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Monday, December 18. 2017Monday morning links
Are You a Germaphobe? Start Drinking Whiskey ASAP NYT: Is that cappuccino you're drinking really a cappuccino? The Real Danger of ‘Dangerous’ Toys Can We Be Honest About Women? Here’s a little secret we have to say out loud: Women love the sexual interplay they experience with men, and they relish men desiring their beauty. Solway: Why I quit teaching ‘It’s Very Expensive:’ Most Teachers Say Immigration Has Harmful or Mixed Impact Anti-Israel BDS Movement At U. Michigan Ends Not With A Bang, But A Whimper HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE, WAR ON CHRISTMAS EDITION Red and Green Colors ‘Not Appropriate’ During the Holiday Season, University Says Oh by the way, ‘Jingle Bells’ has been found to be a ‘racist’ Christmas carol as well Please! Let me be anything but white. Black women are more likely to die during childbirth. And it’s your fault. " does the iPhone X (or its operating system) think all young Chinese women look the same? ... and therefore, is it racist?" " As a new poll documents, citizens increasingly fear expressing their love of country or expressing their political views, for instance by wearing a Make America Great Again cap." Linda Sarsour Accused Of Enabling Sexual Assault Against Woman Who Worked For Her Net Neutrality – The End Of Google's Biggest Subsidy How To Earn Sweet, Green Energy Subsidies By Burning Toxic Trash Just Say “Yes” To Prosperity: The Need For Benign Neglect 'FREE-FOR-ALL' AT U.S. BORDER REVEALS DISTURBING TREND - Agents 'shocked' by high numbers of illegal crossers from 2 specific countries Pakistan via Mexico? U.S. Citizens DON'T Deserve Priority Over Immigrants, Tucker Carlson VS Crazy DACA Supporter Was the FBI weaponized to take down the Trump presidency? Trump: "My people are very upset" about Mueller obtaining emails Mueller "Improperly" Obtained "Tens of Thousands" Of Trump Transition Emails NYT: A war Trump won America’s Longest-Serving Bomber Sets New Record For Most Smart Bombs Dropped On An Enemy Sweden and the Politics of Denial European Populist Leaders Praise Trump, Call For End Of EU Poland's New PM Wants To "Make Europe Christian Again" CHILDREN ARE STARVING UNDER SOCIALISM The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook Trackbacks
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About women:
Years ago I had a secretary who was literally beautiful. An Argentine of Scottish descent, she had been a model for Ponds before moving to New York. One day she expressed to me a minor complaint about New York "When I walk the men never celebrate my beauty." (Unfortunately she was engaged and I was married.) All American women should watch and learn from the beach scene in Catch-22, where the beautiful nurse Yossarian is trying to make out with keeps surreptitiously kicking him in the balls, without ever compromising her feminine allure.
Not all women love the sexual interplay between men and women. Some women are committed lesbians and hate men and believe that destroying men is their mission in life.
And some women simply love women, find women beautiful, and couldn't care less about men.
Does it hurt your feelings to not be thought about? The anon doth infer too much, methinks.
Why would I care? Why would you care? That is the whole point. It is only when someone becomes predatory that it makes any difference. You/anyone can love men or women and no one cares. It is when you/anyone hates men or women that it becomes a problem. Why is this so hard to understand??? The flip side of sexual harassment.
Imposed sex and physically forced rape in the workplace, casting couch, and academia are abominable. The threat of job loss, blacklisting, and other consequences of a pervert using institutional power to coerce sex should be rooted out with major criminal penalties. The flip side is use of sex to acheive undeserved institutional gain. The woman (or man or other gender) who sleeps with the boss, or purchasing agent or professor for promotion, or congresscritter to get a raise, raise a grade, get a law or regulation passed, obtain PhD approval and the like (all quite common) is equally harmful to our businesses, universities, government and other institutions. It corrupts and harms the misapplied institution, the more capable students, salespeople, employees, lobbyists, etc who are shunted aside. Exactly. We all remember when Monica Lewinski said "I'm going to the White House to get my presidential kneepads."
She fully intended to engage the president in a sexual liaison. She also used sex to improve her position in the White House (no pun intended). We may have one of those running for President in the next election cycle. At least she is being put forward by the progressives as the "female Obama."
Google Kamala Harris and Willie Brown (most powerful politician in California). Kamala Harris has a lot of baggage a lot of negatives which I assume would all come to light if she ran for president.
So did The One, but it didn't seem to matter once the media pundits got through polishing Him up. And then we suffered for 8 years.
Net neutrality was like like forcing a Prius owner to pay per mile costs equal to, and subsidizing, my 2001 Silverado HD2500 operating costs. Very good for me.
Mark: Net neutrality was like like forcing a Prius owner to pay per mile costs equal to, and subsidizing, my 2001 Silverado HD2500 operating costs.
Close. With Road Neutrality, the roads have to take you regardless of the type of vehicle, but can charge more or less depending on weight of vehicle. Zach, how about my analogy then, which you haven't responded to.
Net "neutrality" is like me paying "X" dollars per month for the personal drinking and shower water my family uses at my home. A large commercial truck and carwash, and a large irrigation farm pay the same "X" dollars per month for an enormously larger number of gallons of water use. Mush more water, at a tiny fraction of the cost per gallon (megabyte). The total cost to the water utility for giand amount of water use is paid by people like me who don't have a google carwash or facebook irrigation farm, or netflix soft drink business. This is to protect the neutrality of the water supply. jaybird: Net "neutrality" is like me paying "X" dollars per month for the personal drinking and shower water my family uses at my home. A large commercial truck and carwash, and a large irrigation farm pay the same "X" dollars per month for an enormously larger number of gallons of water use.
That is exactly wrong, and shows the power of propaganda. In fact, there is nothing in net neutrality that says ISPs can't charge more for more bandwidth. They do it all the time. The water analogy doesn't work well, but it would be as if it were possible to choose your water source, but your local pipe was controlled by a single operator who restricted or throttled your access to only certain water sources. Here is what it looks like in Portugal, which has weak protections. The effect is to entrench existing players, and disadvantage innovative newcomers. All of your metaphorz are moot.
By a 3 to 2 vote "Net Neutrality" is gone. Sorry, kiddiez. Try to keep up.
2017-12-18 15:45
Wrong again zachs. "Net neutrality" (net socialism) is a giant subsidy to the businesses of babdwidth hogs like facebook, which do censure.
We can change ISPs (water sources) - which I have done. If what you fear happens, there will be a Robinson-Patman type act to prevent tying and other antitrust behavior. Easy peasy. I've added "try to protect internet subsidies to giant companies like facebook which censure and use prior restraint against users" to the list of your troll assignments.
2017-12-18 15:50
You completely ignored your own analogy when it showed you were incorrect on what net neutrality actually means. It does not mean that you have to pay the same as someone who uses a lot more data.
2017-12-18 16:06
zach, why do you ignore the censorship of the bandwidth hogs? Google, twitter, facebook, etc blocking searches, opinions, content (even scott adams, dilbert creator) that aren't socialist or politically correct enough? A good civil and criminal Robinson-Patman type antitrust and anti-tying law for internet services takes care of censorship and "socialist justice warrioring", eh?
2017-12-19 07:51
jaybird: why do you ignore the censorship of the bandwidth hogs?
We're not ignoring it. They aren't monopolies, and to switch to another search engine is as easy as clicking this link. Without net neutrality, it may not be as easy, because the ISP may give preference to one provider over others. jaybird: Net "neutrality" is like me paying "X" dollars per month for the personal drinking and shower water my family uses at my home. A large commercial truck and carwash, and a large irrigation farm pay the same "X" dollars per month for an enormously larger number of gallons of water use. This was exactly wrong, and you haven't made any effort to understand why you were exactly wrong about what net neutrality means, nor adjusted your views based on this new knowledge.
2017-12-19 09:10
Once again ZACH...treat ISP's as a public utility just like your local water, power, or phone company. Absolutely no need for federal regulation unless you love federal money and power as the all powerful OZ. Most ISP's in my area grew out of land line phone companies. The real threat is the FAANGs which use millions of dollars to buy positioning in the federal regulatory commissions and basically write the regulations used to rule out competitors. We're very familiar with the progressive agenda to globalize government and homogenize people.
indyjonesouthere: treat ISP's as a public utility just like your local water, power, or phone company.
Which is essentially what is meant by net neutrality, treating ISPs as common carriers. As for local control, the new FCC rules preempt state and local laws concerning net neutrality. So much for limited government.
The state I live in has no internet laws and as things are working it needs no internet laws. If laws are needed at a later date I would guess there won't be a problem getting that approved. Why are you so insistent on demanding control on everything when control is not needed at the federal level. You are simply playing into the hands of the FAANGs who will play the corporatist game of buying access at the price they want to pay and make access harder for startups. You are creating a problem and solving nothing...are you a lobbyist for the FAANGs?
2017-12-18 16:43
indyjonesouthere: If laws are needed at a later date I would guess there won't be a problem getting that approved.
Sorry, but state and local laws concerning net neutrality have been preempted by the federal government. indyjonesouthere: Why are you so insistent ... We're insistent upon fact. You want ISPs to be treated as utilities, which is very much akin to net neutrality. Then you say you want local control, but the FCC preempted local control with regards to net neutrality.
2017-12-18 16:57
indyjonesouthere: You are simply playing into the hands of the FAANGs
Actually, established players no longer need net neutrality. They can afford to negotiate with all the various ISPs around the country, and pay the fees to gain a competitive advantage from preferred access. It's innovative new content providers that will be disadvantaged. The future will probably look more like cable.
2017-12-18 17:06
They wouldn't be lobbying for it if they didn't want it.
2017-12-18 17:30
indyjonesouthere: They wouldn't be lobbying for it if they didn't want it.
It used to be very important to their business models, but now less so. You could blame corporate inertia for their continued support of net neutrality, or perhaps they really do believe in net neutrality. Meanwhile, you continue to ignore the argument. New innovators can least afford to negotiate with all the ISPs around the country, much less pay the fees they may impose, if they even offer such an option.
2017-12-19 09:00
And once again they would not be lobbying for it if they did not want it. Like every other department, the corporatists will eventually capture the department and create whatever law they wish to have an advantage. Corporatists have done that at the Fed, at Fannie and Freddie, at the FDA and CDC. Eventually they capture and run the department that regulates them. So, no thanks, keep the corporatists and government away from any net regulation.
2017-12-19 17:14
indyjonesouthere: And once again they would not be lobbying for it if they did not want it
They see net neutrality as critical for innovation.
2017-12-20 09:35
indyjonesouthere: So, no thanks, keep the corporatists and government away from any net regulation.
Instead, you would have quasi-monopolies control the Internet, transforming its open character.
2017-12-20 09:39
indyjonesouthere: Eventually they capture and run the department that regulates them.
Sure, which is why we have noted that targeted legislation would be better than ...
2017-12-20 09:40
Title two regulation.
{Sorry, spam filter again.}
2017-12-20 09:41
"With Road Neutrality, the roads have to take you regardless of the type of vehicle, but can charge more or less depending on weight of vehicle."
Nope. The road is still there. Everyone can use it equally. But, you'd have to pay for more or less for FUEL depending upon the weight of the vehicle. Want to drive a heavier vehicle (use more data)? Pay for it. It's really very simple. jimg: The road is still there. Everyone can use it equally.
Exactly. That's Road Neutrality. jimg: But, you'd have to pay for more or less for FUEL depending upon the weight of the vehicle. Exactly. That's Road Neutrality. (It's "neutral" because it's irrelevant what is in the vehicle, only the weight matters.)
2017-12-18 17:24
net neutrality was about seizing power. It was about censorship and propaganda. It was about subsidizing what the government wants and pushing out what they do not want. But most importantly it was about doing all of that secretly while telling the Hoi polloi it was about equal treatment, fairness and making the rich pay. After all you cannot pass liberal legislation and bureaucratic red tape with honesty don'tcha know.
OneGuy: net neutrality was about seizing power. It was about censorship and propaganda.
What net neutrality means is that your ISP can't tell you what data you can download, that CNN and Maggie's Farm must be treated equally by the ISP. My ISP does not tell me what I can or can't download...it is an information channel only.
indyjonesouthere: My ISP does not tell me what I can or can't download...it is an information channel only.
That's called net neutrality. That is what is at issue going forward.
2017-12-19 09:11
And it didn't require a single federal law or regulation...its been that way for nearly 20 years.
2017-12-19 17:08
indyjonesouthere: And it didn't require a single federal law or regulation...its been that way for nearly 20 years.
Well, sort of. The industry has grown substantially, meaning the stakes are higher than before. There's been increasing consolidation and vertical integration in the industry, with fewer choices for most consumers. And there are a plethora of new tools that allow ISP to discriminate by data types and sources. The last few years have seen examples of how ISPs have tried to control the flow of data to their customers. A North Carolina ISP blocked Vonage. Comcast blocked peer-to-peer. AT&T forced Apple to block Skype, while also blocking FaceTime. A DSL service redirected Google searches to their own search utility. Verizon blocked tethering apps. And so on. These are just the leading edge of what ISPs will do now that they are unfettered. The most likely way forward is for vertically integrated ISPs to bundle services. So AT&T bundles DirecTV with their service. This sounds okay, but what it does is lock in existing players, while disadvantaging innovation. If so, the Internet may begin to look more like cable.
2017-12-20 09:29
That is what is so nefarious about this. What you said "What net neutrality means is that your ISP can't tell you what data you can download, that CNN and Maggie's Farm must be treated equally by the ISP." is the cover story for the real purpose; which is to control the internet, the users and the flow of data. It is and always was a total scam to take full control of the most power social force ever.
Sidebar: The Roman catholic church used confession as the greatest spy mechanism the world had ever seen. It allowed them to control the known civilized world for centuries. Control the flow of information and you can control the world. "Sidebar: The Roman catholic church used confession as the greatest spy mechanism the world had ever seen. It allowed them to control the known civilized world for centuries. Control the flow of information and you can control the world."
OK, you're on to us! May as well admit it: every single confession made since the Church was founded has been carefully recorded, cross-referenced and filed away in the Vatican. Naturally, you have to be a member of the Illuminati to gain access. And with so many files accumulated over the last 2,000 years, we've begun depositing them in Area 51 as well.
2017-12-19 07:38
OneGuy: What you said "What net neutrality means is that your ISP can't tell you what data you can download, that CNN and Maggie's Farm must be treated equally by the ISP." is the cover story for the real purpose; which is to control the internet, the users and the flow of data.
2017-12-19 09:26
Classifying ISPs under Title II does give the Federal Communications Commission significant power to regulate.
2017-12-19 09:30
{problems with spam filter won't allow a complete answer here}
2017-12-19 09:38
It should be possible for Congress to pass a law protecting net neutrality without additional regulatory authority.
2017-12-19 09:41
However, the current U.S. legislative process is dysfunctional.
2017-12-19 09:42
Nonetheless, that CNN and Maggie's Farm should be treated equally by your ISP is something worth protecting.
2017-12-19 09:46