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Tuesday, March 15. 2016Tuesday morning linksSippican's sewage mystery Students: ‘Orient Express’ Party Racist, ‘Toxic,’ Perpetuates Tourist Privilege Tourist privilege? I am all for more of that Trans-forming Public Spaces - The Left reaps the whirlwind with its transgender bathroom fixation. Cargo Cult Economics And Why We Should Stop Fetishizing Home Ownership America's Gestapo: The FBI's Reign Of Terror VDH: The Weirdness of Illegal Immigration John Kasich Goes All In For Amnesty: Illegals ‘Made In The Image Of The Lord’ 124 illegal immigrants released from jail later charged in 138 murder cases Will Failed Obamacare Co-Ops Repay Taxpayers’ Money? Senate Panel Seeks Answers The “Cadillac Tax” on Health Benefits in the United States Will Hit the Middle Class Hardest How Democrats abandoned the working class and spurred rise of Donald Trump Donald Trump: Elevating Public Discourse Finally an Honest Reporter! TAMMY BRUCE Puts Blame on Violent Leftist Mob at Trump Rally Divisive Rhetoric? Trump Didn’t Start This Fire The GOP is fretting about Trump, but the Democrats’ likely standard-bearer could do just as much damage to her own party. How Long Until Arabs and Muslims Rule, Britannia? Those in England who deplore its Islamization are afraid to express their thoughts out loud. Nearly 60% of Palestinians support the current so-called wave of terror attacks against Israelis Obama Is Not a Realist - He’s an isolationist with drones and special-operations forces. The search for elusive Iranian moderates The U.N. Sinks Further into the Anti-Israeli Muck The Slipperiest Slope of Them All - An American president who rejected the notion of a “global war on terror” has now launched one. Uber Increases Productivity
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QUOTE: Finally an Honest Reporter! TAMMY BRUCE Puts Blame on Violent Leftist Mob at Trump Rally A Tea Party radio talk show host appearing on Fox News. That'll show 'em. not surprised that someone like you, who embraces identity politics and cannot march to anyone's drumbeat but the demoncrap party's cannot pigeon hole Bruce, who is about as an independent thinker as they come:
"Bruce's website describes her as a "gay, pro-choice, gun-owning, pro-death penalty, Tea Party Independent" who "worked on a number of Democratic campaigns in 1990s, including the 1992 Boxer and Feinstein Senate races and the Clinton for President campaign" and "also has a history of supporting Republicans as well, including President Reagan, both Presidents Bush and, quite reluctantly, John McCain during the 2008 presidential campaign."[2]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tammy_Bruce Donny "The Bear Jew" Donowitz: not surprised that someone like you, who embraces identity politics and cannot march to anyone's drumbeat but the demoncrap party's cannot pigeon hole Bruce, who is about as an independent thinker as they come
We're more than willing to take Bruce's position on its own merits, but the linked article was that someone finally came out against the "left" — explanation mark. It's called irony. The article also claims that the demonstrator threatened murder, but the only thing we see is that his goal was martyrdom, which seems as if he was expecting to be attacked by the mob. and what surprises you is that someone on the left would break ranks with the Party. you people still don't get it.
Donny "The Bear Jew" Donowitz
2016-03-15 11:07
Donny "The Bear Jew" Donowitz: and what surprises you is that someone on the left would break ranks with the Party
Not at all. People are quite capable of change, becoming more or less conservative, more or less liberal, depending on experience and learning.
2016-03-15 11:41
you're backtracking, your original remarks lack any kind of coherence, honesty or credibility. only when cornered do you offer an ad hoc explanation for how it is possible for an independent thinker to deviate from your own need for strict Party identification.
Donny "The Bear Jew" Donowitz
2016-03-15 12:10
In the first place, why is she any less authoritative than the leftist media personalities such as George Stephanopoulos. At least she wasn't part of a political campaign and hit squad to destroy women who described their experiences with Bill Clinton - and then start the Republican "War on Women".
In the second place, it's just a continuation of the press telling half the story - the part that looks best or the left and worst for the right - and ignoring the part that looks good for the right. This was an obvious case where the lefty college kids shut down speech they don't like. They do it at just about every college mostly to conservative speakers, but it could be anybody with whom they disagree. That's why conservative speakers have to provide their own personal security whenever they go on a campus while the lefty speakers don't. It's nothing new. mudbug: In the first place, why is she any less authoritative than the leftist media personalities such as George Stephanopoulos.
Breathless reporting. A Tea Party talk radio host comes out against the left on Fox News!!!!! It remains less-common on TV for anyone left of center to get blamed for such events. I know it just kills you that there are any at all, and it must grate on you terribly, but the major networks and larger newspapers remain what they are and create the opinions of many Americans. Contrary voices are notable in a man-bites-dog sense.
On independent internet news sites, this is less so. There are indeed plenty who will blame (and overblame) the left for controversial events. A reminder: being disdainful and sarcastic tends to work much better on people of the left than those of the right, as liberalism is an essentially social, not intellectual phenomenon, highly dependent on communicating what one is supposed to believe. Assistant Village Idiot: It remains less-common on TV for anyone left of center to get blamed for such events.
Huh? There's an entire major news channel devoted to blaming the "left". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhY9Zxv1-oo
2016-03-15 11:43
Breathless reporting: the mainstream press comes out against ANY Republican or conservative.
You still didn't answer my question. mudbug: Breathless reporting: the mainstream press comes out against ANY Republican or conservative.
Um, Fox News is the most watched cable news channel, so it is mainstream press. mudbug: In the first place, why is she any less authoritative than the leftist media personalities such as George Stephanopoulos. She isn't. Tea Party radio talk show host criticizes the "left" on Fox News is a dog bites man story. Why would you expect otherwise? The editorial slant of Fox News is heavily controlled. They're paid to criticize the "left". So-called conservatives in the U.S. have cozied up to truthiness for so long that they have created a situation where — literally — the size of a candidate's penis is a major topic for a prime time Republican presidential debate.
2016-03-15 11:49
Z: She isn't. Tea Party radio talk show host criticizes the "left" on Fox News is a dog bites man story. Why would you expect otherwise? The editorial slant of Fox News is heavily controlled. They're paid to criticize the "left".
That describes the rest of the media (ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, PBS, Time, Newsweek, Politico, etc.) when they criticize the right.
2016-03-15 12:41
A relative teaches at U. of IL/Chicago and saw multiple listings in newsletter and on bulletin boards advising people to show up to protest the Trump rally. They did and it was bordering on being very dangerous. Thank goodness the Trump group cancelled it. For a complete list of groups that organized the protects, go to dianawest.net
Much of it was underwritten by Soros' MoveOn.org, an offshoot of BLM, and Mrs. Ricketts, matriarch of the family who own the Chicago Cubs, who supports the ineligible Mr. Cruz. RE Students: ‘Orient Express’ Party Racist, ‘Toxic,’ Perpetuates Tourist Privilege
Bird Dog, you should hold a contest to predict the next kollege microagression panic. RE America's Gestapo: The FBI's Reign Of Terror
this article is a gross distortion of the FBI's policy stated in the linked "Preventing Violent Extremism in Schools" and the lunatic ramblings of the five year old "SurvivalBlog". Trans-forming Public Spaces - The Left reaps the whirlwind with its transgender bathroom fixation.
The only practical solution to accommodating the whims of the mentally ill, er, I mean, the trans-gendered, is to abandon communal bathrooms and just build individual ones henceforth. That'll mean considerable renovation in existing schools, public buildings, malls, etc., etc. Of course, the usual suckers will have to foot the bill for all this: yep, you and me, the taxpayers. Divisive Rhetoric? Trump Didn’t Start This Fire
I love the notion that in a putatively democratic society "divisive rhetoric" should be viewed as somehow wrong. Surely the entire premise of any election is ipso facto divisive? Why, if we all just got along in full agreement and chummy solidarity, we wouldn't need any elections to determine whose faction got to call the shots. Tourist privilege? I am all for more of that
Montezuma's revenge - the original micro (organism) aggression. Dems abandoning the workers: "The centrist Democratic Leadership Council announced a “postindustrial, global economy” as it re-arranged the party to be friendly to business and trade..."
Ha. Ha. Ha. BS! The Dems are not friendly to business and trade; they love regulation faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrr too much. |