "Hail-Fellow-well-Met" collegiality at your Club? TRUMP tweets are a fighting tool; one that fully engages our the lefty-prog enemies on their own turf! And make no mistake: THEY ARE THE ENEMY! And the fight is a most serious one, even in your clubby little world, BD! Keep it coming, PDT!!! (We can't spare this man. He fights!) I guess my fifth generation western sensibilities are not as refined as those in NYC. Perhaps I don’t pay enough attention to his tweets; I have yet to find offense. I think most of what he tweets is just pulling on the leftist pigtails. It really riles them up. I’m all for that. Go Trump.
Christmas Miracle: A conventional Republican could not possibly do as well, because he/she WOULD not do what Trump has done.
Panic at the WaPoo: Revs up my Schadenfreude! Libs think tax reform is a scam: Of course they do. The Government NEEDS more money, and the little people don't. Movement to impeach Trump just beginning: No it isn't. It started Nov. 9 last year. Any fool would know that! Ice Age Coming: No, man! I've been ASSURED that temps are going up, Up. UP by the BEST climatologists. Tucker Carlson: Well, milk is RAAAAACIST, because it be WHITE!!!!1111!!!! Math, now, is also SEXXXXXIST, too!! Lucky Charms--Irish is a race? Then haggis would be raaaaacist, too. It kind of amazes me that, conservatives especially, complain about Trump's tweets as being undignified who for years Democrats have been engaging in the most dispicable slander against Republicans including voting for Republicans will mean more black churches will burn, will in effect be like throwing wheelchair bound grandma over a cliff, and will elect the next Hitler. All this, while they treat blacks as pets, institute a health care plan that has raised the cost of health insurance beyond what most could afford, and whose president treated his own law as a suggestion that he could change by decree.
Global freeze.
Also, the sun is entering a minimum sunspot phase, which reduces output. It also reduces blocking of gamma rays, which increases cloud cover (which reduces tha amount of sun heat to the earth) https://wattsupwiththat.com/2017/12/15/the-sun-is-blank-nasa-data-shows-it-to-be-dimming/ Climate change toward freezing is real. Would more carbon dioxide in the air both stimulate plant growth, and protect us from freezing to death? Maybe the climate change activists will now advocate putting Global Freeze Deniers in jail?
The Navy story is nothing new. I was in the Navy 20 years ago. If you failed the PT test and/or weigh-in, you were put into a special program where you had to participate in group exercise. They gave you another 6 months to shape up, I think. If you failed the PT test and/or weigh in, you were put on notice that you were going to be ousted from the military. But that also took time, and they gave you multiple chances to fix it through counseling, warnings, etc.
Yeah, I was a USAF pilot '50s-'70s. The only serious PT regimen was the annual flight physical and weight standards. I can understand the infantry and special ops demanding physical conditioning standards, the other branches not so much. I suspect with today's video game aura in combat ops, the need for physical conditioning is not a great as in our era.
If you are overweight by a large margin, you won't fit into the bunks on ships nor through the hatches. You won't be able to see your feet as you go down ladders...and ALL Navy personnel could be put on a ship at any time, in any job, if necessary. So, yeah, it kinda matters.
I agree entirely on Trump needing to show higher standards for his interactions, BD. Reagan always wore a suitcoat when in the Oval Office out of respect for the dignity of the office. These are not artificial which-fork-do-I-use distinctions of etiquette, these are basic manners which we require schoolchildren to observe. Trump has done better on this than he did during the campaign, because I think he actually does have respect for the office.
I think a lot of Trump supporters don't just put up with this, they actively like it. Even though it does no observable good, they pretend it does, because they like WWE politics. They'd rather have a fight than results. The good that Trump is doing is mostly being done quietly. And no, I don't think that's a 3-D chess strategy on his part. Serious mistakes like Manafort and being clumsy and stupid in how he fired Comey argue against that. He's doing okay, he's bright enough to learn quickly. I don't think the wrestling in the mud is his key to success, but I don't think it hurts him much either. Where else is he going to wrestle with the deep staters? You 'gotta take it to 'em.
Thank you for illustrating my point.
Bill H is absolutely right. Conceding the field of battle to the swamp creatures and their media puppets is self-defeating. Trump has to be direct, short, and memorable to break through the media filter. People gain the courage to say Merry Christmas", to recognize they don't have to accept spoiled hundred-million dollar athlete political antics, be bullied by sjw antifa thugs and snowflakes, or trust the FBI based on its own behavior (which was covered up previously). This is only possible by powering through the media screen.
If someone wishes me a "Happy Holiday", I just reply "and a Happy Holy Day to you, too".
2017-12-27 00:58
So you are saying it is impossible to be short and direct without also being rude and insulting? I mean actually insulting and vile, as to Carly Fiorina, Ted Cruz and his wife. You are insisting that there is no other way to get one's point across? I think even Mr. Trump would disagree with you there.
Again, many Trump fans seem to enjoy the fight for its own sake, preferring to watch WWE. I am making specific criticisms, which people are attempting to misrepresent. Trump doesn't care what liberals think on Christmas?
OK. I don't care what leftists think on Christmas ... or any other day of the year, for that matter. I am so glad "the jackass" keeps tweeting.His standards of decorum are just fine, and completely appropriate. Politics ain't beanbag.
His messaging is extremely effective at cutting through the vicious non-stop agitprop against him. He is going over the heads of the media straight to the public. THANK GOD. The swamp must be drained. It simply won't happen by playing nice. I wish it could. But it won't. I believe General Eisenhower would approve, If Trumps rhetoric dropped to the level of Pelosi or Schumer I would be worried. But Trump (almost) always turns out to be right and his opponents wrong. I do think his tweets have a very beneficial effect, i.e. they allow the MSM to focus on them while ignoring the many things he is accomplishing. Kind of a feint or diversionary tactic that keeps the left from focusing on what could actually help their agenda.
Would it be better if Trump choose to be completely silent in the face of criticism like Bush II did? Well I think it was Bush's biggest mistake and I think Trump's tweets are why Trump is president. So it does not surprise me that pundits on the left claim to offer Trump good advice and tell him to be more gentlemanly and not tweet so much. Because they care about Trump of course. LOL "If only the jackass would STFU."
I guess that's the Yankee version of Stockholm Syndrome. Republicans and Independents and Centrists should be seen and not heard. Oh, we progressives will let them occasionally proffer gentle remonstrances about slowing down the march of our holy progressive faith. And then we'll ignore them, except for taxing them to spend their money on us. It's because they don't fight back, they're so genteel, that's how we progressives know the Yankees agree with us. They are such nice slaves. Out in the rest of the country, between the I-95 and the I-5, except for the scattered islands of the Clinton Archipelago, WE the deplorable, irredeemable, dirt-people normies, we can't spare the man. He fights. |