A rough day for the ol' blog. We had to shorten things up
bit to accommodate the avalanche of very welcome but often
argumentative visitors. We never dreamed there would be so much interest in Al Gore...and Al Gore wasn't even the main subject of Dr. Bliss' piece today. Please argue, visitors and readers - but argue rationally or, if irrationally, then at least with humor. I have to hand it to Fark - they have some big numbers of avid and loyal readers. Wow. Many thanks to Chris for keeping us up and running with duct tape, baling wire, and chewing gum.
Australian High Schools complain that the press is looking at their curriculum plans. What are they - secret revoutionary cells? Almost sounds that way. Protein. Maybe they should remember who pays them.
Put down the bong, Canada. Update on the Moslem cartoons in Canada and Denmark. Atlas
Why did Bush beat Kerry? Funny photos - very revealing. YARGB
Bad news on how immigration amnesty has been working under current law - a hotbed of corruption, sneakiness, government contract deals, cheating, lying for pay, scummy politics, and general sliminess. VDARE. This needs to be sent around.
Iraq is safer than Washington, DC. More stats at Gateway.
Something we missed on Memorial Day: The 553rd anniversary of the fall of Constantinople. It wasn't pretty. Gates of Vienna.
Radical Chic. You thought it was something from the dopey 60s. Nope - some still think it's cool. Dalrymple on The Guardian's antiquated fascination with totalitarian Marxist thugs and murderers - and their clothing.
What is the hatred of WalMart all about? Is it envy of success, or is it snobbery of the elites, or what? Zinsmeister at AEO takes a look at the subject of the most successful retail organization in the world.