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Monday, November 28. 2016Monday morning links Castro's regime, saturated with sadism, should never have existed. Journalists Hail Castro’s Achievements, ‘George Washington,’ ‘Folk Hero to Most of Us’ Hmmmm. "Us"? Trudeau: “It is with deep sorrow that I learned today of the death of Cuba’s longest serving President." Justin Trudeau Mocked After Praising Oppressive Dictator Fidel Castro Pope Francis Grieves Death of Fellow Socialist Castro Jeremy Corbyn hails Fidel Castro as a ‘champion of social justice’ Trump Slams "Brutal Dictator" Castro's "Legacy Of Firing Squads, Theft, Suffering And Poverty" Cuba: A museum of socialism Places like Cuba and Venezuela are good reminders Why Fidel Castro's Death Won't Lead To Immediate Changes In Cuba Man Gets Credit for Being Top Female Finisher in Bike Race Greedy Green Energy Corporatists are Clear Felling Protected Forests for Biomass You’re not alone, almost everyone feels like a fraud at work Shoreline Gentry Are Fake Climate Victims - A reduction in federal subsidies is behind lower coastal home values. More young people contracting 'old-age' conditions including varicose veins due to sedentary lifestyles Gravity Light: Our Renewable Energy Future BLACK FRIDAY ZOMBIES 2016 Columbia students demand punishment of ‘hate speech’ as faculty waffle on free speech How the FAA is Killing Drone Innovation The Real Reason We Have Ethanol in Our Gas Student at Harvard fights liberal bias by launching conservative women’s group Progressives without Power After Trump University, Why Not Sue All Colleges? How teachers unions drive Jersey’s pension crisis San Francisco middle school withholds student election results due to winners’ insufficient diversity Are there any adults left in the Democratic Party? The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts Exactly right Obama's agencies push flurry of 'midnight' actions - But in Congress, Republicans are warning them to The Bureaucracy Is Now More Powerful Than Congress Guess which federal agency gave 100% of their political contributions to Democrats? François Fillon on course for Thatcherite victory in French Right presidential primary battle Trackbacks
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"The Bureaucracy Is Now More Powerful Than Congress"
Which is why the civil service needs term limits, much, much more than legislatures. 10 years and out, from secretary of state to filing secretary. No one is indispensable. No one. The problem is right there in the article:
QUOTE: The fact that legislators must leave policy details vague — to be filled in later by others — illustrates how members of Congress don’t know enough about the problems they’re supposedly addressing. Elective representatives come from a wide variety of backgrounds, but very few of them from scientific fields. Expecting politicians to be able to vote as a group on the details of chemical regulation or drug approval is just not tenable. For better or for worse, society has to rely upon the vast infrastructure of scholarship and scientific expertise. don't be naive. administrative rules are written by lobbyists working for the interests they regulate.
Will Bithers: administrative rules are written by lobbyists working for the interests they regulate.
While corporations have a right to a say in government, they have an oversized voice due to amount of money in politics. Nevertheless, political pressure has succeeded in many instances, such as reducing air and water pollution — even in the face of corporate opposition. you just blathered something about science and scholarship, now you're blaming corporations.
get your story straight.
Will Bithers
2016-11-28 11:15
Will Bithers: something about science and scholarship, now you're blaming corporations.
There are many influences on regulation, including corporations, who often provide their own expertise and scientific knowledge, as well as lobbying through their representatives for their economic interests. There are independent scientific organizations, and public interest groups, who also have input on the decision-making process.
2016-11-28 11:20
I'm not killing more electrons to school you.
Will Bithers
2016-11-28 11:21
the professional civil service replaced the evils of the spoils system, you might give the valid reasons for that some thought.
I'm not saying your suggestion is wrong, but you should better understand why the civil service is right. Excellent point. While one may complain about the civil service, the previous system was worse in many respects.
this is something you just learned, never heard of before. which you will now display only the most superficial grasp of.
Will Bithers: this is something you just learned
Hardly. The civil service is an ancient invention, dating to Imperial China. In the U.S., the merit system replaced the spoils system in 1883.
2016-11-28 11:32
don't be a tard. everyone know what replaced the spoils system except you, until I told you, today.
Will Bithers
2016-11-28 16:35
2016-11-28 16:50
being part of your education is not in the least satisfying. but still, you had to learn something about American politics today, and a new word, too.
Will Bithers
2016-11-28 16:59
"If there is a single stumbling block on the road to the future, it is the bureaucracy as we know it." ET HALL
Even though I have a superficial awareness off Edward T Hall, the pioneer who wrote “Beyond Culture”, Mr Cummings pulled back the curtain in OZ for me. Edward T. Hall, wrote the bureaucracy has : “no soul, no memory, and no conscience…. They are self-serving, amoral and live forever. What could be more irrational? Changing them is almost impossible, because they function according to their own rules and bow to no man, not even the President of the United States, or a Prime Minister. Custom, human frailties (foibles), and the will to power keep our bureaucracies going. … Paradoxically, most bureaucracies are staffed largely with conscientious, committed people who are trying to do the right thing, but they are powerless (or feel powerless) to change things. None of which would be so serious if it weren’t that these are the very institutions on which we depend to solve all our major problems. Some answer must be found to top heavy bureaucracy.” My opinion, this is a ready made task for Mitt Romney. It is one thing to go after the low hanging fruit for which there is a significant return ( ie clean water) but they seem to have no concept of the law of diminishing returns. Dr. Hall was writing in the 70s (I think) but even so, he now appears so naive regarding the character of the civil service. I think his description is over generous when applied to today’s coiffed and credentialed Mandarins. I think that many of them are sly, underhanded, and all about gaming the system. Sorry to say, I am even leery of the CDC. In case you haven’t guessed my hobby horse, is the Bureaucracy, by any other name the Technocracy, the Clerisy. I think Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, nailed it when he wrote, “ To a greater or lesser extent, the story of this Euro-election has been the rise of the minor parties – some of them bizarre, some of them downright potty, but all of them united by a visceral dislike of the EU bureaucracy: its arrogance, its remoteness, its expense, its endless condescension and its manic and messianic belief in its right to legislate for all 500 million people in the EU." Megan McArdle has written on this theme: It's Normal for Regulators to Get Captured . “regulatory capture is not some horrid aberration; it is closer to the natural state of a regulatory body.” QUOTE: The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts Assuming no major irregularities are discovered, as expected, then a recount will help assure people that the process was fair. Even if found to be fair, the recount may expose weaknesses in the system so as to allow for more accurate and transparent elections in the future. While overturning even a single state election is very unlikely, the chance of overturning all three at issue is virtually impossible. That's why Clinton correctly conceded. Meanwhile, Trump's Campaign Manager, Kellyanne Conway, is suggesting that the investigation of Clinton is linked to her position on the recount. QUOTE: Broken hands on broken ploughs Broken treaties, broken vows Broken pipes, broken tools People bending broken rules Hound dog howling, bullfrog croaking Everything is broken zachriels: broken tools
the system worked fine. it routed you people and bitchslapped you stupid. quoting Dylan does not make you any less of a loser, so stop whining, you tool. Will Bithers: the system worked fine.
Threatening to jail your political opponent is hardly an example of good democratic governance. Sigh... Only a lefty would interpret what Trump said as threatening jail. He threatened prosecution which unfortunately, he may renege on.
But that's nothing compared to the actual violence leftist groups practiced in the days after the election or the death threats the electors have been receiving. mudbug: Only a lefty would interpret what Trump said as threatening jail.
"Lock her up!" is unambiguous. mudbug: He threatened prosecution which unfortunately, he may renege on. That's not the president's job, to determine who to prosecute, not in the U.S. at least. Perhaps in Russia, though.
2016-11-28 16:10
it was enough to get him elected, loser, because that's what people wanted to hear.
not an outright lie like, "if you like your health plan you can keep your health plan."
Will Bithers
2016-11-28 16:53
Will Bithers: it was enough to get him elected, loser, because that's what people wanted to hear.
Now you got it!
2016-11-28 17:02
I'd forgotten how naive you are, when you need to be. You've consistently maintained that the hildabeest has never lied, never committed any crimes charged or not, and has been a paragon of virtue and is actually the One True president-elect.
Will Bithers
2016-11-28 17:08
Will Bithers: You've consistently maintained that {Clinton} has never lied, never committed any crimes charged or not, and has been a paragon of virtue and is actually the One True president-elect.
We have not made any of those claims. You may want to learn to read for comprehension.
2016-11-28 17:12
You make each and every one of those claims daily.
Will Bithers
2016-11-28 17:18
Will Bithers: You make each and every one of those claims daily.
Um, no. This is where you provide an exact quote that substantiates your claim.
2016-11-28 17:20
Um, no.
Deal with it.
Will Bithers
2016-11-28 17:49
Obviously Bush's fault.
The real issue here is lack of accountability during the voting registration and polling process to assure voting integrity. A problem caused by the Left and its lawsuits making it impossible to know whether voter fraud is occurring, which now is in the millions of votes by illegals according to studies. An abuse heightened by the shocking example of Obama sending a message on Spanish language affiliated TV right before the election that it is ok for illegals to vote and that there will be no consequences. A president intentionally encouraging voter fraud by non-citizens has never been seen before. Truly shocking. Hopefully the Trump administration will crack down on this situation and require that there be protective measures, including the requirement of official photo ID and proof of citizenship. Jim: now is in the millions of votes by illegals according to studies.
There is no valid evidence that millions of ineligible voters are voting. Agree with Will. Nothing is broken. Nothing will be learned in these recounts that isn't already evident and hasn't been either accepted or actively championed by the very same people calling for recounts. (BTW, MI already completed an automatic recount due to the closeness of the election).
The issues are 100% on the people that won't accept the outcome of an election consistent with the processes in place prior to the start of voting and appear to be willing to use any means necessary, including extra-legal ones, to accomplish their goal of taking power. The fact that they reacted with such indignation to Trump's comments a few weeks ago and then immediately reversed their position upon finding out their preferred candidate lost should cause deep questioning of their commitment to free elections. Christopher B: Nothing is broken.
The election process seemed to work properly, and there's no evidence of widespread problems. As for calling for the jailing of your political opponent, that is hardly an indication of good democratic governance. Christopher B: The issues are 100% on the people that won't accept the outcome of an election consistent with the processes in place prior to the start of voting Recounts are a part of that process. Christopher B: The fact that they reacted with such indignation to Trump's comments a few weeks ago and then immediately reversed their position upon finding out their preferred candidate lost should cause deep questioning of their commitment to free elections. Accepting the results of an election doesn't mean abandoning the process. Clinton has already conceded, and recounts are part of the process. I would prefer a real check and balance to voting over a simple recount of ballots. In every state pick 10%-20% of the counties and audit the voters. Ask each person who voted if in fact they voted to assure that their vote wasn't stolen. Check each voters right to vote to catch illegal aliens and out of state voters. And of course when a crime is discovered prosecute. I think since motor-voter was established that this has become necessary. With a discovered 2.1 million illegal voting and who knows how many aren't discovered it is time to audit the voters.
Z: Assuming no major irregularities are discovered, as expected, then a recount will help assure people that the process was fair. Even if found to be fair, the recount may expose weaknesses in the system so as to allow for more accurate and transparent elections in the future.
One wonders why only states that Trump won and not any that Hillary won are being recounted. It seems this effort to assure people that the process was fair is a bit one sided. Exactly, if this were really about the integrity of the vote, the states targeted would not happen to be the ones that Dems expected to win but did not.
Why not choose states with much smaller margins of victory where Hillary won? Such as NV or NH? Hillary should've just stayed silent, let Stein go forward alone. Instead, she just couldn't stay out of it...had to push someone in her group to join the recount effort. My guess is that she and/or the Dems are interested in finding out where they can cheat in Wisconsin in 2020. They aren't used to cheating there and need to find the vulnerabilities in the system. MissT: Hillary should've just stayed silent, let Stein go forward alone. Instead, she just couldn't stay out of it.
Once the recount goes forward, it makes sense for the Clinton campaign to be involved so that they can send observers. mudbug: One wonders why only states that Trump won and not any that Hillary won are being recounted.
Trump can also call for recounts. Why would he do that? Nobody is alleging there was a systemic or counting error - not even the Hillary and Stein campaigns. The only reason they are contesting the count is as an attempt to delegitimize the outcome.
mudbug: Nobody is alleging there was a systemic or counting error
Actually, Trump is saying, without any evidence whatsoever, that millions of ineligible people cast votes. There is some (weakly supported) statistical anomalies that have led Stein to question the tally. A recount is unlikely to change the result, though. That will tend to validate the election result, not undermine it. Again, if the U.S. can't abide by its own rules concerning recounts, can't even sustain the scrutiny of a recount according to those rules, then there is a serious problem with their democracy.
2016-11-28 16:30
I specifically said "systemic or counting error." If illegal votes happened, there is no way to unwind that - especially with a recount so your comment does not address the issue.
There are organizations that are compiling evidence of illegal voting so we'll see what they come up with. There were already several reports of dead people voting and lefty organizations bused people from one polling place to another. Most of the reports of malfunctioning electronic voting machines seemed to add votes for Democrats. Lefty judges have stymied simple safeguards like picture ID requirements and some have blocked routine purges of the voting rolls so the left is largely responsible for much of the voter fraud..
2016-11-28 17:43
mudbug: I specifically said "systemic or counting error."
Millions of ineligible people voting would be a systemic error. If true, it would call into question the validity of the U.S. election. mudbug: There were already several reports ... There are lots of echos that people echo when it fits their preconceptions. Evidence is another thing entirely. mudbug: and lefty organizations bused people from one polling place to another. Because ya know busloads of minorities all look alike.
2016-11-29 09:31
thank you for digging this one out .
'The Bureaucracy Is Now More Powerful Than Congress' "Pope Francis Grieves Death of Fellow Socialist Castro"
Well, of course, the Pope grieves over Castro's death. The Roman Church reached its heyday in medieval times when feudal lords roamed the land. Socialism is just modern feudalism, with slicker marketing. Consider this QUOTE: Castro made his fortune the old fashioned way. Well, the feudal way, by taking land, enslaving the people, extracting taxes (food rent) to the point of starvation, maintained loyalty by gift-giving, and keeping a merry group of psychopaths as his house war-band. And the feasts, let's not forget the feasts, where the great leader lets the retainers, even the peasants, eat some of the food rent he has accumulated...from them in a grand celebration that regardless of the "holiday" tends to revolve around fealty to him. It's just humans resist feudal lordship these days so they have to re-package it as being socialism and everyone has their place (based on their usefulness to the "Presidente" and rewarded by him for their loyalty). If the lord of the manor called his peasants comrade back in the 12th century, then maybe they would have felt better about being subject to his whim. So the Pope sees Castro's death as a blow to the resurgence of papal authority to its medieval glory. re The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts
The Clintons have the ethics of mobsters. And let's not forget the effort to threaten/intimidate/blackmail members of the electoral college into changing their votes. Clinton could publicly condemn that endeavor. Her taciturnity on the subject proves she approves of the effort. OHIO STATE KNIFE ATTACKS
Snowflakes are urged to shelter in your safe spaces until blame can be assigned to climate change, Trump or the NRA. or all 3 plus the russians and Trump. Bush also has antecedent responsibility because he once said "Somalia"
the dead asshat islam won't be getting his free prayer rug anytime soon.
or even a 72-year old virgin.
(remember the old Onion headline "Dead terrorists surprised to find themselves in Hell") was this the one that came out a few days after 911?
Will Bithers
2016-11-28 17:59
yes, 9/26/2001, before Zach's troll farm was established in soros's basement
2016-11-28 20:19
hey, thanks.
Will Bithers
2016-11-28 23:47
So now we discover that the perp was one of Obama's gifts to America. How many more of his anti-American immigrants will commit jihad against us?
RE How the FAA is Killing Drone Innovation
my 10 gauge will kill drone innovation much faster. |