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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, December 14. 2017Thursday morning links
This is exactly how long women want sex to last Computers win the chess race Acclaimed film of boy-man love raises hackles in Hollywood History: The folly at the onset of the Great Depression Some of it was plain antisemitism Lawsuit accuses Oberlin of slandering local bakery as racist GENDER TYRANNY AT SWEDISH UNIVERSITIES Scared Cops Are Scary GOP tax bills aim to derail the green-power gravy train FCC Vote On Net Neutrality Coming Thursday The Real Challenges for American Intelligence Agencies Tax Bill Is Christmas Present Americans Have Been Waiting For More, Better Jobs for Minorities It’s Never Fun to Lose a Senate Seat, But the GOP Dodged a Bullet Does Mueller need blood? How is this revenge movie going to end? VDH: One Mueller-Investigation Coincidence Too Many Strzok-Page Text Messages Reveal ‘God Complex’: ‘You’re Meant to Protect the Country From That Menace’ Trackbacks
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VDH: One Mueller-Investigation Coincidence Too Many
I don't see how that outfit could possibly get a conviction of Trump at this point even if Trump did crimes. The defense would destroy the entire operation and make lots of people look very bad. All it is is a Democrat Party smear/leak machine. People interested in seeing Trump prosecuted for, something, are going to need to shut down Mueller and come up with a new, less tainted method of doing so. I agree but keep in mind that if it came to it, the "jury" that Trump would be judged by is the Senate so the only thing that would save him is that there might be more than 33 Republicans who are not completely stupid.
Good point. Can't rely on reasoning from Senators. All politics all the time. Sad!
QUOTE: Does Mueller need blood? ... A just system of laws and procedures is designed to prevent that, but in the case of the so-called “Special Counsel” there are no safeguards. That is incorrect. The Special Counsel reports directly to the Justice Department, and must comply with all Justice Department rules and regulations. Specifically, the Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, reports directly to the Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein, a Trump appointee, who was confirmed by the Republican controlled Senate on a vote of 94-6. So then no matter the outcome, Zachriel, you will continue to say the same, right? Because I think this investigation is not headed in the direction you hoped for.
Waiting for the left to turn on the whole thing when unexpected people get caught up... MissT: So then no matter the outcome, Zachriel, you will continue to say the same, right?
Regardless of the outcome, it is false to state that with the " 'Special Counsel' there are no safeguards." QUOTE: Indeed, the only remaining trajectory by which Mueller and his investigators can escape with their reputations intact is to dismiss those staff attorneys who have exhibited clear anti-Trump political sympathies, reboot the investigation, and then focus on what now seems the most likely criminal conduct: Russian and Clinton-campaign collusion in the creation of the anti-Trump Fusion GPS dossier and later possible U.S. government participation in the dissemination of it. This. http://www.nationalreview.com/article/454543/mueller-investigation-too-many-anti-trump-coincidences What? Has the NatRev regained some semblance of intelligence?
Naw, it's that Hanson guy. Don't forget none of these Dems in the swamp can use any of these attys on Mueller's team due to conflict of interest. Whoops. Some of the best in the biz, and they are taken off the playing field.
Coincidence? I wonder. QUOTE: Tax Bill Is Christmas Present Americans Have Been Waiting For Well, buying presents on credit IS an American tradition. Really! After Obama ran up a $10 trillion debt!
The problem is that after Obama's 8 year long depression and massive welfare spending our government finances are in deep trouble. Note to the left wing socialist; we are running out of other people's money to pay for all the free stuff you hand out in exchange for votes. Our best hope now is to recover our economy. You cannot do that while punishing the productive citizens. The Democrats want to make us into Venezuela. We would rather make America great again. OneGuy: Really! After Obama ran up a $10 trillion debt!
Not quite. You seem to have forgotten the financial meltdown, which occurred at the end of the Bush Administration. The Obama Administration saw deficits cut in half compared to the last Bush budget, from $1.4 trillion to $0.6 trillion. OneGuy: Note to the left wing socialist; we are running out of other people's money to pay for all the free stuff you hand out in exchange for votes. So why increase the deficit further when the economy is finally reaching capacity? http://archive.boston.com/bostonglobe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles/2008/09/28/franks_fingerprints_are_all_over_the_financial_fiasco/
When the coming wave of foreclosures rolls through the inner city, which of today's self-congratulating bankers, politicians, and regulators plans to take the credit?" Frank doesn't. But his fingerprints are all over this fiasco. Time and time again, Frank insisted that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were in good shape. Five years ago, for example, when the Bush administration proposed much tighter regulation of the two companies, Frank was adamant that "these two entities, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, are not facing any kind of financial crisis." When the White House warned of "systemic risk for our financial system" unless the mortgage giants were curbed, Frank complained that the administration was more concerned about financial safety than about housing. ----------- Sometimes being concerned about financial safety is the proper course. And what caused the Financial Crisis? The taking over of Congress by the Democrats, which then immediately shut down the Bush administration and began the gridlock we are still seeing today. You can see the videos of Bush administration officials begging Congress to rein in the CRA before it collapses, and Barney Frank (one of the biggest idiots ever to sit in Congress) saying there was absolutely no problem.
Add to that the guilty parties such as FNMA and Freddy Mac were controlled by Clinton retreads, including one that also helped create 9/11. Of course some of the things the Dems did when they were in power later bit them in the behind big-time, such as declaring that judges would not be confirmed in the last year of the Bush administration, and invoking the nuclear option on the appointment of judges, and using the budget reconciliation process and other questionable gimmicks to pass legislation no one had seen. I laughed when the Democrats starting moaning about not having enough time to review the tax bill--they typically passed things without any review when they were in power. JLawson: But his fingerprints are all over this fiasco.
Franks was in the minority during the build-up of the housing bubble, and even then was only one member of Congress. He did not have the power to cause the financial debacle. JLawson: The taking over of Congress by the Democrats, which then immediately shut down the Bush administration and began the gridlock we are still seeing today That is incorrect. The Democrats didn't take Congress until after the housing bubble was formed and ready to burst. The 2nd quote should be attributed to Jim.
2017-12-15 06:33
The Democrats pushed affordable housing goals, even in the face of evidence that people who got the loans shouldn't have gotten them," said Robert Litan, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, a research organization in Washington. "The no-money-down loans of 2005 and 2006 were a key part of the problem."
"I blame the Democrats for demanding that Fannie Mae keep buying these loans," said Litan, who was a budget official in the Clinton administration. "I blame the administration for going along with it." White House officials note that the administration did propose reforms of real estate settlement procedures and the Federal Housing Authority, two areas it had identified as posing the greatest systemic risk to markets. Democrats in Congress, they said, blocked these efforts. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/20/business/worldbusiness/20iht-prexy.4.16321064.html
2017-12-15 18:53
Good point Zach !!
EVERY congressional expenditure should be tested with the question: Should the US borrow long term for this current operating expense, which is corrupt rewards to donors and grandparents stealing from their grandchildren. Why borrow money long term to give it to NPR, or the palestinians, or the congresscritters' favorite foundations? Don'y borrow money for universities that block speakers or have "Engineering for Dummies" without math (because it is the product of evil heteronormative civilized nerds who oppress intersectionalists with equations they think up). Excellent point !! jaybird: Should the US borrow long term for this current operating expense, which is corrupt rewards to donors and grandparents stealing from their grandchildren.
Loaded question. jaybird: Should the US borrow long term for this current operating expense ... Some borrowing is prudent and proper. Emergencies may require borrowing, for instance. Also, during economic downturns, borrowing is reasonable, with the expectation that the funds will be repaid when during economic upturns (countercyclical policy). Moderate borrowing for infrastructure can also pay for itself over the long-term. Zzzzz: Not quite.
Barack Obama -- Under President Obama, the national debt grew the most dollar-wise. He added $7.917 trillion, a 68 percent increase, in seven years. This was the fifth-largest increase percentage-wise. https://www.thebalance.com/us-debt-by-president-by-dollar-and-percent-3306296 QUOTE: More, Better Jobs for Minorities Yes. If you look, you can see the dramatic change soon after the change of administration — when Obama became President. Now let’s look at the Labor Force Precipitation:https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2015/labor-force-participation-rate-declines-in-september-2015.htm
Don’t forget all the speeches that The Light Worker gave telling us that these jobs are never coming back. That this (Obama) economy is the new normal. How Obama would be happy with gas at $5.00 dollars a gallon. The seas will stop rising. I am (Obama) who you have been waiting for. Fundamentally transform America. The greatest gift to the economy has been gas below $3.00. This price despite all that the democrats could do to keep it high. Thank you oil fracking! B. Hammer: Now let’s look at the Labor Force Precipitation
Taking a look at the long-term Labor Force Participation Rate, you'll see it's been declining since well before the recession. Economists have determined this is largely due to structural changes, including the aging population, and the more time the young spend in school. In any case, you ignored the point. The national review beclowns itself and illustrates the problem with the GOPe.
"The populists are indeed miracle workers, they’ve managed to elect a Democrat in Alabama." What really happened is Mitch McConnell doomed the Alabama election when he pushed Luther Strange on Alabama Republicans because he was a poppet for the Rinos in congress. Alabama didn't want Luther Strange and the primary runoff that McConnell doomed brought out Roy Moore. Roy Moore would have won but a cabal of Democrats, communists and Rinos sabotaged the election and gave us the ultra liberal Doug Jones. Senator Shelby's last minute decision to vote a write in and to advise fellow Republicans to do the same put Jones over the top. It wasn't the populists that created this situation. The Real Challenges for American Intelligence Agencies....are performing their jobs relating to real, intelligence activities, rather than playing a "Skull and Bones" version of James Bond!
Lack of strength of the Soviet military? Whiff! Fall of the Soviet Union? Whiff! Osama bin Laden's WTC planning? MAJOR LEAGUE WHIFF! Fake Trump Dossier? Weak bunt, but only because the players were all on the same side! US IC is a bad joke! Makes you wonder what they're thinking on NK and Rocketman...
Computer chess:
Chess as a game is almost perfectly created for computers. It involves a relatively small number of elements that combine according to strict rules in a highly bounded environment to produce decision-tree logic. I think the author is being overly optimistic in extrapolating this to autonomous cars, as they are in an unbounded, chaotic environment with players that don't necessarily follow all the rules. It may well be that the state of 100% autonomous vehicles is optimal from a safety and efficiency point of view, but the transition states of a few autonomous and mostly human drivers or mostly autonomous and a few human drivers are considerably worse than current state, creating a high barrier to acceptance. How long do we want sex to last? Longer, looonger, loooooooonger!!!! Just gotta take the time!
Gender Tyranny: Can't make women want to do what you want them to do. But either you must make them do it, or nothing is allowed to be done. Mueller "Investigation": Dems love stacked decks. "The GOP dodged a bullet"
The entire Roy Moore saga is like a modern version of the novel “To Kill A Mockingbird”. With Roy Moore playing the part of Tom Robinson. Beverly Nelson playing the part of Mayella Ewell and Gloria Allred playing the part of Bob Ewell. Steve Bannon plays Atticus Finch, Rep. Mo Brooks plays Heck Tate and President Trump is one of the protagonists. The lynch mob is represented by the #metoo campaign and the Democrats are the all white jury. Nancy Pelosi plays Mrs. Henry Lafaytette Dubose. I assume that now that the dirty work is done the accusers will fade off into the background and we will never know the truth for sure. Those who are susceptible to believing these accusations will believe them and those who are not will not. The job of the lynch mob and jury is done and Roy Moore's reputation is gone |