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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, December 21. 2017Thursday morning links ENJOYING THE HOLLYWOOD MELTDOWN Does Yes Ever Mean Yes? Why Are So Many Female Teachers Sleeping With Students? Duh Linda Sarsour said sexual harassment 'doesn't happen to someone that looks like you' Boston: Area musicians call on BSO to diversify programming James A. Sparrow: Jarhead memories of Christmas in The ’Nam Just Like NYC, San Fran’s Taxi “Medallion” System Is Imploding Surprise: Warmists Blame Heavy Heat Snow On Global Warming Thousands of students attend conservative boot camp after taking college exams Why America's Rabbis Voted Trump and Don't Regret It A Modest Suggestion: Perhaps Things Aren’t That Bad Boeing Announces $300 Million Investment Initiative Thanks To GOP Tax Reform Complaint Filed Against Hillary Clinton's "Victory Fund," Alleging They Solicited Donations to State Democratic Parties, Using Them as Straw-Man Pass-Throughs Who Immediately Shipped the Money to Hillary Clinton's Campaign Nikki Haley was right to attack the UN Nikki Haley takes on world government You Won't Be Able to Pay Taxes on a Postcard, and That's Exactly How H&R Block Likes It - The Republican tax bill means most Americans will keep more of the money they earn. But the process will still be frustrating and terrible. Maybe the Tax-Reform Bill Is Unpopular Because Media Mislead Americans Trump: We’re Ending the Visa Lottery; We’re Ending Chain Migration Trump Fully Embraces Far Right Immigration Playbook AVI considers illegal immigration George Soros Illegally Bankrolling Campaign To Amend Ireland’s Constitution, Government Watchdog Says He is an octopus Trackbacks
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Ref: sex and roles
Interestingly, since the big hubbub broke, my wife has been saying not only does this happen, but it happens a lot more than people realize (sometimes the participants even deny it to themselves). From an evolutionary psychological standpoint this interpretation makes perfect sense. In a nutshell: Among mammals, female humans are virtually alone in that they remain sexually receptive even when not fertile. Virtually all mammalian females are sexually inactive at those times. The probable reason is that, unlike other mammals where the female can raise the young entirely on her own through the brief period of helplessness (think of a dog, or house cat), human young are vulnerable, and need intensive care, for a very long time (and are born in a much more undeveloped state). The demands on the mother are far extreme, both in care and the toll it takes on her body. Consider the evolutionary impact of a small change that disables the sexual response 'switch': the female remains sexually active, the male tends to stick around and, as part of that interaction, provides protection and resources with less effort on her part. The advantage to the young is enormous and could quickly become the dominant genetic behavior. The upshot of this is that the non-reproductive sexual behavior in humans is basically about resources. Sex provides additional physical and social capital to human females (whether through structured marriage or other ad hoc arrangements) ... whether they realize it or not, human males and females instinctively follow this pattern. Males are attuned to providing benefits in the interest of sex, one way or another females that use this social resource wisely can have an advantage. Evolution in action. ...(and are born in a much more undeveloped state, and often remain that way until well past middle age)....
FTFY Re: Diversity in the symphony. I think the real question is whether or not the diverse composers are any good. At the last symphony I attended, the oldies but goodies (by dead white men) received much louder and longer applause then the newer pieces. The visiting conductor performed a work of his, and I couldn’t wait for it to end. Based on the level of applause, it was obvious the audience agreed with me, that this new music simply wasn’t the same quality as the old stuff.
The stuff that's survived decades or centuries was considered the BEST of what was composed at the time. How many pieces have fallen by the wayside, because they weren't good enough?
Check back on today's music in a couple of hundred years - almost all will be forgotten, and what stood the test of time (to coin a phrase) will probably not be what anyone would expect. JLawson: Check back on today's music in a couple of hundred years - almost all will be forgotten, and what stood the test of time (to coin a phrase) will probably not be what anyone would expect.
When to clap they'll all be wondering how that Lennon McCartney guy could have been so prolific
We used to have an opera subscription in D.C. - a pretty fair opera company. They would typically offer about a half dozen classics each year, and then one or two novel bits. What immensely great date nights! A little more uplifting than drinks and the disco.
We fell off attending when our son was born. He's in his early teens now so I looked to get a subscription to kulchur the boy up a bit, plus of course, it's sort of a date night too. Turns out the ratio has been flipped by the new director. of 8 or 9 shows this season, 1-2 are classics, the rest are mostly crapola. Well, maybe they are good. But they won't be listened to in 200 years time. So I think we're going to maybe focus on other events in the community. Which is a shame. Diversity FTW! Worth noting that while money was always tight, they're currently facing no-joke bankruptcy. Maybe the NFL can offer some pointers on how to get out of that fix. Meh. There is a reason why diversity must be forced upon you. Why quota's must be used. Why NPR must be subsidized. Why the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) must be subsidized. Why substandard music, performances, art, etc. must be subsidized. Why Hollywood must have the Oscars to tell everyone what movies they should watch and would watch if they had any culture. Don't ask.
They always play the worst stuff first, because it forces people to sit through it so they can hear the real music. With all this modern garbage it always is announced as the world premiere, because it is the first and last time it will be played.
We stopped going to the symphony, and surprise, surprise, it eventually went bankrupt. And then its successor went bankrupt. Please note that the same contamination has happened to what used to be classical music stations, now mostly engulfed by National People's Radio, and now the progressive outlet for this degenerate music. Stopped listened to the public radio station a long time ago too. What's wonderful is what you can find on the internet. Who needs political correctness symphonies and radio stations any more? Jim, US taxpayers certainly don't need political correctness symphonies and radio stations, and shouldn't be required to pay for their propaganda.
Why should taxpayers borrow permanently-long-term to increase the National Debt, to pay hundreds of $millions to NPR each year for its ongoing operating expenses? There is no good reason, except the specious claim that "we as a country can afford to do this xxxxx (fill in the blank)". Some time ago, if I recall correctly, NPR claimed it didn't get any taxpayer money, but it turned out they got hundreds of $millions. If PC-believers and propaganda artists want to support NPR, they have plenty of opportunity to donate to their hearts desire. Just call up during one of the many fund drives. Just as Warren Buffet and other very wealthy citizens can pay extra tax if they want to. Why don't Warren Buffet and Bill Gates just give their $30billion plus to the US Treasury if it is such a good idea, rather than keeping it in a tax-free perpetual foundation? Other radio stations have to compete with publicly funded radio stations. Taxpayers should not have to support publicly funded businesses which compete with taxpaying businesses which need to satisfy an audience to survive. Drain the swamp's use of public funds for political propaganda. PBS and NPR like to play games with declaring where their funding comes from. While it may be true that they receive little direct government funding, they are supported at least in part by subscription fees from their subscribing stations, most of which do receive state and federal government funding. Add to this the fact that many of their "educational" programs receive production grants from agencies from Agriculture to NASA (literally from the dirt to the stars), and a good portion of their revenue comes from government sources.
The oldies we like because we have heard them so often, it's easier to uptake and respond to the moment. It's like breathing, we appreciate the music without consciously trying.
New compositions are always hard. Not having the familiarity, there's no expectation of what will be heard next, and how each moment relates to the whole. The music comes too fast to keep up. In addition, more modern composition tend not to have the section repeats and codas so obviously prevalent in Baroque, Classical and Romantic compositions. Listening to and appreciating new music is like trying to consciously breathe. Takes a lot of concentration, and you can't do it for long. I learned this as a young man in the percussion section of a local orchestra. The Music Director chose an original symphonic work from a local composer affiliated with the State university. At first it sounded like atonal noise to me. After a month of rehearsals and two performances, I began to like it: I recognized what was happening in each phrase and section, and began anticipating the transition to the next, and recognizing the common thread and interactions, how the parts supported the whole. It was an aha! moment for me. That's the knife-edge balancing skill of the Music Director: introducing new compositions that the audience can at least appreciate, and blending with the old favorites. Work before pleasure, you could say. QUOTE: You Won't Be Able to Pay Taxes on a Postcard, and That's Exactly How H&R Block Likes It So much for simplification. QUOTE: The Republican tax bill means most Americans will keep more of the money they earn. Actually, it's not earned money. The $1.4 trillion cost was borrowed by the federal government, then doled out, 80% going to the top 1%, with special provisions for real estate developers, such as Trump and his family. Don't worry, you'll probably get a taste too. Even in Christmas season, I see the Z Borg is out spreading its LIES and misinformation!
Please, oh great Z Borg, tell us how many children died last night because of the newly adopted tax laws, under which Americans to keep more of THEIR OWN MONEY ??? B48: LIES and misinformation!
Are you saying the U.S. is not running deficits, and therefore any tax cut doesn't necessarily involve additional borrowing? Z: Actually, it's not earned money.
Are you saying that the people who receive a tax cut did not earn their money? but government is the source of all good things, so if it is good, it must have come from the government, and if it came from the government, it must be good.
elementary logic.
another guy named Dan
2017-12-21 10:35
Is, to borrow the rightist's favorite slogan, "stimulating the economy" something that comes from government too, Dan?
2017-12-21 16:46
another guy named Dan: but government is the source of all good things, so if it is good, it must have come from the government, and if it came from the government, it must be good.
No. Not everything good comes from government. Not sure why you would think that. Meh: Is, to borrow the rightist's favorite slogan, "stimulating the economy" something that comes from government too Deficit spending can stimulate the economy — when economic capacity and financial markets are underutilized.
2017-12-21 17:03
^ The clattering site robot combs its database and comes up with ... nothing, least of all self-awareness or a sense of sarcasm or irony.
2017-12-21 17:56
Aha! The #!zz works for the Zorg corporation. Natch. "Deficit spending can stimulate the economy", says !z1*. Yeah, and so does Bastiat's broken window.
QUOTE: Zorg: Oh, Father. You're so wrong. Let me explain. [Puts and empty water glass on his desk] Zorg: Life, which you so nobly serve, comes from destruction, disorder and chaos. Now take this empty glass. Here it is: peaceful, serene, boring. But if it is destroyed [Pushes the glass off the table. It shatter on the floor, and several small machines come out to clean it up] Zorg: Look at all these little things! So busy now! Notice how each one is useful. A lovely ballet ensues, so full of form and color. Now, think about all those people that created them. Technicians, engineers, hundreds of people, who will be able to feed their children tonight, so those children can grow up big and strong and have little teeny children of their own, and so on and so forth. Thus, adding to the great chain of life. You see, father, by causing a little destruction, I am in fact encouraging life. In reality, you and I are in the same business. All government spending, beyond the base "dirty jobs" they have been given, is broken-window spending. Somebody, somewhere, got their wealth stolen by the government so proggros and sociopaths could spend it on themselves and their friends and punish their opponents. The lie (er, Article of Holy Faith) being, that the elite Creators of the *Zi and their compatriots know best how to spend wealth to bring us all to that glorious Bending Towards Justice future. The best part is, the !!Z have no concept that the future, and a good one at that, can emerge without anyone intending it. All zzzs know are algorithms and directed priorities. In #Zz view, the whole cosmos is constructed from algorithms and holy priorities. Hence the slavish devotion to NetNeu, a flowering internet curated with lovingkindness by government bureaucracies and their exquisite rules.
John A. Fleming
2017-12-21 20:44
John A. Fleming: All government spending, beyond the base "dirty jobs" they have been given, is broken-window spending.
That is what is meant by the phrase "trading wealth for economic activity".
2017-12-22 10:31
mudbug: Are you saying that the people who receive a tax cut did not earn their money?
You didn't attempt to answer the question. People do earn money, however, they also vote for various services and levels of taxation, meaning the American people are incurring debts. In this case, the tax cuts directly contribute to that debt.
2017-12-21 17:00
In the first place, I wasn't responding to your question. I was responding to the part of your comment where you said, as I quoted, "Actually, it's not earned money." I notice you didn't reply to my post asking if you thought people who got a break on their income taxes did not earn that money.
But you seem to be confused. There is no relationship to my earned income and the profligate spending of my government whether I "voted" for it or not (putting aside the fact that much of the Federal spending is non-discretionary). Your concern about the deficit seems new (I don't remember your concern about it before and even one of you recently suggested that Obama's stimulus package wasn't big enough - pure deficit spending) but you seem to believe that changes in tax policy will have no impact on other behavior that could stimulate the economy for real. Reducing income taxes has a pretty good record of increasing economic activity. It worked for Coolidge, Kennedy, Reagan, and Bush Jr. I expect the record will continue.
2017-12-21 17:29
mudbug: I was responding to the part of your comment where you said, as I quoted, "Actually, it's not earned money."
Think of it this way. You earn $100 salary. The government you elected spends $25 on you for services. You pay $20 for taxes. So you are keeping $80 of your salary and also receiving $25 for services, for a total of $105. Along with that, you are given a bill for a debt of $5. Now your elected government cuts your taxes to $15. You keep $85 of your salary, and receive $25 in services, a total of $110. You also receive a bill for a debt of $10. The effect is to increase your available cash on hand, but at the expense of increasing your debt. mudbug: There is no relationship to my earned income and the profligate spending of my government whether I "voted" for it or not Sure there is. Because YOU owe the money. mudbug: (putting aside the fact that much of the Federal spending is non-discretionary). (That can be changed at any time by your elected legislature.) mudbug: (I don't remember your concern about it before and even one of you recently suggested that Obama's stimulus package wasn't big enough - pure deficit spending) A short-term spending package during a financial emergency is quite different from permanent tax cuts passed when the economy is working at capacity. mudbug: but you seem to believe that changes in tax policy will have no impact on other behavior that could stimulate the economy for real. Of course tax policy impacts behavior. As per our response to IdahoBob below: A stimulus trades wealth for economic activity. Deficits can stimulate the economy — when there is excess economic capacity and available funds in the financial sector. If there is little available investment capital, then deficits tend to increase interest rates. If there is little excess economic capacity, then deficits tend to increase inflation. Now some investment can increase productivity, but corporations are already sitting on loads of cash, so there is no dearth of investment capital. This is the wrong part of the market cycle to increase deficits. It's exactly backwards, and exactly the procyclical policy that exacerbated the financial meltdown.
2017-12-21 17:45
So says Zzźz Krugman who never quite explains economic capacity and how we're supposedly reaching it.
2017-12-21 20:36
Obama ran up half of that amount, just by himself, and put the country into an 8 year economic depression we are only now starting to come out of. The Democrats under Obama put us into more debt that all administrations prior to that, PUT TOGETHER. They destroyed the future for our children and grandchildren, unless someone like Trump can make our country productive again.
And only a Democrat would think like Zach does, which is basically that all your money is not yours, it belongs to the government, except for that portion it may decide to share with you. Jim: Obama ran up half of that amount, just by himself, and put the country into an 8 year economic depression we are only now starting to come out of.
The economic recession was caused by the financial collapse during the Bush Administration, which Obama inherited. The majority of the additional debt was due to the recession. The U.S. economy has grown steadily since Obama took office, and is nearing capacity. Jim: that all your money is not yours, it belongs to the government That is not our view. However, the national debt also belongs to the taxpayers. If you cut taxes while already running deficits without a corresponding decrease in spending, that means you are borrowing money for the tax cuts, with most of the tax cuts flowing to the upper income brackets. That doesn't mean the U.S. can't sustain another couple of trillion dollars hit on the bottom line, but there have a number of such hits, including the wars in the Middle East and the financial meltdown. A trillion here, a trillion there, and pretty soon you're talking real money. Typically, it's best to reduce deficits when the economy is nearing its capacity, as is currently the case in the U.S. By running deficits during the good times, the U.S. will be ill-prepared when the next emergency occurs, and there's the risk of overheating the economy.
2017-12-21 17:12
B48 Even in Christmas season, I see the Z Borg is out spreading its LIES and misinformation!
------- It reminds me of that one mopey kid found in almost every college dorm in America, the one who refuses to go to parties because he needs to sit under his loft bed and dwell upon the fact that injustice still reigns in various corners of the Earth. He might not actually try to do anything about said injustices, but man, he can brood with the best of them. 😧😧😧 http://www.nationalreview.com/article/454790/american-life-2017-worth-celebrating Z,
Could you please provide a copy of Obama's tax overhaul legislation so we could make a comparison? Thanks. The one that looks like this?
http://davidstockmanscontracorner.com/debt-taxes-growth-and-the-gop-con-job/ https://realinvestmentadvice.com/3-misstatements-about-tax-reform/ $1.4 trillion is an estimate and it depends on nothing changing. But of course the lower taxes (especially the lower taxes on business) will change everything.
What this is: Is a test of economic common sense and you failed the test OR alternatively you know that the citizens and American will benefit bigly from this tax cut and you cannot stand it so you must lie about it. Simple as that! Did 80% of the tax cut go to the "rich" or did you conflate corporations and businesses in with the "rich"? There is a difference, a yuge difference and anyone with an economics class under his belt would know this. All of this negative reaction to the tax cut is the same old far left socialist crap that the Democrats have been puking up for the last 50 years or more. They cannot stand it that we mere citizens get to keep some of our hard earned money. All the Democrats in congress are little Maduro's or Castro's in their hearts. They won't be happy till they have everything. IdahoBob: $1.4 trillion is an estimate and it depends on nothing changing. But of course the lower taxes (especially the lower taxes on business) will change everything.
A stimulus trades wealth for economic activity. Deficits can stimulate the economy — when there is excess economic capacity and available funds in the financial sector. If there is little available investment capital, then deficits tend to increase interest rates. If there is little excess economic capacity, then deficits tend to increase inflation. Now some investment can increase productivity, but corporations are already sitting on loads of cash, so there is no dearth of investment capital. This is the wrong part of the market cycle to increase deficits. It's exactly backwards, and exactly the procyclical policy that exacerbated the financial meltdown. "A "stimulus" trades wealth for economic activity"
Do not confuse this with a "stimulus". This is simply tax policy moving from oppressive and counter productive to a lower more equitable rate. We should move to zero business/corporate tax rate. The economic boom would be unprecedented and sustained. Imagine everyone having a job, good income, ending poverty, the good life. But the Democrats don't want that. It is literally impossible to snare people in a socialist net if they are doing well economically. It is extremely difficult to get the poor to vote for more free stuff if they aren't poor and have ample income. So the Democrats need a bad economy. In fact sometime between now and late Summer 2018 the Democrats must crash Trumps economic boom. Are you a rightist?
2017-12-22 07:33
IdahoBob: Do not confuse this with a "stimulus". This is simply tax policy moving from oppressive and counter productive to a lower more equitable rate.
If the tax bill were revenue neutral, you might be able to make that argument, but the fact is that the U.S. is borrowing $1.4 trillion to fund the tax cut.
2017-12-22 10:29
Ironic that not a half hour earlier, in the comment directly above yours, all that bullshit was proven exactly wrong.
Rightists lost the farm and all they can think to do is blame their own cartoons of the left for it. Two things: The left is significantly more deranged than the average rightist knows, and rightists are significantly more ignorant than the left can imagine. Jarhead memories of Christmas in The ’Nam. Of all the wars, in all the countries, all over the world, I had to draw that one.
Bless everyone who served and did their duty there. James Sparrow's story was very touching. I am convinced that we will all be rewarded some day for helping the poor and helpless.
Merry Christmas. My Lai and the ugliness of war got the press but stories like Sparrow's happened every day all over VN. Orphanages, leprosariums, civilians young and old were helped, fed, and doctored to the best of an individual's or unit's ability. In the field we lived a Spartan and generally miserable life but even at that we had it all over civilians caught in the middle of a war. We could call on the military's resources, they lived a hand to mouth existence with no support net, no one to call for help. We did what we could for them not because it was policy or some government program but because we saw it as the right thing to do. Of that I am proud.
Christmas Day 1966, daytime reconnaissance, night ambush on hill north of Blackhorse base camp. Just another day in paradise.
Wait a minute, what is all this we hear about it being about the "art"? I thought it was the art that was important? If it is, then how can a piece of it be sold in exchange for sex? It's almost like the roles are just part of a commercial product where a bit of lower quality put in exchange for graft is very "capitalist", like the Chinese putting lead in kids' toys. It's the current standard for "performance art" along with taxpayer subsidies to the "arts".
QUOTE: I think these were the initials–at the bottom of their photograph, ‘DPR’–director’s rights respected,” he continued. “In other words, ‘If you give me a job, you can have sex with me.’ That was commonplace from people who proposed that they should be a victim. Madness. DRR–director’s rights respected.” Was 'DPR' a slip? Or perhaps it meant "Democratic People's Republic' rules where the important office holder has certain rights to those they oversee? " George Soros Illegally Bankrolling Campaign"