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Monday, August 1. 2016Monday morning links
Obamas’ holiday idyll shattered by local anger over outsize mansions Dallas Weatherman Resigns After Criticizing DNC For Having Mothers Of “Slain Thugs” Truth can sometimes get you fired these days Millennials Cause Home Ownership to Drop to Its Lowest Level Since 1965 Equity: Finally, a Movie About Women Who Love Money The ABA's Plan to Impose Political Correctness on the Practice of Law All Lives Matter’ Gets Texas Student Suspended, Sent To Diversity Workshop Big Feminist Twitter Account: Gender Isn’t Determined By Chromosomes, But By Feelings… I sort of feel like an egg McMuffin Big yellow taxi took government-controlled markets away? 'Green Lives Matter' college course title has some critics seeing red Death by a Thousand Cuts – The true story of liberal indoctrination at UC Irvine They are useless or, at best, destructive The welfare state's war of all against all The Welfare State’s War of All Against All The Welfare State’s War of All Against All As a Teen Cashier Seeing Food Stamp Use, I Changed My Mind About the Democrat Party Third-party support surging Suddenly, Washington Post Is Very Concerned Over The Expanding Power Of The Presidency Why the president needs to be white, male and Republican: Glenn Reynolds The Siberian Candidate - Do the Democrats and the New York Times seem a bit paranoid? TRUMP CHALLENGES HILLARY TO HOLD A PRESS CONFERENCE, SINCE HER LAST ONE OCCURRED 236 DAYS AGO My God, She’s Running as Hillary Clinton Hedge-Fund Handouts: Hillary Clinton $48,500,000 - $19,000 Donald Trump Donald Trump’s Week of Lies, Outrages, Broken Promises, and Shady Associations Washington Post: Hillary Clinton is an inveterate liar WaPo Gives Hillary Four Pinocchios For Claiming Comey Called Her ‘Truthful’ About Her Emails Hillary’s Tearjerker About Handicapped Girl in Wheelchair in DNC Speech WAS ALL A LIE! Dozens Show Up To Hear Hillary Clinton In Cleveland Ohio – The “Bus Tour” is Now Over… Trump: Can't I respond to an attack? Sure, go ahead, moron, and look like an idiot Trump’s response to Khizr Khan was a mess Trump Cites Own 'Sacrifices' in Response to Muslim War Hero Father Media Hypocrisy About Grieving Parents At Conventions On Display
Sexism’s secret gift to Hillary Clinton The End of (Women’s) History? Despite her image as a feminist trailblazer, Hillary Clinton is late to the party. Contrarian on Hillary's speech:
Muslim Refugee Smashes up Church in Germany 'One ISIS attack every 84 hours' spurs dread and anger in Europe HUNGARY BLASTS EU WITH COMMON SENSE ON ISLAM The almost total absence of public mourning for an 85-year-old Christian priest whose throat was slit by Islamicist terrorists while he led prayer in a small church in Normandy, France, is a scandal. Catholic Charity Promotes Hamas Narrative in Fundraising Magazine Trackbacks
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In a week, Trump will have some other 'outrage' over a minor incident pinned to him, and the press will be after him like a pinata at a kid's party.
Meanwhile, Hillary's gonna skate on her 'careless' felonious handling of classified email. Which, as we've already seen, has massive potential to damage the country AND leave her wide open for blackmail. Not to mention that she lies continually, habitually, and when the truth would serve her better. Tell me again how Hillary's the preferable candidate for President. Don't pull in some "Well, if XYZ had made it we'd have a perfect candidate" - XYZ didn't make it and we've got Trump or Hillary. Johnson's not an option, he won't have any traction at all in DC to get anything accomplished and will get rolled by the Beltway Bandits. It's a binary choice at this point - Trump or Hillary. Don't vote, you tacitly accept the winner. Write-in, and you assuage your conscience while tacitly accepting the winner. Yeah, I ain't thrilled with either of them - but no way in hell am I voting for Hillary. What is maddening to me is that the press is making this an issue. Why not make the same issue over Clinton for still calling Sean Smith's mother a liar after her speech at the RNC convention? Isn't that the EXACT same type of thing that the press is dumping on Trump for? Attacking the parent of a dead U.S. citizen who risked his life for this country?
But yet somehow Trump is horrible and Clinton is not. Trump was right to defend himself. This Gold Star parent claimed Trump hasn't read the Constitution and that he wouldn't have let their family into the U.S. Neither of which is true. Big lies. I have no problems with Trump defending himself and his knowledge/stances. If he had stayed silent, the press STILL would've brought up this topic on the Sunday news programs. And without a reaction of some kind from Trump, it would've been left to be 'credible.' This is how the Republicans lose every single time. Any time the press tries to demonize the right, the Republican candidate bends over backwards to apologize, take back a statement, etc. I'm tired of it. Trump took the hard stance, and it is what I want him to do. NEVER back down from positions you KNOW are right. 1) Trump sees the government letting in hordes of potential terrorists (so do I and so do many other Americans). He knows we need to do something about it (unlike the left that will just continue letting them pour in unabated and unchecked). For this he is deemed 'racist.' RIDICULOUS. 2) Trump sees our government sending troops overseas to destabilize an already shaky region (Iraq). Based on poor intelligence (either WMD were never there, or were moved while the inspections were delayed). Many of our military were killed, we had no plan to keep the country stable once Bush left office, now it is a hot bed of ISIS. For this stance, he is connected to the death of this man's son on the battlefield? He is dragged into some discussion on the Muslim religion? Trump did not deserve that. This man's experience had NOTHING to do with Trump...and everything to do with Hillary/Bush and their Iraq War. I could go on, but I hope you get the point. The attack on Trump was out-of-line. Look through the smoke. The Khans/Cons are a "Cindy Sheehan" plant. Probably being paid nicely by Hillary and the DNC. They probably interviewed every one of the families of every Muslim soldier that died fighting in the last 15 years (if you want to look, there were 18 Muslims killed in combat out of who knows how many killed total).
Ever notice how Poor Cindy disappeared the day Obama took office? MissT: Why not make the same issue over Clinton for still calling Sean Smith's mother a liar after her speech at the RNC convention?
Because, she didn't, in fact, call her a liar. Clinton: "I feel a great deal of sympathy for the families of the four brave Americans that we lost at Benghazi. And I certainly can't even imagine the grief that (the mother of one victim) has for losing her son, but she's wrong." MissT: we had no plan to keep the country stable once Bush left office What are you talking about? There was no plan for stabilizing the country from the get-go. She said perhaps she misunderstood what I said, which is a polite way of saying "What she is saying isn't true." I'm not sure why you would want to quibble about a technicality like that, Zachriel - unless it is your continuing inability to admit that other people are even 1% correct.
Similarly, both Biden and Obama declared that Iraq was stable. I suppose you can claim that it just sorta got stable by accident, without anyone having any plan, but that seems unlikely. Assistant Village Idiot: She said perhaps she misunderstood what I said, which is a polite way of saying "What she is saying isn't true."
It's not a technicality. There is an important difference between saying someone is lying and saying someone is wrong. There's also a difference between the sacrifice of a child in defense of their country to building a casino with your name emblazoned on it, all the while suggesting she probably wasn't even allowed to speak because she was a Muslim. Well, Trump said he wanted to hear what she had to say. The proper response isn't to directly attack a gold-star family based on ignorant stereotypes, but rather to say you may not agree with their politics, but that you honor their sacrifice, and then — this is very important — simply drop the matter. Assistant Village Idiot: Similarly, both Biden and Obama declared that Iraq was stable. Iraq hasn't been stable since the U.S. invasion.
2016-08-01 16:45
Please refer to this video. YES, she did call Ms. Smith a liar. What else did she mean by 'absolutely wrong' in this statement? That Ms. Smith was telling the truth? Stop playing word games. You know very well that Hillary has repeatedly rebuffed Ms. Smith's statements about what she was told after the death of her son. Every single one of them. Yes, Hillary called her a liar.
http://thefederalist.com/2016/03/10/watch-hillary-clinton-call-the-mother-of-a-benghazi-victim-a-liar/ MissT: What else did she mean by 'absolutely wrong' in this statement?
It means just what is says. Clinton says she is "absolutely wrong". That is not the same as claiming someone is lying. People are wrong every day without lying. For instance, you are wrong on this point. It doesn't mean you are lying.
2016-08-01 18:29
Hillary Clinton $48,500,000 - $19,000 Donald Trump
This says it all. So who has their legs spread for Wall St, aka the political class paymasters? For better or for worse, this is what sets Trump apart from the GOPe and the DNC. It is really stunning how and why this election cycle has been turned upside down. Given the lop sided money, HRC, or any Dem, should be wiping the floor with Donald Trump, so I don't quite get the histrionics and drama. unless it all theater. "Muslim Refugee Smashes up Church in Germany..."
The parishioners did not act apparently out of fear he might have been a suicide bomber. I wouldn't be surprised if most of them were elderly, given the plummet in church attendance in Germany, no more so than in the north and in the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Any article about Trump cited from Hot Air will follow this template:
Trump’s response to ______ was a mess Trump responded to an unwarranted and un-truthful personal attack and the Khans collectively doubled down on "STOOPID" with their defense of Islam: Mr. = "Nothing to do with terrorism" and Mrs. = "Men and women equal in the eyes of Islam" Being a Gold Star parent does NOT give you the right to lie and propagandize in favor of your agenda. When you do, you become fair game for criticism, as the rest of us. B48: Being a Gold Star parent does NOT give you the right to lie and propagandize in favor of your agenda.
Sure, but the proper response isn't to directly attack a gold-star family based on ignorant stereotypes, but rather to say you may not agree with their politics, but that you honor their sacrifice, and then — this is very important — simply drop the matter. The problem is that Trump has the temperament of a 3rd grader. He doesn't know how to control himself or his rhetoric. It isn't sufficient to have better border controls. He wants to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. He advocates deporting 11 million people (what? load them on boxcards?). He wants to stop all Muslims from entering the U.S. (ask them. bad people won't lie.). Register all Muslims. (a yellow crescent?) Renege on alliances. (Putin can have the Baltics, maybe half of Poland, but no more.) Denigrate McCain's service (he shouldn't have been shot down!). It doesn't end. Ultimately, the responsibility lies with Republicans and their leadership for cozying up to truthiness for more than a generation. Now, for too many Republicans, Trumpiness trumps. There's something seriously wrong with a political party that nominated Trump for the presidency. Yeah, well, it's still interesting - not to say outrageous - that the press (the leftist echo chamber) is so interested in Khan but not Pat Smith. Hillary can lie about nearly everything (she even claims on TV that Comey backed up all her fallacious assertions about her email server) and the press yawns when she says Ms Smith is a liar. Of course, they are only interested in what Khan said during the DNC about Trump, not that his law practice includes immigration services - no conflict of interest there! - or that he's written at least one paper on Islamic Law (Sharia) acknowledging Said Ramadan who is a prominent leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. They are also not curious about which part of the Constitution Khan was talking about in his speech at the DNC.
It is certainly a tragic thing that Khan's son died in battle as a US soldier - incidentally, he died in a war that Trump was opposed to but Hillary voted for - but what is more tragic is that the leftist echo chamber is only concerned about casualties that fit an anti-Republican narrative (e.g. Jersey Girls, Cindy Sheehan, and now Khan's son) but have no interest in the casualties of malfeasance or ineptitude from the left. There's something seriously wrong with a political party that nominated Trump for the presidency. Yup. If the elected Republican establishment had done its job, there would be no Trump candidacy. On the other hand, the Democrats had a choice between a woman with no positive accomplishments, the architect of the disastrous coup in Libya that culminated in the deaths of four Americans and has admitted that she is a simpleton and and a socialist. There's something seriously wrong with a party who can't come up with better candidates. mudbug: the press yawns when she says Ms Smith is a liar.
Because, she didn't, in fact, call her a liar. Clinton: "I feel a great deal of sympathy for the families of the four brave Americans that we lost at Benghazi. And I certainly can't even imagine the grief that (the mother of one victim) has for losing her son, but she's wrong." mudbug: If the elected Republican establishment had done its job, there would be no Trump candidacy. That's right. The right-wing has been telling their followers (among other things) that Obama is a foreign-born Muslim intent on destroying America. Based on this, of course, they are angry that Republicans in Congress didn't impeach Obama and put him on trial for treason. So now the Republicans have nominated an out-and-out birther for president. Turns out Khizr Khan has a direct financial interest in opposing Obama on immigration. He is an immigration lawyer that specializes in programs that sell green cards to wealthy foreign investors. And is known for its widespread abuse.
His attack was always odd. Going after Trump, who had nothing to do with his son going to war and opposes further entanglements. And he, like most Democrats with law degrees, misused the Constitution which says nothing on immigration controls and "religious tests". JK Brown: His attack was always odd. Going after Trump, who had nothing to do with his son going to war and opposes further entanglements.
His attack is based on Trump's bigoted statements, about Muslims, about Mexicans, about women. JK Brown: And he, like most Democrats with law degrees, misused the Constitution which says nothing on immigration controls and "religious tests". Khan pointed to words actually in the Constitution; "liberty" and "equal protection of the laws". The issue isn't hasn't been that you may disagree with Khan about whether it is realistic or just to ban Muslims as a group from the United States, but Trump's inability to show any sort of empathy with a gold star family. QUOTE: Dallas Weatherman Resigns After Criticizing DNC For Having Mothers Of “Slain Thugs” Bird Dog: Truth can sometimes get you fired these days Sandra Bland was a "thug"? Jordan Davis was a "thug"? Hadiya Pendleton was a "thug"? Martin was, Brown was. That's two. Two is enough for a plural in English.
And we could keep going... Assistant Village Idiot: Two is enough for a plural in English.
The problem was that the statement roped in the mothers of Sandra Bland, Jordan Davis, and Hadiya Pendleton. Nor do the mothers of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown see their children as "thugs", a term with a long history associated with racism. Thug has long history as a racist term? Really! That is rich. I think it has been a racially charged word since 30 April 2015. The day NPR ran with it!
The word originated in the early 1800's from India. The Mobsters in early 20th century America sent their thugs out to collect payment. Usually big burly white men. Since most mobsters where white. So for the next 80 plus years, thug was understood to mean "a violent person, especially a criminal." Go back to the well on that one Zach. Drink a big bottle of sweet tasting truth. B Hammer: I think it has been a racially charged word since 30 April 2015.
When I say ‘Thug Life,’ I mean that shit Cause these white folks see us as thugs I don’t care what y’all think I don’t care if you think you a lawyer, if you a man, if you an ‘African-American’ If you whatever the f*ck you think you are We thugs and n*gg@s to these motherf*ckers… — Tupac Shakur 1993
2016-08-02 09:21
Certainly everyone sympathizes with Mr Khan. Who wouldn't sympathize with a parent who lost their child to the enemy or to illegal alien criminals or even the Secretary of states inability to respond to an attack on an embassy. Of course we feel empathy. But does Mr Khan really believe that muslims have nothing to do with terrorism? But no matter because this is red meat for the MSM who will spend the next 103 days destroying Trump and hiding Hillary. For the next 103 days we would all do well to ignore anything negative said about Trump as it is likely to be untrue and an MSM/DNC false flag attack.
Did Mr Khan know that illegal aliens kill more people in the U.S. every year than the American deaths in the entire Gulf War? Would Mr Khan and his wife be on the stage at the DNC convention if his son had been killed by an illegal alien in America? It seems that Donald Trump makes some cringeworthy, outrageous remark, which has the media trolls salivating that they have got him, at last, and then it falls flat. We all know how these remarks get wildly conflated. While it can be pointed out that he falls for the bait, so does the media.
Not only that, the media and rivals frequently expose their prejudice and malice toward every day working people, they also wind up looking like cranks, kooks, and caricatures of the most lame, half baked, Republican conspiracy theorist. In other words they appear as unhinged as DJT. Meanwhile, Donald Trump yet again sucks away all the energy. Is that how it works, is that a strategy? Is it that Trump’s flippant remarks get lost in the excessive, hectoring, lecturing, over reaction so the media and rivals look like the mutterers on the bus? Am I crazy, does it give him some kind of immunity? Is it something only a Donald Trump can do? Does he get away with it because he doesn’t have to answer the paymasters? And yeah, what gives, why isn’t HRC wiping the floor with DJT, against DJT, it should have been a cake walk for any Dem. Don't forget to buy and read Don Surber's book, "Trump The Press". He's very funny with those sleazeballs of the media. Zach--you'd hate it.
Don't worry about Zach: He/she/It are paid Hillary trolls, who, by the grace of God, escaped from their doom beneath bridges!
Feel free to spread this link
http://www.everyjoe.com/2016/08/01/politics/trumping-hillary-why-you-should-vote-for-trump/#1 far and wide. I think it is closely reasoned and well stated. I note that Khan is not what he would seem from reading the mainstream press and Dem talking points: Muslim Brotherhood? Immigration Scammer? In Obumble's world? who would have thought that.
http://www.bookwormroom.com/2016/07/31/a-rant-about-the-artificial-khizr-khan-kerfuffle-which-is-intended-to-silence-conservatives/ |