...so it may as well be me. As someone who works in NYC every day, I am g

rowing weary of the 9-11 "families." They are not sacred. There were a lot of folks who were successfully attacked by Jihadists, but that gives their families no special moral status. They are regular people, and it could have been me or you.
Their endless, entitled demands on the city have become ridiculous, and it has become some wierd mission or morbid obsession, it appears, on their part. They are wrong to use their loss to control and manipulate the rest of us: that is an abuse of grief.
Personally, I think a bronze plaque on a wall of the new building would be perfectly appropriate: "On this site, on September 11, 2001, America was attacked by Islamic Jihadists resulting in the deaths of 2752."
We do not need a multi-billion dollar hystrionic thing to remember what was done to us, as a city and as a nation. A self-selected group of "Families" have become professional mourners and wailers, and that is unbecoming - and annoying. Bury your dead, remember them in your hearts, set your spirit against the enemy, and move forward. And quit it with the victim family schtick (sp?). All of us around here had friends and neighbors and family members die in 9-11, but don't make that grief a life-long career. We have also had plenty of death in Afghanistan and Iraq. We are in a war which we did not seek, or want.
Not one of us forgets what was done to you and your loved ones, and to us as a nation. We saw it. We are dealing with the enemy. That is what matters, and that will be history's memorial.
Mayor Bloomberg seems to be fed up, too.