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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, December 4. 2015Friday morning links God forbid! Around here, Santa always says "Merry Holidays." Men and Women Alter a Home's Bacteria Differently How Mark Zuckerberg’s Altruism Helps Himself Mizzou's 'Safe-Space Enforcers' Face Backlash Amherst College Students Make Demands on Campus Speech ‘New York Times’ Uses Gender-Neutral ‘Mx.’ Is that short for "mixed up"? Obama Spells Out Immediate Purpose of Global Warming Hoax: Massive Taxes The Worst Environmental Calamity Is The Absence of Capitalism In Iowa, Jeb Bush thinks we need more mandatory ethanol blending Jackass. I used to sort-of like the guy Most polls suggest that voters care little about taxes. Or about debt Can We Learn From Europe? The madness of multiculturalism. Fatah Knives and ISIS Knives: Palestinian Child-Sacrifice A Turkish court appointed five ‘Lord of the Rings’ experts to figure out whether this Gollum meme is offensive EuroParliament Prez: Christians ‘Not Safe In Our Continent’ Asian pivot needs oil Jewish refugees from Arab lands seek justice at United Nations Where? ISIS in Libya training to fly planes They have a Dreamliner system How Corruption Undermines NATO Operations The New Cuba Policy: Fallacies and Implications Obama
Spells Out Immediate Purpose of Global Warming Hoax: Massive Taxes - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=65933#sthash.D7DTANbH.dpuf Comments
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People get too uptight sometimes, at both extremes
I'm a flat out atheist,but I have no problem with a Christmas tree or a Santa at a party. On the other hand, the people who get bent out of shape over 'Happy Holidays' at stores are just as nuts. Re: Most polls suggest that voters care little about taxes.
I blame George Bush for a lot of this. He kicked millions off the tax rolls with his tax reform bill so why should they care? While I do sympathize with the stores caught in the middle in the Christmas vs 'holiday' controversy I have to come down on the side of those who believe this is Christmas and not some anonymous 'holiday'. The issue is where do the stores stand. They don't want to offend so they seek something neutral hoping to avoid the inevitable negative attention. Those opposed to Christmas demand everyone say 'happy holidays'. Those who embrace Christmas resent it when others make believe it isn't Christmas. And in this discussion to say "happy holidays" isn't neutral it is a decision to side with those who don't acknowledge that the 'holiday' IS Christmas. That is the entire point: If you as a business choose to capitulate to the anti-Christmas agenda than you say "happy holidays". But don't be surprised when the 'nuts' are aware that the businesses capitulated and they resent it. If you say "happy holidays" most people will recognize that response as having given in to or agreeing with the anti-Christmas agenda. I'm just fine with the choice, be it individual or a business but with that choice comes the reality of making that choice. I say if you are anti-Christmas embrace it and stop whining when others recognize it.
We would remind you of the ancient holiday of Kwanzaa and that Jewish thing that must be culturally acknowledged by the white oppressors.
‘New York Times’ Uses Gender-Neutral ‘Mx.’ When I was military mx was shorthand for maintenance, which is what gender-obsessed users of Mx. need, in the head.
Re: ethanol blending
Subsidies divide us basically into those that get the subsidies and those who pay for them. They are nothing more than a constituency building mechanism. Our downfall started when we started accepting the legality of them. We should have remembered Madison's interpretation of the Constitution (that he was instrumental in writing): QUOTE: “I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.” Re: ISIS in Libya training to fly planes
Are they also learning how to land? Putting ethanol in gasoline is a terrible mistake. Not only is it harmful for automobile engines but it cuts mileage. And perhaps worst of all it doesn't reduce the use of fossil fuels it actually increases that usage. Also I resent the subsidy. But the reality is that the farmers are now 'hooked' on the subsidy and no politicians could win an election in the corn belt by opposing that subsidy. So I propose a compromise: End ethanol in gasoline, period. End it right now and forever. Keep the subsidy and reduce it by 10% a year until it too ends. Buy the corn with the subsidy and sell it overseas and/or give it to nations that are dealing with crop failures and hunger. This would be better for the environment, allow the farmers to wean themselves off the subsidy (which really distorts the market) and it would prevent the damage to engines caused by the ethanol.
You guys should really do something on the recently deceased Maurice Strong as founding head bureaucrat of the IPCC. Check it's organizational structure. It is a laughable, cult-like, new age fraud. So absurd it's actually kind of funny. The hypothesis they push regarding global warming now climate change is really something but it sure isn't science. It's as scientific as astrology.
"... three Greek student councils released a statement supporting Basler, saying they do not believe her actions Monday “were reflective of her intentions to support students.” Three? I got fraternities, sororities, and other?/mixed?/confused/ LGBTUVWXYZ?
Child sacrifice: Bassam Tawil is likely to die for saying that. Yesterday's Alexandria Virginia Scottish Christmas walk was an unabashed celebration of the holiday with excellent bagpipe music, better costumes than Halloween, and an enthusiastic crowd that shouted "Merry Christmas" back at the marchers. The only "Happy Holidays" we heard were from the fearful local pols, speaking carefully.....
Tracked: Dec 06, 08:54