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Friday, November 25. 2016Friday morning links
Florida Woman Accused of Shooting at House Guests Who Stayed Too Long Makes sense to me Here's why batteries have started catching fire so often 'Atlas of the Underworld' reveals oceans and mountains lost to Earth's history A Shocking Find In a Neanderthal Cave In France How AirBNB Awakens Dormant Capital Rush Limbaugh Children’s Books Banned at Wisconsin School: They’re “Inappropriate” Yes, it's the Gulag, Western Style Across 33 rich countries, only 5% of the population has high Students Need Much Better Counseling Before Going Into Debt for College Black Lives Matter Activists Plan to Disrupt Black Friday Shopping in Major Cities Spoil sports Forest Service trying to seize private land from Montana ranchers Evil The GOP's Track Record on Illegal Immigration Central Americans surge north, hoping to reach U.S. before Trump inauguration Freakout at Vassar College Why People Lost Their Minds When A Brooklyn Store Played ‘Sweet Home Alabama’ WaPo Releases Report on Russian Propaganda Sites- List Includes: Drudge Report, Wikileaks, Zerohedge, Infowars… Not Maggie's Farm? The Russians are always emailing me hot info Stop faking hate crimes. You're hurting your own cause There aren't enough real ones The snarling contempt behind the media's fake news hysteria Flashback: Trump-Trashing Journalists Oozed Over Obama’s ’08 Transition AVI: Jews and the Left Jared Kushner’s first interview reveals what the media completely missed in the Trump campaign Thornton: "If the delicate millennial Eloi were really interested in reforming 15 Things Trump and Reagan Have in Common Robert Reich: How to resist Donald Trump’s first 100 days Slate: Democratic Politics Have to Be “Identity Politics” Democrats Lose the Future by Trusting Their Demographic Doomsday Clock LGBT Advocates Debate Future of Movement Post-Election Bob Herbert: The War on the Poor Is Already Underway Sheesh. I thought LBJ solved poverty decades ago DONALD TRUMP Addresses Nazi Conspiracies at NY Times: “Boy, You’re Really Into This Stuff” GOP: Get with the Permanent Campaign Trump’s GOP: The end of ‘checklist conservatism’ Yes, Trump will keep on changing his mind: here’s why Trump is seriously committed to the destruction of planet Earth Of course he is. He hates the Earth UCLA Professor Has Had An Especially Tough Time Dealing With Trump’s Victory Supermarkets are packed with aggressive white supremacists, Esp. Whole Foods. They hassle me all the time cuz of my Hillary button. Hey, she could still win. Comments
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As far as BLM disrupting Black Friday sales, what's the over/under on how long it takes for some Chi-town gangstas to start looting and robbing the consumers?
One third of all men agree that dancing is for women and faggots
Wouldn't push it quite that far.
And it's true that many women can't dance well either, But let's face it, as a(apparently 'sexist') male, a woman who can't dance well still looks a lot better doing it than a guy. Not in our family, where dancing is a joyous expression of love, happiness, recognizing the event, etc. Husband danced with granddaughter at her uncle's wedding and it was great to see. Granted, said granddaughter was just rising two: both participants thoroughly enjoyed the dance, as did the onlookers.
In some cultures, it's the men who dance - think "Zorba the Greek". Saw this the other day:
Former Sanders Aide: QUOTE: 'We Don't Need White People Leading the Democratic Party' This attitude is one the ruling class of Democrats has long refused to recognize. After all, The Narrative says that minorities can't be racist, but just because the dem leadership believes it doesn't make it true. With the changing demographics of the Democratic Party, the white leadership may find themselves being replaced by people of color. If/when that happens it will come as a tremendous shock to them. The schadenfreude will be rich if people of color, over whom the white dem leadership thought they would lord over in perpetuity, cast them aside for leaders that look like themselves. https://pjmedia.com/trending/2016/11/24/former-sanders-aide-we-dont-need-white-people-leading-the-democratic-party/?singlepage=true Re: "WaPo Releases Report on Russian Propaganda Sites- List Includes: Drudge Report, Wikileaks, Zerohedge, Infowars…
Not Maggie's Farm? The Russians are always emailing me hot info" We are in awe of your ability to flow Ruskie propoganda to our hungry ears and, at the same time, fly under the wapo's radar brilliantly escaping detection. Those fools at the above listed sites were awfully sloppy in hiding their connections. Bravo, you! Comrade. I for one await your marching orders. Every morning. PS The article about Sweet Home Alabama? Marvelous! I loved the metaphor of the patron asking the young clerk to turn it off and the clerk responding, "I don't know how." re WaPo Releases Report on Russian Propaganda Sites- List Includes: Drudge Report, Wikileaks, Zerohedge, Infowars…
This is a rather new phenomenon, yes? I have only seen the 'fake news/sites' meme in the last few weeks. I don't know if they believe their own fable here or not. I can only speculate that they realize they have lost control of The Narrative and that discrediting everything other than legacy media and partisan dem sites is part of a desperate strategy to regain the upper hand. It's a stratagem commenter Zach employs all the time. It won't work. feeblemind: I don't know if they believe their own fable here or not.
Two independent researchers groups used analytic tools to trace the origin of false Internet memes, and their dissemination. The Russians are playing the U.S. public, and unless this becomes more generally known, they will continue undermine the democratic process. Pretending the evidence doesn't exist won't make it go away. mudbug: And then there's this
From your link: "Coler says his writers have tried to write fake news for liberals — but they just never take the bait." They probably just don't know the correct hooks. Then there's this. Macedonia entrepreneurs. Apparently, there's big business in to be made feeding people's preconceptions. Z: From your link: "Coler says his writers have tried to write fake news for liberals — but they just never take the bait."
There might be value in remembering that the topic is "fake news." Consider the source.
2016-11-25 15:22
mudbug: There might be value in remembering that the topic is "fake news." Consider the source.
You provided the source.
2016-11-25 15:55
A little friendly advice from the sport of water skiing: once you've fallen, let go of the rope.
An aquatic version of the old ...stop digging bromide, which has been making the rounds anent the ongoing liberal calamity.
Bill Carson: A little friendly advice from the sport of water skiing
Still ignoring the evidence. You keep focusing on the "evidence" and we'll keep winning elections. Deal?
Bill Carson
2016-11-25 12:50
Bill Carson: You keep focusing on the "evidence"
Will do! Bill Carson: and we'll keep winning elections. It's your country. You can choose whomever you like to lead you. However, keep in mind that Russia is working to undermine your democracy, so it would behoove you to work to protect your system of government from outside interference by adversaries who have little regard for either the promises of American democracy or the welfare of the American people.
2016-11-25 12:55
how's the 2016 election going? did you win it yet?
seriously, kid, for someone with such a losing record, why are you lecturing anyone?
Will Bithers
2016-11-25 13:11
Your concern is touching.
"by adversaries who have little regard for either the promises of American democracy the transnational left or the welfare of the American people Democratic Party." FIFY. P.S. Would you like Buck Turgidson's phone #?
Bill Carson
2016-11-25 13:16
Ooh, Zach, sounds like you are finally admitting your bot-server is offshore. We Americans appreciate your concern, but frankly we are doing a lot better right now than we have the last 8 years. American companies are already in talks with Trump about returning to the U.S. (3 trillion in capital fled the U.S. during the Obama years); NATO partners are talking about pulling their weight in contributions, and companies like Ford and Carrier are saying they will bring back their production to the U.S.
After 8 years of the worst economic depression in the country's history, all politically created by Obama and the Democrats, there is finally some hope for Americans. MAGA!
2016-11-25 13:32
Jim: After 8 years of the worst economic depression in the country's history, all politically created by Obama and the Democrats
Um, the financial meltdown and ensuing recession was inherited by the Obama Administration.
2016-11-25 15:40
No it wasn't. The financial collapse was triggered by the Democrats who took control of Congress in 2007 and immediately shut down the Bush administration. Remember Barney Frank??? He was the author of the financial chaos. He and the other Democrats behind the collapse still haven't been brought to justice.
2016-11-25 18:06
Jim: The financial collapse was triggered by the Democrats who took control of Congress in 2007 and immediately shut down the Bush administration.
Gee whiz. Congress can't even normally pass legislation without the President's signature. While you might point to Congressional fecklessness, they weren't the responsible party. More specifically, the housing bubble was in full bloom in 2006. There had been plenty of time for the Bush Administration to address the problem, but they were convinced that the market would self-correct.
2016-11-26 10:10
Anyone who is familiar with the activities of the "elite" of the Democratic Party, the Anti-War movement, etc during the Cold War is well aware of Russian playing of some of the American public. Hell, scion of the Democratic Party, Ted Kennedy, went to the Soviets seeking to help them is they would help him oppose Reagan.
Welcome to the late 20th century DemProgs Well said, Sam L
Fake News QUOTE: If the Washington Post and the New York Times are wondering why fake news is now so effective they must at look in part at their own editorial policies for an answer. https://pjmedia.com/richardfernandez/2016/11/25/fake-news/ QUOTE: Forest Service trying to seize private land from Montana ranchers It's a standard easement by prescription. The concept dates to English common law, but is specifically allowed under Montana law. Prescriptive easements also protect private landowners who are landlocked, but have used roads across neighboring land tracts for generations. The claim is subject to court review, where it was established that the trail was in use long before the current owners acquired the property, and that the easement is valid. The result is that nothing changes: People can still use the trail to gain access, as they have for decades. Wapo is concerned about the Russian propaganda yet they ignore the connection that most left wing groups have with Russia. Many of them are subsidiaries of Marxist/socialist/communist organizations. BLM is a good example of this as is ACORN and the Democrat party. The Astro-turf demonstrations trying to reverse the presidential election is funded by and controlled by these same Russian sponsored organizations. But WAPO is wearing 'red blocker' glasses and can't see it I guess.
GoneWithTheWind: Wapo is concerned about the Russian propaganda yet they ignore the connection that most left wing groups have with Russia. Many of them are subsidiaries of Marxist/socialist/communist organizations. BLM is a good example
Perhaps you haven't heard. Russia isn't communist, but oligarchical capitalism. What evidence do you have that BLM is a subsidiary of Russian interests? http://www.aim.org/special-report/reds-exploiting-blacks-the-roots-of-black-lives-matter/
GoneWithTheWind: http://www.aim.org/special-report/reds-exploiting-blacks-the-roots-of-black-lives-matter/
Your citation doesn't support your claim. It doesn't even mention Russia. OT -
Bird Dog...thank you for the tip a few days ago on the Ramon Bilbao Riserva. An outstanding addition to a great Thanksgiving feast yesterday. Best to all there on Maggie's Farm...where I ain't gonna work no more... Whiskey_Joe The act of virtue signaling among the educated liberal class has now reached a total frenzy. Reality has been abandoned. People's histrionic statements about "how everything is different now" truly make me wonder about their information sources, but I cannot question their hysteria because to do so might out me as an old leftie who voted Trump because Hillary's contemptuous corporatism was going to destroy what is left of the middle class in this country.
By the way, I'm really looking forward to seeing TPP tossed into the dustbin on January 20th. Can't wait! JM01: By the way, I'm really looking forward to seeing TPP tossed into the dustbin on January 20th.
Tossing the TPP won't stop the trend towards globalization. What will happen is that it will make resurgent China the new center of trade in Asia with the U.S. on the outside looking in. Globalization is a suicide pact it will destroy itself and us along with it unless we take specific actions to put ourselves out of harms way. In a few year it will be safer to vacation in Iraq than France, Germany or Italy (probably England too). Of course I could be wrong. France and Germany might elect an actual leader who would put their countries first. Italy is a goner, it's just a matter of time and numbers. By the time the leftist elites finish with their globalization plans Russia may well be the safest country to live in.
Woah, Zachie, you obviously don't spend any time in Asia. If you did you would know the U.S. fell off the sphere of economic influence a long, long time ago, other than as a market for Asian products. China is the place, followed by Korea, and Japan unfortunately becoming a more and more distant third place. It is mainly the U.S. military element that remains as a factor.
Jim: the U.S. fell off the sphere of economic influence a long, long time ago, other than as a market for Asian products.
More than a quarter of U.S. exports go to Asia, and while Asian markets are exploding, U.S. market share is falling due to the proliferation of trade deals among Asian-Pacific nations, costing the U.S. billions of dollars in trade. TPP was meant to address this problem, while also blunting China's burgeoning economic influence. Most of what we sell to Asia is our natural resources and not value added/manufactured goods. I would be in favor of restrictions on exporting any fossil fuels or raw materials.
SweetPea: Most of what we sell to Asia is our natural resources and not value added/manufactured goods.
That is incorrect. Most U.S. exports to Asia are manufactured goods, including computers and other electronics, transportation equipment, machinery, and various manufactured commodities. While manufacturing employment has decreased in the U.S., manufacturing output has continued to climb, doubling over the last thirty years. That's because U.S. workers are becoming more efficient. Not a lot of upside for men to dance modern separate variety. Do it so badly it's notice, you lose points. Do it okay, and you don't get noticed. A woman dancing badly, is still a woman wriggling on the dance floor.
Couples dancing is better, but the learning curve for men is higher and many women are terrible in concealing their unhappiness a man hasn't reached high skill. So it is hard for men to stick with something unless it is for their longterm partner. The man, assuming not Fred Astaire, is still not the center of attention. He is presenting and displaying his partner. His leading is to give her opportunities to shine. Once he has some skill, he does gain benefit as other ladies wish to be led that way. I think fake news is a real problem and will increase in sophistication. Yet the greater problem continues to be the selection of news, and injecting opinion into the news. Human beings haven't shown themselves to be that good at dealing with those, and now we have an additional problem.
Conservatives have to be more vigilant than liberals, because their mistakes in falling for fake news will do more damage. Fake hate crimes don't seem to have damaged liberalism a bit. Loudly trumpeting stories that turn out to be fake will hurt conservatives a little at a time. Related: I'm inclined to take the school district at its word that the Rush Revere book was not turned away - except perhaps for grade level. A 6 y/o carrying a book geared for 4th-7th grade reading level strikes me as suspicious. To be reading that book, the boy would have to be both a superior reader and interested in that type of material. I think those who are claiming to be upset over the "fake news" are really upset that anyone is competing with the MSM in fake news reporting.
The claims that Trump is sexist, racist or xenophobic is a total made up story by the MSM working hand in glove with the Democrat party. Every close election the Dems roll out the racist/sexist meme to rally their racist/sexist base. The mainstream media is simply projecting the idea of "fake news" onto the public to try and hide their sins during this election cycle. Interesting that NPR uncovered some loon responsible for many fake news websites, or should I say "fakier news websites. Had my fill of the MSM. National Enquirer on television is all they are. Sorry "National Enquirer", didn't mean to insult you, you have at least never tried to portray yourself as serious news.
Tracked: Nov 27, 09:11