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Friday, February 26. 2016The invasion of Europe
If Sweden and Germany were the only countries wanting these 5 million Middle Easterners and Africans, they should have flown them all directly to Berlin and Stockholm.
No European solution on the migration crisis in sight. My prediction is that the EU, and Europe, will never be the same after this insanity.
Posted by The News Junkie
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My prediction is that the EU, and Europe, will never be the same after this insanity.
I agree but unfortunately it was never going to be the same a decade ago. Maybe there is a possibility for Europe to wise up. I wouldn't bet on it.
The latest here is about 40% are going to get a permit to stay for 2-years maximum. The rest will be forced out since they don't meet the legal requirements for asylum. We'll see what sort of pressure the states put on the Federal government. Bavaria is already suing, others may well follow. Time will tell.
Me thinks they are telling the peasants what they want to hear.
Do you really think they will send anyone back? All the bureaucracy knows how to do is process incoming foreigners. Sending them home is unthinkable. It would run counter to The Narrative. My thinking is that your ruling masters are hoping the little people won't notice their inaction in repatriating foreigners. I would speculate they will stall any way they can and there will be legal maneuvering which will take years before any action is taken. They will hope you all forget about the promise to send them back in the interim. But if deportations do indeed happen, please advise us when Germany starts sending immigrants home by the thousands, Karl. It surely won't get any media coverage here. @ feeblemind - It's already happening, but in small numbers. The challenge will be enforcing deportation against those who cannot prove to have come from Syrian conflict areas such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and the African continent.
I have to admit, why the French won't enforce their immigration laws against those camping in Callais is beyond understanding. But the French are like that. Hopefully the Germans, known for our legal institutions and natural obedience to the systems, will not allow this to happen here. The efforts of the German courts, along with growing party support against what happened last year will be interesting to watch. Can it be reversed, of course. Easily? Not so much. Will states be able to take sufficient legal action in Federal court and reverse the current president of ignoring our laws? Again, time will tell. But I think Germans have started to wake up from their dream of multi-culti to the nightmare reality of what multi-culti can actually result in when you don't manage it and allow uncontrolled floods of foreigners into a country...any country, not just Germany. But I must say this (with respect to the average American), much of this entire situation is due to American Government and their ill-conceived and ill-planned intervention in the Middle East which has led to destabilizing the region. Backed with billions in aid, and weapons from the US, Russia and Europe, the world has seen the middle east turned into a quagmire of religious dogma and hatred for all things western like never before. Can you really blame these people for trying to get away from this sort of horror? Let's be honest, I'm no fan of Sadam or Gaddafi, but at least they kept the region in check. Since they were removed from power, it's been a nightmare for the rest of the world and the regions have reverted to the stone age. One only look back at Iran, Syria or Iraq during the 1970's to see how far they have degenerated. I'm not convinced the Americans destabilized the region intentionally, I believe there were good intentions behind it, but history will prove that out eventually. At least with your Mexican immigrants, they're only trying to take advantage of the economic benefits. The Muslims however, due to the decline in Christianity across most of Europe, has allowed an increase in the secular state which tries to appease everyone and is pushing the multi-culti agenda. It took a while, the answer to the famous American question "why can't we all just get along?" is showing exactly why we can't. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35649576 . It is a disturbing suicidal tendency. Crazy that as soon as real leftist feminists took over Europe, they immediately invited in millions of the world's most aggressive intolerant males into their countries.
I disagree that this process is irreversible. It has been reversed several times in southern Europe. But that required the 770-year Reconquista, the Spanish Inquisition, and mass-expulsions of populations. As a father of two adopted Romanians, I concur that it is possible but very difficult. And I think therefore unlikely.
Easy to reverse if you have the will and the guts. Declare a emergency and use the military and police to round them up and to collect them as they enter the country. Return them immediately to their home country in handcuffs if necessary. Those that cannot be returned immediately should be housed in prison camps preferably out of the country until they can be repatriated. Do it completely and inexorably no exceptions no excuses, 100%.
@ GWTW - There's merit to your points, but one question...what do you do with someone who has no papers at all? Where to you send them? Prison? The closest border country?
It's a challenge for our legal system. We can't just round them all up and put them on a boat...to where? There's more to it than just kicking people out of the country. For America, it's pretty straight forward. Mexico is the obvious point of origin so rounding up Mexicans and dropping them at the Texas-Mexican border should be a straight forward solution. Unfortunately we have such a mix from the middle east and Africa, determining who goes where is not so easy. And we are not so barbaric that we would risk dumping a Christian Afghan family without papers into Libya just because it's the closest Muslim country. It's a bit more complicated over here. Granted, they never should have come here in the first place at least not they way it was allowed to happen. . "What do you do with someone who has no papers?"
Same thing you do with anyone who for any reason cannot be repatriated with their homeland. You incarcerate them until their status changes. I am confident that the person who chooses to hide their identity and/or lie about their identity will have a change of heart on that plan once they realize they will die in a prison unless they come clean and tell the truth. Either way it should not matter or change the effort. The point is to get them out of the country, repatriate them if possible and incarcerate them if not and in so doing reverse the lure of illegal immigration. If they choose life imprisonment over telling the truth so be it. "it's a challenge for our legal system." That is why you declare it an emergency situation and bypass the legal system. I assume if Russia invaded from the East tomorrow that you wouldn't give each Russian soldier a lawyer and tell your own soldiers to not shoot back. Of course not you would do what you have to do outside of the legal system that is designed for 'normal' circumstances not emergency circumstances. "determining who goes where is not so easy" What! You don't have planes that fly to Africa??? You arrest the immigrant and identify where they are from (or send them to prison until they cooperate). You put them in handcuffs with a guard and fly them to their home country and take the cuffs off as they exit the plane. If the home country doesn't want their citizens back then you place them is a cell until the country changes their mind. The point is the only reason these immigrants are coming to Germany and the rest of Europe is because you allow them to and in many ways encourage them to. If you treated them like the criminals they are they would stop immigrating to Germany. You need to become more barbaric or you will suffer from the barbaric immigrants. |