As our readers know, we ain't got no truck with multiculturalism. We believe that Western, Judeo-Christian, small "L" liberal democratic societies offer the greatest chance for human dignity and f
reedom, to date, in the history of the world. We hate anything that interferes with those things.
Rick at RWNH says here exactly what we believe at Maggie's - except he says it better. A quote from his piece on the arrest of Moslem terrorists in Canada over the weekend:
If we are fortunate enough to survive listening to some of the better angels of our nature that demand obeisance to an ideology of moral relativism, it will be because there will always be enough of us who refuse to play the diversity games so beloved of that segment of our population that sees strength in dividing us. The game has one simple rule; all societies, and by extension, all religions, creeds, races, ethnicities, and cultures are, at bottom, equal. It would be one thing to believe all were equally bad. That, at least, would represent the cynics view of mankind and hence, a realistic appraisal of the capability for evil in our fellow man.
But no. This multi-cultural madness posits the notion that we are all equally good (well, except white, Anglo-Saxon, Christian males), and that evil is a social construct manufactured by the ruling class to keep the black, brown, and yellow man in their place. If allowed to succeed, the people who are teaching this view to our children in schools and creating mass cultural touchstones in film and television that push this concept will create the perfectly diverse society – the multi-cultural Nirvana found in the grave where everyone will be finally and completely equal.
Image, etc: Who says "dignity never been photographed"? Photo by The Dylanologist. We have the extremely rare piano version of Dylan's Dignity here: dignitypianoversion.mp3 - quick download.