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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, July 1. 2016Friday morning links
Why Skipping College Was One of the Smartest Decisions of My Life For Frigate Birds, Staying Aloft for Months is a Breeze 99-Million-Year-Old Bird Wings Found Encased in Amber Why Do Some Radio Stations Begin With 'K' and Others With 'W'? Why You Will Marry the Wrong Person
Washington State Schools to Start Promoting Gender Dysphoria to Kindergarteners Sick, sick, sick New Barnard College curriculum to teach its female students ‘how to think’ So why do they admit gals who cannot think? WHY ARE LEFTY INSTITUTIONS SUCH HOTBEDS OF RADICAL INEQUALITY? Michelle Obama: Why Don’t We Have Football Teams For Girls? It's oppression! New Hires at U. Cincinnati Must Prove Commitment to Diversity Smugglers use Uber-registered drivers to move migrants to U.S. border A comfortable way to come Energiewoopsie, Or, What Happens When You Dump Nuclear Power Scientists Scorn Greenpeace’s Deadly GMO Scare Tactics Less than 3 in 10 Americans believe the country's headed in the right direction Do people really want Superstates? Rationalia - the utopian totalitarianism of experts The Elites Have Lost The Right To Rule America’s Latest Epidemic: Bureaucrats with Guns Brexit Shows Us the Future and It's Great Judge upholds voter citizenship checks Good riddance to George Will:
Mika Rips Media Blackout on Clinton-Lynch Meeting: ‘People Too Afraid to Talk About the Truth’ How Hillary has used donations to the Clinton Foundation as her ‘personal piggy bank’ What Hillary Clinton doesn’t get: It’s the freedom, stupid - Americans have hit a wall of their own, after decades of abuse by the bipartisan ruling class Hillary Spent $26 Million on Battleground Ads in June – Trump Spent $0 => Leads Hillary by 4 Points Hillary Clinton’s Absurd Student Debt Forgiveness Plan Just pandering How safe is your holiday? Turkey, Egypt and Spain at 'high' risk of terrorist attacks Why the Generation that Left Egypt Was Kept in the Desert - They looked inside themselves and saw only their own fear, not the confidence needed to make the land of Israel their own. Senator to 'Post': Congress acts to shut loophole on Palestinian convict stipends Iran is as belligerent as ever Comments
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Makers vrs Takers, then? There are Takers at the top and at the bottom. I am thinking of the Takers at the Top, aka Globalists, Financialists, and Multinationals. They also are the political Paymasters that is why "The Donald" is the only one to break through in the USA, since he is self funding. The Elites contributed to this mess. Mass migration is a side effect of Globalization, as many people are abruptly displaced from their traditional livelihoods. There are 4 billion people dependent on subsistence agriculture, where are they to go when they lose their livelihoods? We know don't we? The Transnational Elites, aka the Davos Caste, benefit disproportionately from "Free Trade" but they have managed to collectivize the Pain by foisting mass migration consequences and costs on the Tax Payer and working people, sorta like the bail outs in 2008. Gawd how I love Maggie's in the morning! Perhaps edit the link to the adieu to George Will... try this'n... http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2016/06/good_riddance_to_george_will_.html
“You can start with how you raise your own children if you choose to have them,” she said.
from; Michelle Obama: Why Don’t We Have Football Teams For Girls? that's rich coming from the most uber nanny state regime EVER. Who imposes their own decisions on how you raise your children to the point of utter absurdity. And the reason girls don't play a high contact sport like football is because they don't have the muscle mass and strength that boys do, or the need for the physical release of energy that football gives boys. There, I said it. besides, the majority of girls don't like to get hurt. They probably couldn't get enough girls that want to play - together to make up two teams. It's one of those glorious years when Canada Day is on Friday (today!) and Independence Day is on Monday!
So - one long weekend, two parties! A BBQ today here in the Ottawa Valley then we're off to friends in Vermont for the Fourth of July. Then you'll appreciate this from John Robson on the legitimacy of both the American independence and the Canadian constitution
Spoiler alert: It is, we, The People QUOTE: How Hillary has used donations to the Clinton Foundation as her ‘personal piggy bank’ Based on a book by birther Jerome Corsi. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerome_Corsi#Where.27s_the_Birth_Certificate.3F What sources are credible and why? Aren't they all contaminated by bias in one form or another? How can the truth be determined?
tnxplant: What sources are credible and why?
Really? You're arguing that Obama was not born in the U.S? The state of Hawaii has officially certified his birth. That's not true. The state of Hawaii never produced a genuine official birth certificate AND the one the white house produced was proved to be a forgery! Common sense tells you someone is hiding something. Ask yourself why Obama has the SSN of a dead man from Connecticut? Why did Obama himself declare he was a non-citizen when he applied to go to college? Why does his book claim he was born in Africa? Why does his African aunt say she was there at his birth in Africa? Why does his "notice of birth" published by his grandmother in Hawaii list his mothers address at a place she never lived? The list of very strange circumstances is quite long and ALL of them could easily be corrected if they were untrue.
GoneWithTheWind: That's not true.
Yes, it is true. Hawaii has officially certified Obama's birth. What you probably mean is that the certification is falsified. GoneWithTheWind: Why does his "notice of birth" published by his grandmother in Hawaii list his mothers address at a place she never lived? It was obviously a plot to take over the U.S. government hatched in 1961, to put a foreign-born biracial baby named Barack Hussein Obama into the presidency in 2008.
2016-07-01 14:37
You are bouncing around on this issue of his birth certificate to keep from having to say anything specific. Hawaii did NOT produce a birth certificate what they did was release a statement saying that they had one on file. I am not confusing it with the one Obama himself released which was a fraud/counterfeit.
The reason his notice of birth used a fraudulent address was because his grandmother knew she had to list an address and found one that she thought would never be questioned. Anyone can/could list a notice of a live birth with the newspaper. I could do it today for a child born in Kenya or for a ficticious child. The paper doesn't check or care they simply publish what you tell them. But they do have boxes to fill and if the grandmother did not come up with an address it would have caused questions so she faked it. Understandably she, better than her daughter, understood the value of her grandchild establishing his American citizenship. While her and her husband's allegiance is questionable no one is claiming they knew that someday little Barack would run for president. Oh! what a tangled web we weave : When first we practice to deceive!
2016-07-01 16:08
GoneWithTheWind: Hawaii did NOT produce a birth certificate what they did was release a statement saying that they had one on file.
Hawaii provided a Certificate of Live Birth. And the peanut gallery goes along to get along, because Trump.
2016-07-02 09:59
"Hawaii provided a Certificate of Live Birth."
Wiggle words! IF you apply for a passport you will need your birth certificate. A real official birth certificate with a state stamp on it. Show me the link to that which you claim was provided by the state of Hawaii. Show me the official Hawaii long form birth certificate!!! I have seen the so-called certificate of live birth (which was NOT released to the press by the state). It is a cop out because it leaves out most of the information that must be made up: name of hospital, residence of mother, etc. It DOES include the faked certificate number that proves it is a fake. SO show me the faked "certificate of live birth" and let's expose the scam.
2016-07-02 10:28
GoneWithTheWind: Wiggle words!
That is incorrect. You claimed Hawaii did not certify Obama's birth, but that is exactly what they did. Now, you might claim that Hawaii is in error, or committing a fraud, though how such a conspiracy could continue for so many years seems rather hard to explain. Hawaii has since released the so-called 'long form' birth certificate. http://health.hawaii.gov/vitalrecords/faq-obama/
2016-07-02 11:14
That is the forgery.
2016-07-02 16:06
GoneWithTheWind: That is the forgery.
So you're saying Hawaii falsified the birth certificate? Expert: No Doubt Obama's Birth Certificate Is Legit http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/04/29/expert-says-obamas-birth-certificate-legit.html
2016-07-03 09:06
I still think it would be interesting to see his school and financial aid records to see what Obama claimed he was.
2016-07-01 17:55
Those are philosophical/rhetorical questions, not specific to any particular topic.
I don't care one way or another about the the place of Obama's birth, but it's amusing to see the way you react ;) tnxplant: Those are philosophical/rhetorical questions, not specific to any particular topic.
GoneWithTheWind is not making a philosophical point about epistemology, but arguing that there is a reasonable basis to doubt Obama's U.S. birth. He specifically claimed that Hawaii did not certify Obama's birth, even though Hawaii provided a Certification of Live Birth.
2016-07-02 09:57
You do know who (what campaign) the original birther is, don't you? I'll give you a hint, she is under investigation by the FBI.
I think the Clinton Foundation is the greatest money laundering scheme ever created. I'll hand it to Bill and Hill on that count. That is just based on common sense. I have a very jaundiced view of politicians. They aren't your friend. "there is no evidence that Clinton or her campaign had anything to do with it."
http://www.factcheck.org/2015/07/was-hillary-clinton-the-original-birther New Barnard College curriculum to teach its female students ‘how to think’"What to think" is more accurate. And that seems to be, "The human rights people are magically immune to error, short-sightedness, and motive decay."
Yes. To teach someone "how to think" as in discipline their mind, one must present and have them confront both sides of an argument. And when the other side makes their blood boil, but they must remain disciplined and use ideas to overcome that opinion, they learn how to think.
Somehow I didn't get the sense Bernard was going to be offering opposing viewpoints. My thought exactly. This works well for them. Children really don't think all that well until about the time they are heading for college. That would indeed be the time to bring out the logic courses and learning to identify fallacies.
But just at this vulnerable time Barnard trots out the opinions you are supposed to have by structuring the form of what you are supposed to be thinking about, while claiming they are teaching you to think. This appeals to both the natural curiosity and vanity of 18-year-olds. However, perhaps it is not so brilliant. This is precisely what our elite schools have been doing for years in disguised form. Making it more open may trip the awareness of some students. Re: Why Don’t We Have Football Teams For Girls?
We do, it's called the Lingerie League. Michelle Obama: Why Don’t We Have Football Teams For Girls?
I know, I know. Because knee surgery scars aren't considered sexy on girls. It's discrimination. Those "headed in the right direction" polls usually catch a variety of objections, including both people whose porridge is too cold and whose porridge is too hot.
QUOTE: Do people really want Superstates? ... There are at least two great forces in human events. One is the drive for ever larger units of organization... The other great force is working in a different direction. There are two forces at work, but they are not necessarily always in contradiction. The desire of ethnic groups to secede from states that have a history of oppression are an artifact left over from the period of nationalist self-determination. For instance, Kurds are a separate people and ethnic nation, but were purposefully divided among neighboring states; Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. Unfortunately, peaceful means of separation are not always available, such as in Turkey, where nationalism overrides the right of self-determination. Furthermore, there is rarely a perfect dividing line to be drawn, so once borders begin to be rewritten, it can lead to open conflict. Meanwhile, cooperation between states is essential to maintaining political stability, which is why drives for self-determination are often at odds with the proximate goal of global peace and prosperity. This means people sometimes have to compromise in order to avoid the scourge of war. That means recognizing the right of self-determination, while recognizing the need for stability, necessary to avoid the scourge of war. One of the great mistakes of the early 20th century was the Wilsonian "self-determination of peoples" idea that the borders of nations should line up with the borders of countries, while still maintaining the integrity of the Westphalian Nation-state.
It was exactly this principle that justified the Anschluss of Austria and the annexation of the Sudetenland that presaged the expansion of the "New German Empire", and more recently led to the "Re-Balkanization" of the Balkan peninsula after the collapse of Yugoslavia. The fact is that due to reasons of geography, the region populated largely by the Kurds would not be a viable independent country. It would be land-locked and resource-poor, relying on surrounding countries to export it's one major resource, petroleum. A far better solution for the Kurdish people would be for the current governments to respect the rights and dignity of the minority peoples within their borders irrespective of ethnicity and culture. Another Guy named Dan: One of the great mistakes of the early 20th century was the Wilsonian "self-determination of peoples" idea that the borders of nations should line up with the borders of countries, while still maintaining the integrity of the Westphalian Nation-state.
Most historians say the mistake was not actually setting borders appropriately, but allowing colonial powers to continue to divide up peoples and use the resulting ethnic conflicts to maintain their colonial power. Another Guy named Dan: A far better solution for the Kurdish people would be for the current governments to respect the rights and dignity of the minority peoples within their borders irrespective of ethnicity and culture. Yes, because the Kurds have done so well under the thumb of other states. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Anfal_campaign To your first point, I leave as an exercise to the reader the following: On a 1917 map of Europe, draw a border that places all people of Germanic heritage on one side and all those of Slavic Heritage on the other. Bonus points for definitively justifying whether the Pomeranians and the Wends are Slavic or Germanic.
Exercise 2: On a similar map of the Middle east, draw lines that separate the Persian Shiites, Persian Zoroastrians, Arab Shiites, Arab Sunnis, Kurds, Turkic Sunnis, Alawites, and Yazidis, ensuring each group has access to both adequate fresh water and a deep-water harbor. For bonus points, include a homeland in Palestine with equal rights for Jews, Christians, and Moslems, and separate Egyptian Moslems and Coptics. Referencing your second point, had the idea of national self-determination not been reinforced by the decisions redrawing these lines, the above would have been unnecessary, and the governments thus formed would have been of necessity secular and accommodating of multi-ethnic but not necessarily multi-cultural societies. Instead you ended up with "We are Arab people, this is Arab land, and if you are not Arab, you have no right to be here." Another guy named Dan: On a 1917 map of Europe, draw a border that places all people of Germanic heritage on one side and all those of Slavic Heritage on the other.
Z: "there is rarely a perfect dividing line to be drawn, so once borders begin to be rewritten, it can lead to open conflict." Another guy named Dan: thus formed would have been of necessity secular and accommodating of multi-ethnic but not necessarily multi-cultural societies. Z: "This means people sometimes have to compromise in order to avoid the scourge of war. That means recognizing the right of self-determination, while recognizing the need for stability" To simply ignore the problem is not tenable, as history has shown.
2016-07-02 10:03
We do have football league for females.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/89/San_Diego_Seduction_huddle.jpg Females, all. Definitely. A Suspicious Meeting in Phoenix Probably Means FBI Charges against Clinton
QUOTE: Meeting Clinton coincidentally or otherwise was risky a risky and ill-advised thing for Lynch to do unless she -- and likely Obama -- thought it absolutely necessary. Lynch is a political hack but not a fool. Merely meeting privately with the former president when she is presumably impartially overseeing the criminal investigation of his wife stinks to high heaven, and compromises her sufficiently that there are already calls for her to recuse herself from the matter. Lynch is an experienced and politically savvy prosecutor, appointed by Bill Clinton to the plum position of U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, a traditional stepping stone to her current job. When it comes to managing her career and the politics of it, she is sure-handed. Lynch would not have risked the meeting, coincidental or otherwise, unless she had something important to say. It is highly unlikely that Lynch will move to indict Hillary, but the political effects of an FBI referral would be serious. She could not very well consult with the target of the investigation and so did the next best thing, seeking out the ex-president, delivering the bad news, probably along with assurances that regardless of the FBI conclusions, she will not move forward. http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2016/07/a_suspicious_meeting_in_phoenix_probably_means_fbi_charges_against_clinton_.html QUOTE: DiGenova said the problem with the secretive meeting at the private aircraft section of the Phoenix airport had nothing to do with appearances, but was a violation of the Justice Department’s policies. “It’s very important to realize this isn’t just a question of her judgment. The question is the Department of Justice policy on communicating with a side in a case,” DiGenova told TheDCNF. Given Bill Clinton’s legal status as a party to the federal investigations, DiGenova said Lynch should not, under any circumstances, have met with him because strict Justice Department rules require impartiality among federal prosecutors and department officials. As AG, Lynch is the nation’s top law enforcement official. DiGenova added that Lynch “cannot be that unaware of who she is and what her role is. It’s beyond belief. There is no reason to believe her representation about what transpired in that conversation.” “The whole set of circumstances surrounding how they met on the tarmac, in a plane with no witnesses is simply appalling,” he concluded. “There’s no good reason for her to have met with him. None. Zip,” he said. Complicating the issue is the fact that Bill Clinton launched Lynch’s federal career when he appointed her U.S Attorney for the Eastern District of New York in 1999, one of the most coveted prosecutorial posts in the country. http://dailycaller.com/2016/06/30/exclusive-was-bill-clinton-plea-bargaining-with-the-attorney-general/ I agree, but wonder if Lynch's "unknowing it was wrong" meeting was a purposeful mistake to cause a public recusal for her. That way of the way, she is out when the troubles start.
Obama's on his last legs and unlikely to be much of a force out of office, not like Bill was. Hillary is indicted and knocked out. So there must be a lot of Democrats scrambling to avoid the flak and fallout in hopes of future positions. It'll get even worse if it appears the Clintons are out in the party. QUOTE: wonder if Lynch's "unknowing it was wrong" meeting was a purposeful mistake to cause a public recusal for her. That way of the way, she is out when the troubles start. Interesting observation JK Brown. Makes sense. It's a shame we all have to be Kremlinologists in order to try and figure out what our own President and his administration are up to. Re: Bureaucrats with guns
FTA: But do we really need armed regulators interacting with the public? Yes, bureaucrats occasionally have to deal with potentially dangerous people. And even if they’re enforcing rules that shouldn’t exist, I think they have every right to be protected. But in those rare instances, why not simply call up the local cops and ask for an escort? Would that really be asking too much? I think that's exactly the point - if enforcing regulations requires enforcement officers from another department who might second-guess your policies and procedures and authority, much as (theoretically) police are required to obtain warrants from impartial magistrates who are supposed to act as a check on their "probable cause" assertions, well, that handicaps your ability to command respect for your authority, doesn't it? A factory owner might want to question your search, see your papers, make a few phone calls, get his lawyers involved, if it's some pencil-pusher in a suit and tie showing up in his office - you get James Bond villain-level stormtrooper swinging in through the windows from cable-dangling attack helicopters and pointing machine guns at your secretary's head and suddenly you get real obsequious, don't ya? Re: Lynch/Clinton meeting.
The probable outcomes of this investigation are: 1. No end of the investigation prior to the election. 2. The FBI report is not conclusive or strong enough to warrant an indictment. 3. The FBI report is strong enough and the DOJ takes it under consideration for a few months until after the election. 4. The FBI report is damning, the DOJ lawyers indict, all the Democrat voters rally around Hillary and vote her into office. In other words anyone thinking this is going to hurt Hillary is naive. One way or another even if it requires a presidential pardon Hillary will be elected in November. The elections in the 4 or 5 critical states are in the process of being stolen right now and with the blue states Hillary wins. That's my prediction. Also I predict that Loretta Lynch is nominated for the Supreme Court in 2017. On "Why Israel wasn't permitted into the promised land" posting:
The opening words are shalch l'cha, which parallels God's command to Abraham "lech L'cha". The more accurate translation for Abraham is "You go (or walk)" from your father's home to the land that I will show you. therefore the more accurate and parallel translation for this week's portion of God's command to the Israelites is "Send yourself..." some spies to spy out the land. (Not Send for yourself" as the article above cites -- adding "for" may sound better in English, but misdirects the directness of God's command to the Israelites.. And this God is not one for misdirection." In both cases the word "you" (l'cha) is superfluous in a normal Hebrew imperative sentence.
In both cases the traditional Rabbinic commentary jumps on the word as requiring interpretation - in both cases, the sages cast G-d as pointing out the personal benefits that will accrue to those commanded, beyond G-d's larger plan to establish a nation. A second widely accepted interpretation is that at both these crucial moments G-d is eliciting some initial spark of human initiative, which He can answer with blessing. This is a recurring theme in the Exodus as well. So the Rabbinic translation would be "Go for your own good" or "Go on your own". Both of which basically jibe with the standard "go for yourself" translation. Before I forget, bd, you do publish the most wonderful photos of old barns, houses and other sites along the way. You're not to shabby on recipes either.
Lots of reasons to come to MF. |
Tracked: Jul 03, 09:38