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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, December 16. 2017Saturday morning links
Image: The wording is ambiguous, isn't it? Throw the kid, or the box? A solar system with eight planets was found using Google AI Avocado Hand Injuries Are Real. Is A Seedless Fruit The Answer? It's a crisis Struggling Subway is now facing a franchisee revolt I like their Italian Combo with onions, tomato, and lots of jalapenos Photographer Christopher Herwig Hails The Brutal Charm Of The Soviet Bus Stop Nutrition Has a 'Consensus' to Use Bad Science: An Open Letter to the National Academies “I Think Occasionally, ‘Do I Really Want To Be Alone With A Female Employee Now?’” Ummm. Maybe yes and no. Net neutrality dies, and the second great equalizer returns to its former glory Kimmel And CNN Compete For Best Crazy On Net Neutrality To Protest Trump, Nazareth Mayor Cancels Christmas Performances Makes perfect sense. I'm sure Trump is SAD Time for the ethanol lobby to be put out to grass, Sen. Grassley Indeed Trump to remove ‘climate change’ as a national security threat Good Greatest Stock Market Rally Ever: Dow Up Most points in a Calendar Year Ever – Ties Record for Most All-Time Highs in a Year Good. It's good not to have an anti-business government. You get more jobs, more wealth, more opportunities for everybody, and less dependency. The United States Isn’t the Only Country Still Trying to Figure Out the Vietnam War My father fought the CIA's secret war in Laos The Deep State’s Christmas Present to America: Surveillance That Never Ends President Trump Symbolically Cuts Red Tape of Government Regulations The media's reign of error Prominent lawyer sought donor cash for two Trump accusers Was the Steele Dossier Used to Obtain a FISA Warrant Against Trump’s Campaign? Liberals and NeverTrump Neocons (But I Repeat Myself) Rally to Defend Mueller Against Completely True Charges That His Staff is Filled With Hyperpartisans Rep. Trey Gowdy ‘Predicts’ Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe Will Be FIRED By Next Week Williamson via Schneiderman:
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QUOTE: Net neutrality dies, and the second great equalizer returns to its former glory Without net neutrality, your ISP can give preferential treatment to CNN, while throttling fresh upstarts, such as Maggie's Farm. The problem is that, for most people, data is pushed through only one or a few available ISPs, giving the increasingly consolidated ISPs inordinate power to determine content for the end-user. Because of vertical integration, the most likely way ISPs will manipulate the market is through bundling, giving preference to in-house digital sources, while throttling competitors. Repeated leftizt talking pointz and continued whining.
Thankz kiddiez. yes, just like they did for decades prior to 2015 when Obama made them title 2 companies on request of Comcast, Verizon, Google and Facebook...
JTW: yes, just like they did for decades prior to 2015
Consolidation is an ongoing process, along with newer tools for controlling the data-stream. monopolies are also an ongoing process...just as ma bell became and statism prevailed until ma was busted up. No need to create another ma bell with net "neutrality".
indyjonesouthere: monopolies are also an ongoing process
Ending net neutrality will probably result in more consolidation as ISPs will now be able to use vertical integration to control their markets and restrict novel content providers.
2017-12-17 15:29
They have been doing that WITH net neutrality. Buying up their small competitors as capital costs are too high and lenders will not back a startup facing the FAANGS. Bust the FAANGS on monopoly practices and problem solved. FAANGS want control and net neutrality delivers it for them. Big government is backed by the big corporatists.
2017-12-17 18:19
If the ISP is your problem it can be dealt with like any public utility. Price it like a water bill, power bill, telephone bill but keep the federal government out of it. ISP's are simple information paths. Railroads could be run the same way...separate the trackage from the running stock and watch innovation take over.
2017-12-17 20:22
indyjonesouthere: They have been doing that WITH net neutrality.
That's right. Ending net neutrality exacerbates the problems associated with consolidation and vertical integration. indyjonesouthere: Bust the FAANGS on monopoly practices and problem solved. Good luck with that. Restraints on monopolies have been eroded, with support especially found within the Republican Party business establishment. Conservatives argue, in part correctly, that monopolies tend to be short-lived in the modern economy. indyjonesouthere: If the ISP is your problem it can be dealt with like any public utility. Price it like a water bill, power bill, telephone bill but keep the federal government out of it. ISP's are simple information paths. That would be close to the concept of net neutrality, under which the ISP is a common carrier and has to deliver information without regard to content. It's funny. in a way, that you just argued for net neutrality.
2017-12-18 09:21
Local or state regulation of a public utility is far more responsive to local needs than the federal one size fits all. Federal capture of any regulation eventually winds up serving the needs of the corporatists as the big money corporatists are quite happy to deal with the power and money hungry government. The FCC was being captured by the corporatists with net neutrality. Now the corporatists are back out on the street trying to get lame brain progs to demand the corporatist mandate. Keep it local and keep it simple.
2017-12-18 12:39
indyjonesouthere: Local or state regulation of a public utility is far more responsive to local needs than the federal one size fits all.
You may want to talk to your Republican-controlled federal legislature about limited government. The new FCC rule, passed on a party-line vote, preempted state and local governments from taking their own action to preserve net neutrality within their communities.
2017-12-18 12:53
QUOTE: The media's reign of error Nothing new about that. It's due to the tension between being right and being first. That'z not an excuze for intentionally mizleading and fabricating reportz.
Thankz again kiddiez. If that were true, there would be a more equal balance between errors that are anti and pro Trump, GOP, Dems. There are no errors that make Trump look better than he might appear.
QUOTE: “A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” -- Mark Twain mudbug: If that were true, there would be a more equal balance between errors that are anti and pro Trump, GOP, Dems.
They never report about the houses that are not on fire. mudbug: There are no errors that make Trump look better than he might appear. There is a whole cable news network and many websites dedicated to making up good news about Trump, and bad news about his opponents. The only Subway sandwich that's worth eating is their Feast!
I didn't know Subway regarded McDonalds as their main competitor. Does Subway sell hamburgers?. I thought the growth of Jimmy John's (which sells sandwiches ) was their main new competitor. Maybe Subway's problem is that they have misidentified their main competitor?
QUOTE: Greatest Stock Market Rally Ever: Dow Up Most points in a Calendar Year Ever – Ties Record for Most All-Time Highs in a Year Quite a rally. Dow Jones I give this a score of 8.5. Admirably brief, the link is relevant, and the argument shows you understand the importance of putting noisy data into a long-term context. Be careful about letting that last part leak over into other areas of mandatory scientific consensus.
The kidz lovez them zome meaninglezz graphz with pretty colored linez when they can't dizpute the factz.
Thankz again kiddiez for another fail. If you do not understand what net neutrality is about all you need to do is observe who is violently for it and who is against it. The same masked people who were beating up Trump supporters during the elction and after are now beating up those who want to repeal net neutrality. The Same communist Democrats and foreign money forces who oppose Trump and our constitution favor net neutrality. net neutrality gives incredible power to the government and the events of the last year has shown how our government can abuse their powers. The proponents of net neutrality will tell you all the good things it will bring but we have seen this before. What a nice sound the title has "net neutrality"! What could possibly be wrong with "net neutrality"???
GoneWithTheWind: If you do not understand what net neutrality is about all you need to do is observe who is violently for it and who is against it.
Here are a few non-violent supporters of net neutrality: • Vint Cerf, “father of the internet” • Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the world wide web • Steve Wozniak, inventor of the Apple computer Zach, I don't want to be forced to pay for the infinitely free bandwidth used by bandwidth pigs Facebook, Google, Twitter, Netflix, the porn industry, movie streaming, song streaming, etc. Why should I have to pay for fungible, unlimited gigabytes used by bandwidth hogs? Let Facebook, Netflix, video/song streamers pay for what they use. Let consumers decide, rather than subsidizing these streaming band-guzzling giants getting a free ride.
"Net neutrality" is code for saying that I have to pay the exact same amount per month for personal drinking water, that an industrial carwash business, and large farm irrigation system pay for an enormously larger amount water. jaybird: I don't want to be forced to pay for the infinitely free bandwidth used by bandwidth pigs Facebook, Google, Twitter, Netflix, the porn industry, movie streaming, song streaming, etc.
You don't. You pay for the bandwidth you use yourself. jaybird: "Net neutrality" is code for saying that I have to pay the exact same amount per month for personal drinking water, that an industrial carwash business, and large farm irrigation system pay for an enormously larger amount water. That's exactly false, and illustrates how well the anti-net neutrality propaganda works. There is nothing in net neutrality that says you can't pay a smaller amount for a small bandwidth, or a greater amount for a large bandwidth. However, with net neutrality, your local provider can't restrict your access to whatever content you desire. Without net neutrality, an ISP can provide you access to CNN which they may own, while restricting your access to Maggie's Farm. Zach, wrong !. Facebook, netflix, music/video streamers get effectively "free" bandwidth at my expense and the expense of otehrs who aren't free bsndwidth hogd.
How does your threat of content lrestriction differ from Google restricting search content it doesn't like, facebook, twitter, et al banning or restricting content and people they don't like, which is happening now? The ISPs will be made public utilities, to prevent banning and other censorship, which is happening now.
2017-12-17 15:18
jaybird: Facebook, netflix, music/video streamers get effectively "free" bandwidth at my expense
That is not correct. They pay for their connection to the Internet, and you pay for your connection to the Internet. The question is whether they should have to negotiate individually to deliver product to the end user of a particular ISP. This will create hurdles for new content providers. Not only may they have to pay more than their competitors, but they may have to negotiate with every ISP. jaybird: How does your threat of content lrestriction differ from Google restricting search content it doesn't like, facebook, twitter, et al banning or restricting content and people they don't like, which is happening now? It's significantly different. Google and Facebook are content providers, not ISPs who control the last mile of your Internet connection. If you don't like Google, you can simply browse Bing or Yahoo. But if your ISP has a deal with DirecTV, but throttles competitors, you will have far fewer options.
2017-12-17 15:27
Zsch, you are full of BD. Your credibility is zero. If I have to pay the same amount for a small amount of bandwidth and don't use Facebook or twitter which violate free speech by blocking people and entities they don't like, but someone else uses giant bandwidth to use facebook, pays the same. You support censdorship and subsidies to facebook.
If I don't like my isp, I'll get another one, or lobby congress to make them a public utility, which is coming.
2017-12-17 18:20
sorry BD, a typo. Zach is full of BS. They have a new assignment to defend internet censorship of ideas and groups they don't like.
2017-12-17 18:23
jaybird: Your credibility is zero.
We rely on objective evidence and rational argument. jaybird: If I have to pay the same amount for a small amount of bandwidth and don't use Facebook or twitter which violate free speech by blocking people and entities they don't like, but someone else uses giant bandwidth to use facebook, pays the same. There's nothing in net neutrality that says you can't pay less for less bandwidth. Most ISPs offer various bandwidth packages, which is completely consistent with net neutrality. Net neutrality protects free speech by disallowing your ISP from preferring some speech over other speech. It's when you lose net neutrality that ISPs gain the power to filter speech.
2017-12-18 09:25
Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf ("fathers of the Internet"): Al Gore was the first political leader to recognize the importance of the Internet and to promote and support its development... as the two people who designed the basic architecture and the core protocols that make the Internet work, we would like to acknowledge VP Gore's contributions as a Congressman, Senator and as Vice President. No other elected official, to our knowledge, has made a greater contribution over a longer period of time.
Zach, I'll admit your hero Al Gore not only claimed to have invented the internet, but he also invented the geo-dolar stationary satellite, and the private personal massage parlor for traveling dignitaries away from home and the wife. He should get the Nobel prize in physics for inventing the satellite, and the Nobel prize in medicine for inventing the personal private laptop massage parlor. And this from a guy burdened with enormous White Privilege who may have even lower grades and IQ than Bush.!! Surely your hero also deserves a Nobel in literature for his global warming fiction that the ice caps would be completely melted by 2014, and a Nobel in economics for his tobacco farm political money-making monopoly. Add these new Nobel prizes to the Nobel Peace prize shares with Peacemongers Yasser Arafat and Obama, and your hero deserves a grand Nobel slam.
2017-12-17 15:45
Not sure what point you are trying to make, but according to the people most instrumental in the development of the Internet, Gore made important contributions over a long period of time, showing his vision for what he termed the Information Superhighway.
2017-12-17 15:56
I'll spell it out for you ZSch. Gore is a silly, self-aggrandizing goose. Super-privileged, tobacco-farming, hypoctite son of a wealthy congresscritter. Bad husband to a good woman. Morals and ego of Ted Kennedy. We dodged a bullet when he was defeated. Me Me Me, look at me!!!! I voted for a satellite!!! I predicted the end of the ice caps in 2014 !!! I'm a genius !!!
2017-12-17 18:30
jaybird: Gore is a silly, self-aggrandizing goose.
Yet the goose made important contributions, as a Congressman, Senator and as Vice President, to the development of the modern Internet.
2017-12-18 09:28
KimKomando on the Obama administration's partisan attempt to take over the Internet for the benefit of its supporters under "Net Neutrality":
https://www.komando.com/happening-now/434301/my-take-on-net-neutrality-do-you-agree Supporters of net neutrality:
• Vint Cerf, “father of the internet” • Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the world wide web • Steve Wozniak, inventor of the Apple computer Kim Komando: ISPs would have been forced to treat all data alike, ignoring the different needs of the various kinds of data traveling over the internet. It stuck your favorite Netflix stream on the same slow road as your least-favorite email from work.
Sure. As your own citation notes, not having net neutrality means your ISP can prioritize their own vertically integrated content, while restricting access to competitors. They can give preference to CNN, while throttling that fresh new up-start, Maggie's Farm. So there you are. re: soviet bus stops
I won't say I like soviet social realism because of what it sets out to do. But I do admire it. It's beautiful in a menacing and dangerous way. It does exactly what it sets out to do. Even in a bus stop it. There is a famous statue in Tulsa, The Golden Driller. Google it. It's a sight to see. Everyone admires it and thinks of it as an icon of the city, but I've always thought it was a distasteful example of American social realism. "Was the Steele Dossier Used to Obtain a FISA Warrant Against Trump’s Campaign?"
I would bet that that FISA Warrant was the 'insurance policy' Strozk was referring to while texting his girlfriend over at the Justice Department. Got to be able to take down an elected government when you need to.... JMO1 - the limerick is a non-PC, but admirable art form.
There once was a G-man named Strzok who judged Clinton's election a lock but his lust for some tail could put him in jail and his bureau's honor in hock. I stayed away from his name Peter, other _ock words, and his young literal "underling's" name, because this is a nice family website. I'm not very good at limericks, but its fun.
Maybe G-man Strzok actually believed russian whores peed in a hotel room on a drunk Trump, because this happens to his own SENIOR counterterrorism agents? Strock’s agents train drinking with whores To confirm Steele dossier chores And when they tell Strozk They lost Rolex and Glock, He understands sexual lures. From Instapundit: (pretty bold for mere exotic dancers to knowingly dupe senior FBI who surely said how important they were - more likely these women were trained Russian agents?): "In July, Robert Manson, a unit chief in the F.B.I.’s international terrorism section, had his Glock .40-caliber handgun, a $6,000 Rolex watch and $60 in cash stolen from his room at the Westin hotel in Charlotte, N.C., according to a police report. . . Mr. Manson and other senior agents were in Charlotte for training, according to a law enforcement official familiar with the episode. The agents later told the police that they had been drinking with women who said they were exotic dancers, according to a second person who was briefed on the investigation but, like the first, was not authorized to discuss it publicly. “Investigators determined that the victim, Robert Manson, met a woman in the hotel bar the prior night and took her back to his hotel room,” Robert Tufano, a spokesman for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department, said in a statement. At 6:30 the next morning, police officers for the department were called to the hotel. Mr. Manson was incapacitated because of alcohol, according to the police report, which he did not file himself...." I haven't cut myself opening an avocado, but then I have sharp knives and am careful with them.
Do I want to be alone with a female employee? Not being employed, it's not a problem for me. For employed men, no, No, NO. Sov. Bus Stops: Interrrrrrrrrrestink! Ethanol Lobby: Needs to be euthanized. Corn is for whiskey and food. Palestinian statelet viability
Should the US borrow $billions from our grandchildren to increase our national debt, in order to pay palestinians who hate us, and pay terrorists? US gives about $700 million a year to Palestinians directly, and and through the UN, as the largest donor. See also https://fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/RS22967.pdf Why can't Palestinian refugees go to arab countries? Why do they have to go to the US and Europe? Borrowing to increase the federal deficit is an easy “yes” for crooked congresscritters and freeloading US citizens without children and without morals or concern for their country after they die (they always argue “surely ‘we’ as a country can do this good thing…”). Margaret Thatcher thought that government spenders would “run out of other people’s money”. She didn’t recognize that crooked congresscritter greed could steal from what they think is an infinite number of future people who can’t vote them out of office. The NLRB just nullified some of Obama's illegal union labor rules:
https://hotair.com/archives/2017/12/16/nlrb-just-blocked-one-worst-union-abuses-obama-era/ I like Ace generally, but the inflated terminology of "completely" true and "hyperpartisan" is part of making the right - and I have to say especially the Trump right - less credible. We have facts and good arguments, we don't need to exaggerate.
Agree on Ace... 'cept I don't like him generally anymore. I followed that blog from 03' ..daily.. and then last year, he went LGF in his anti-Trumpism. He was so caustic and was banning people... I guess it's a NY thing? I loved the many commenters there, but I've checked back once and awhile ( like yesterday) and searched comment streams, and like me, most of the oldies are gone. Oh well.. it was a hell of a election.
Re: Subway
Never liked the texture of their bread. And that's going back to the 1980s. And you can easily find a local deli that makes a much better sandwich. Anywhere. Christmas Tip - a real hoot! Gonna remember that.
Re: Russian bus stops - I couldn't help but think that we would probably have the same weird assortment if the NEA was handed the job here! The Russian bus stops reminded me a little of old route 66 in the West back in the 60's
Tracked: Dec 17, 09:25
Tracked: Dec 17, 09:35
Tracked: Dec 17, 11:04