Deluge. A new book - the story of Katrina. Opie recommends it highly.
Why is it always the US? Why doesn't some other country invent renewable energy? RTLC
Cats cause eczema. Dogs prevent it.
Idaho Gem, a cloned racehorse, will compete against the natural variety.
George McGovern (!?!) tells unions that "more" is not always the best answer.
Will 2006 be a bad year for Repubs? Don't believe the hype. The Dems are leaving the center far behind.
Ouch. Many catheters are unnecessary. Make sure they give you a good reason, besides the convenience of the nurses. Catheters are not nice, especially for fellows. Is "intrusive" the right word?
Madeleine Albright, one of the favorite targets of normal people, is "worried" about Bush's faith. Better worry about Iran, Madeleine. Jeez. What a bozo.
Harry Reid drank the Kool-Aid. Will he die? We shall see. I hope not - we need kooks like this around, as constant reminders.
Paranoids on Parade. Just check this out. They call themselves "truthers." I call them nuts. What a world. These people vote?
It was only a couple of years ago that we were barraged by "Hunger in America." That was one scam: the latest is "Obesity in America." Life is just one crisis after another, for "activists." "Activists,", aka socialist quasi-revolutionaries, are like ambulance-chasing lawyers: any issue will do to find an excuse for more government intrusion into our lives. But obesity is a funny choice. The explanation, apparently, is that the American "poor" eat in restaurants too often. RWN can't find many fat people, but maybe they are all at Disney World. Or sitting in restaurants.
Multiply by 7? There is a better way to calculate your dog's age.
Government's conspiracy to use our money to keep their jobs and to keep us poor and stupid. Cut their pay and send them home. Further comments on that Examiner piece by our hard-workin' pal Kesler.
Performativity at Harvard. What? How your money is wasted paying for your kids' college stupidification. The New York Sun.