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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, March 9. 2017Thursday morning links
Harvard declares against freedom of association An Australian mom sends a piece of cake with her daughter as part of that day’s school lunch. The school responds by scolding the mom for violating nutritional guidelines 'Day Without a Woman' supporters got $246M from Soros Seems like only teachers took the day off, creating chaos and irritation in thousands of homes On This ‘Day Without a Woman,’ Don’t Leave Women Oppressed by Sharia Law Behind There is no gender wage gap Good News: Scott Pruitt Stacking EPA With Climate Skeptics DID THE ATTORNEY GENERAL COMMIT PERJURY? WikiLeaks' CIA Download Confirms Everybody's Tapped, Including Trump How GOP bumbling just made single-payer health care more likely IS GOP HEALTH CARE BILL A DISASTER? NO Trump Gender Reversal Teaches Uncomfortable Lessons Is the uncomfortable lesson that Trump should go trannie? About the real Resistance:
Horowitz: The War Against Trump - Trump isn't up against "sore losers." He's facing an army of saboteurs bent on destroying the elected government. Trump Effect: Illegal border crossings way down Trump Effect: Peak Manufacturing, eh? Samsung Plans U.S. Expansion, Would Shift Manufacturing From Mexico - Initial capital investment is expected to be around $300 million Trump Effect: Trump's first full month in office brings massive employment boom as U.S. companies added whopping 298,000 new jobs in February WaPo: Trump May ‘Outlast’ White House Press Corps with ‘Unsustainable’ Pace Trump moves at a private sector pace - press not used to that Trackbacks
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The article about the dangers of too great a perception of other people's feelings reminds me of stories about how unhappy people can be when they get eyeglasses, because now they can see things that were hidden before. Surely the answer is not to perceive less, but to deal with whatever information we can get?
I have to wonder if the school that thinks cake containing milk and eggs and butter is unhealthy also thinks fruit juice and granola bars and fruit-on-the-bottom sweetened low-fat yogurt is "healthy" eating. I would bet you that cake had more nutrition in it than the bowl of sugar-frosted cereal half the kids in the class had for breakfast.
Ugh, governments thinking they know anything, and forcing it on people, especially these food fads, is so obnoxious.
My two sets of grandparents were polar opposites in their eating styles, but I don't think it changed the outcomes much. One grandmother always had cake and ice cream on hand, she lived to be 96 and her diabetic husband who she fed cake to, lived to be 86, mostly healthy to the end. On the other side, the grandparents were early health foodies, eating home made yogurt and all natural good food, and that grandmother died of a heart attack at 76, and grandfather lived to 98. What Trump must reverse, but won't
QUOTE: At an increasing pace, politics in the West, especially in America, is the surest way to wealth, a 180-out from the West's history. How bad has political thievery become? James Bessen of Boston University Law School says it is so deep that political lobbying is now the second-largest influence on profits for America's large companies. http://senseofevents.blogspot.com/2017/01/what-trump-must-reverse-but-wont.html Dismantling America’s Destructive ‘Fourth Branch’ of Government
QUOTE: The Constitution -- at least, in theory -- forbids any one of the three branches from delegating its powers or duties to another branch. But the Constitution has effectively been amended, albeit quite outside of the prescribed process. Today, a fourth branch of government, nowhere authorized in the Constitution, has, as legal scholar Philip Hamburger observes, “transformed American government and society” and “become the government’s primary mode of controlling Americans.” http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2017/03/dismantling_americas_destructive_fourth_branch_of_government.html an attorney who claims that administrative law is unconstitutional is a stone cold idiot for not understanding either how the constitution is interpreted by the courts or how nondelegation principle actually works in constitutional law.
or on the other hand is appealing to the clueless. The clinker in this is that all it will take is a couple dozen pissed off juries nullifying "administrative law" followed by a single federal judge agreeing and a conservative court of appeals upholding it and to have the Supremes either refuse to hear it or to uphold the decision. That describes to a T exactly how many of our legitimate constitutional rights have been taken from us. Do you really believe that the pendulum will never swing that way???
In 1973 The Court ruled 7–2 that Abortion was a constitutional right (against all odds and the wording in the constitution I might add). Do you really think that when enough people are bankrupted for not baking the cake that citizen juries won't begin to fight back and tee this up for a conservative judge to change everything? administrative trials don't allow juries. judicial review of a administrative action means the court, not a jury, reviews the decision. even in a trial in federal court with a jury, if a defense includes a claim that the administrative action was unconstitutional, that issue is a legal, not a factual, issue and will never get to the jury.
Roe v Wade had nothing to do with administrative law. Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission is being considered by the USSC for review. H.R.5 - Regulatory Accountability Act of 2017 has passed the House and is before a Senate committee. I don't know what you mean by "citizen juries". being a citizen is a requirement to sit on a federal jury ... unless you want the phrase to mean, "someone who agrees with me". for the record I am against abortion in all forms and support the gutting of the Chevron U.S.A. case. The system is rigged against the little guy. They COULD take it to court but they would need $100K or so to put up a good fight. But sooner or later one of these cake bakers or wedding photographers will indeed take it to court with a jury not a panel of unelected judges. This will allow discovery which in some cases will not be pretty when put in front of a jury. Things like the LBGQT "victim" targeted the Christian baker with the intent of suing them. That before they ever approached the cake baker that they colluded with the very person who would decide the case. That they work with a activist group that makes a habit of doing exactly this to innocent small businesses. That after the complaint was filed that they again colluded with the person who would decide the case. I am in favor of more sunlight not less. let's get this whole can of worms opened up. Lets get some criminal prosecutions against government officials and co-conspirators.
2017-03-10 10:41
all that collusion is true. but until Colorado changes its administrative law procedures or the USSC takes up that case and decides against ad.law, a jury will never decide any of these issues.
won't happen.
Vic Morrow's tommy gun
2017-03-10 12:00
The irony of the Civil Rights Commissions that go after the bakers and florists and photographers is that they will refuse to hear a First Amendment defense against their actions, because constitutional defenses can only be raised in a court of law, not before an administrative panel that is "incompetent" to consider such defenses. So you will be tried and convicted without ever being able to raise your religious freedom rights.
2017-03-10 14:15
Oh you dolts. All you've done is given the sociopath politicians another method to hide their pathologies. Now each politician on the make will hire political consultants who bring in different-gender avatars and "real people" observers, who will all attempt to verify that all authenticity and distinctiveness has been masked and only an anodyne residual of empathy and faux sincerity remains.
"Vote for me! And I guarantee that the shiv I put in your back immediately after the election will go in sweet and clean like a fine Italian stiletto, unlike my opponent who will use a rasty nasty rusty dirty ragged jagged crude prison license plate factory made shank." "Trump moves at a private sector pace - press not used to that"
I think there is a not inconsiderable amount of truth to that assertion. As a review of the White House calendar will show, typically in the office from 10:30 a.m. to noon, lunch with Joe Biden, and then off on Air Force 1 to go fundraising and partying around the country.
By this date in 2009, Obama had signed three major pieces of legislation; the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, and an expansion of the Children's Health Insurance Program.
from Drudge.
more important: Job growth strong in Feb; Wages Up... Record Number of Americans Employed... Manufacturing TRIPLED Growth in Gov't Jobs... Construction largest gain in 10 years... WIRE: Better by Almost Any Measure... Debt Decreases $60B Since Inauguration... Trump team promotes his first 50 days... of course, since you are a government bootlick, its natural that you don't have any interest in the private sector.
Vic Morrow's tommy gun
2017-03-10 12:21
All while not being harassed,sabotaged/hindered by the Republicans and Conservatives.
We were too busy burning our neighborhoods and destroying property. I'm right? We went ape shit when Obama won right? Thats how things are done in an educated society, correct? The news media just didn't report it...
R. A. S.
2017-03-10 12:33
"Harvard declares against freedom of association"
First they came for the members of the lacrosse team, and I did not speak up because I did not play lacrosse and thought they were a bunch of rich stuck up white guys. They they came for the fraternities, and I did not speak up because I did not like fraternities and they were full of rich stuck up white guys. Then they came for the Christian Student Union because they did not have gay/bisexual/poly-sexual or transgender leaders, and I did not speak up because I was not a Christian and didn't like the idea that someone might have a Bible study in my dorm. Then they came for the Students American Enterprise Institute Club because they were intolerant and hateful, and I did not speak up because I was not a conservative and thought they were weird. Then they came for the women on campus who did not support men in the women's bathroom, and I did not speak up because I was not a woman and a lot of them were bitchy feminists anyway. And then they came for me, because I made the mistake of saying in class that non-gender-specific pronouns were stupid. And by then there was no he/she/it/zhe/zher/zhim/zhit left to speak up for me. |