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Tuesday, September 15. 2015Tuesday morning links Photo is Peach Salsa Artisanal Firewood Happy That Her Green Tyrant Is Leaving Home For College Sheesh. That Mom is lame, and the kid is lamer Without Government, Who Would Force A Men's Barbershop To Cut Women's Hair? The World Really Could Go Nuclear - Nothing but fear and capital stand in the way of a nuclear-powered future I am for it Long Before James ‘Whitey’ Bulger, There Was Joe Kennedy Two criminal, low-life families Uber Progresses in New York and Sarasota, Florida Navy secretary threw us ‘under the bus,’ say Marines in gender-integrated infantry unit Driscoll quotes Sowell:
Microaggressions: A Case Study Leftist Universities Will Never Stop Trying to Stifle Free Speech Carly Fiorina PAC FIRES BACK at Donald Trump with New Ad: “Ladies Look at This Face” It would be cruel to compare Hillary circa 2008 with the bedraggled harridan of today. Calling Bullshit on Bernie Sanders Dem Sen. Chris Murphy Says Only Way To Stop ISIS Is By Giving Welfare To Syrian Migrants… BBC’s Stephen Nolan Demonstrates That the Media Is the Enemy Is the World Rejecting Western Values? World never accepted them. Western values are culture-specific. BBC’s Stephen Nolan Demonstrates That the Media Is the Enemy - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=63037#sthash.QAP9pRwF.dpuf German Suicide Europe is going to run out of altruism long before it runs out of refugees Via Drudge, Pope Blames Refugee Crisis on 'God of Money'... True. The migrants are aiming for the money. Otherwise, what the Pope says is loony. Stick to your knitting, Pope Unified, open Europe is unraveling in the migrant crisis Cleaning Up After the Obama Team’s Iran Deal Trackbacks
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John Hindraker does a nice job on Bernie's speech at Liberty. As it was in place so quickly, it must be largely off-the-cuff and from the heart, with the research done painstakingly over years. A very smart man, that Hindraker.
Assistant Village Idiot: the research done painstakingly over years
That's funny. First sentence, first factual error: QUOTE: Bernie Sanders, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination While Sanders is certainly making a showing, he is not the front-runner by any means at this point. Clinton leads the Democratic field in virtually every poll, though her lead has eroded considerably. http://www.langerresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/1171a22016Politics.pdf QUOTE: Islam does not teach that Muslims should do unto infidels as they would have infidels do unto them. Aheb li akheek ma tuhibbu li nafsik. QUOTE: Inequality does not equal injustice. No, but increasing inequality may be unjust. QUOTE: the U.S. does guarantee health care to all people. Hospitals can’t turn anyone away, and poor people are on Medicaid. The very poor are covered under Medicaid, but many working poor are not covered. Hospitals are only required to stabilize a patient, and will bill for services. ObamaCare has reduced the number of uninsured. QUOTE: Because the Obama economy is lousy. The economy is slowly recovering from the 2008 financial meltdown, which preceded the Obama Administration. Unemployment from 10% to 5.3% Deficits from 12% to 2.4% Stock market from 7949 to 16419 Growth from -2.8% to +2.4% of GDP Total employment, up 8 million http://www.factcheck.org/2015/07/obamas-numbers-july-2015-update/ QUOTE: Liberals enthusiastically endorse discrimination based on the color of people’s skin. It is called affirmative action. Sure. Because righting historical wrongs is the same as discrimination. QUOTE: Bernie is an inheritor of that disgraceful history. As is every American. QUOTE: No one would have imagined voting for Obama in 2008, but for the color of his skin. That's silly. Of course many people voted for Obama for reasons other than the color of his skin. For instance, some people thought the Bush Administration led the U.S. into a debacle in Iraq, and wanted a change in direction for the nation. Some blamed Republicans for the financial meltdown and ensuing global economic chaos. Still others might cite torture, or Katrina as a reason to vote for the opposition party. Nice try. Sanders front runner in NH. That's something. I don't understand the Arabic you are quoting, but as a practical matter, Islam does not teach the Golden Rule toward infidels - it provides some containment for the vicious tribalism in the area. I'll stand by it, on the basis of what Muslims here have told me. Ooh, increasing inequality may be unjust. Nice swerve to avoid a collision there. And not true anyway. The 1% - lots of Democrats there, BTW - getting even richer does not take a dime out of your pocket. Confusing insurance with health care again - sorry, that has just become dishonest for liberals to say at this point. This is my field. I work with the poor at a public hospital. The 2008 meltdown was a direct result of the 2006 Senate, the refusal of Democrats to regulate mortgage derivatives (which Bush, McCain, and Sununu had pushed for years), and lowering standards on minority mortgages - which was Obama's only accomplishment prior to running for public office. Liberals refusing to accept even 1% of the responsibility - as you just did here - is what causes the divisiveness and hatred in this country. It's narcissistic. The other numbers are all founded on the collapse. So you take credit for the country rebounding after you helped break it? And the unemployment number - as Sanders will tell you - is a lie.
And secretly, you knew that, but you'd rather have the rhetorical ploy than admit it. I grant that many would have voted for anyone but a Republican, but no one would have voted for Barry Soetoro from Indonesia - which was his identity in name and fact until he hit Columbia. Assistant Village Idiot: Nice try. Sanders front runner in NH. That's something.
It's something, but not the claim that was made in the first sentence of the painstakingly researched article. Assistant Village Idiot: I don't understand the Arabic you are quoting Aheb li akheek ma tuhibu li nafsik. "Wish for your brother, what you wish for yourself" Assistant Village Idiot: Islam does not teach the Golden Rule toward infidels Islam is a highly diverse community, but most Muslims believe it applies to everyone. http://www.jihadwatch.org/2009/05/islam-and-the-golden-rule Some Christians have historically not extended the notion of universal brotherhood to heathens, such as Jews, Muslims, animists, and other religious communities. Assistant Village Idiot: Ooh, increasing inequality may be unjust. Nice swerve to avoid a collision there. And not true anyway. Arguably, but the author suggested an equivalence between any inequality and injustice. Assistant Village Idiot: Confusing insurance with health care again Not at all. Many people can't get primary health care services because they can't afford it. Assistant Village Idiot: The 2008 meltdown was a direct result of the 2006 Senate That's silly. The bubble in the securities market predates the Democratic Senate which took office in 2007. Assistant Village Idiot: I grant that many would have voted for anyone but a Republican, but no one would have voted for Barry Soetoro from Indonesia - which was his identity in name and fact until he hit Columbia. Obama was born in the U.S. “…increasing inequality may be unjust.”
Under the liberals equality is unjust too. Justice would be to leave us alone and stop the social tinkering. “The very poor are covered under Medicaid, but many working poor are not covered.” OK, so who do we take money from with the threat of jail if they don’t willingly give it to the government to ‘give’ the working poor ‘free’ healthcare? “The economy is slowly recovering…Unemployment from 10% to 5.3%” You and everyone else knows this is a lie. Why would you put out a lie to prove Obama is being effective as president? “Total employment, up 8 million” But it all went to illegals and immigrants. “…righting historical wrongs is the same as discrimination.” Huh! Did you really mean to say that. Indeed righting historical wrongs (which means rewarding people who were never discriminated against by taking from people who never discriminated) is the same as discrimination. With this kind of rationalization (ra·tion·al·i·za·tion in psychoanalytic theory, a defense mechanism whereby people attempt to hide their true motivations and emotions by providing reasonable or self-justifying explanations for irrational or unacceptable behavior) you could justify any ‘ism’. GoneWithTheWind: Justice would be to leave us alone and stop the social tinkering.
Surely you wouldn't reject previous social tinkering that brought about the Reformation and modern democracy. You may even agree with laws against child labor and providing for a safe workplace. Apparently you think American society has reached the perfect place, and no further movement towards greater equality is necessary. GoneWithTheWind: OK, so who do we take money from with the threat of jail if they don’t willingly give it to the government to ‘give’ the working poor ‘free’ healthcare? It's called "taxes". You'll find it in the U.S. Constitution. GoneWithTheWind: But it all went to illegals and immigrants. Mostly false. http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2014/dec/02/peter-morici/economist-immigrants-have-taken-all-new-jobs-creat/ GoneWithTheWind: You and everyone else knows this is a lie. It's a standard statistic. There are other ways to measure unemployment, but that doesn't make the statistic "a lie". GoneWithTheWind: Indeed righting historical wrongs (which means rewarding people who were never discriminated against by taking from people who never discriminated) is the same as discrimination. It's no different than any class action, whereby a wrong is shown, and a remedy ordered. You might argue that such remedies are no longer needed, or could be better tailored; but that's quite different than saying that you can, for instance, steal from Native Americans, then when caught, get to keep the loot and not have to make compensation. "It's a standard statistic. There are other ways to measure unemployment, but that doesn't make the statistic "a lie"."
I could refute everything you said but that statement really tells it all. Everyone knows that the 5% unemployment stat is pure BS but worse it is at 5% ONLY because unemployment is SOO BAD that half the people have just stopped looking for work. The real unemployment is between 11% and 23% depending on how you define it. To use the 5% stat as "fact" to show how good the economy is, is dishonest, period. It is an intentional lie, a misrepresentation and intended to deceive. Shame!
2015-09-15 19:48
GoneWithTheWind: Everyone knows that the 5% unemployment stat is pure BS
No. "Everyone" doesn't know that. U3 is the same basic measure that has been used for generations, and is accepted by the vast majority of economists as an important measure of the economy. You could reasonably argue that no single statistic can capture the entire picture.
2015-09-16 08:52
Shame! You should be embarrassed. You lied, fudged, concealed the truth to prop up your guy, your belief system and YES everyone knows it. This wasn't just a lie of omission or just a compilation of stats, you specifically used the 5% unemployment number as "proof" that Obama's policies have saved us from the recession. You lied.
2015-09-16 10:45
GoneWithTheWind: you specifically used the 5% unemployment number as "proof" that Obama's policies have saved us from the recession.
No single statistic can be considered "proof", but it is evidence. When combined with other evidence, such as the increase in total employment, it provides a picture of a slow but steady economic recovery from the worst economic debacle since the Great Depression.
2015-09-16 12:01
You are willfully blind and a psychopathic liar. Is there nothing you would not say for the socialist Democrats???
2015-09-16 22:32
ARTISANAL FIREWOOD. This guy has it all wrong. The world needs carefully nurtured, artistically shaped and ridiculously priced charcoal.
De Pope says; It’s the people (refugees) who come from the country because they have been deforested.
Hello! What about ISIS? To heck with the cutting down trees, it's the HEAD-cutting that these people are running away from. Leftists love big institutions, the bigger and with the most admired history or reputation the better. They figure that if they can take them over then the thousands, or millions of followers and members of that institutions are theirs. The Catholics are seeing their church being sent on the road to ruin. And will fall away. "The Catholics are seeing their church being sent on the road to ruin. And will fall away."
I doubt that; you're just taking the predictable secular short-term view. We've already survived over 2,000 years of various ups and downs since Matthew 16:18. We got through the Reformation handily and now we're watching the demographic demise of most of the mainstream Protestant churches that were created out of it. 'predictable secular short-term view.'
Maybe, or the early morning no coffee yet view (grin) 'Fall away' is probably premature. But for Europe, now that large numbers of Muslims are encamping on the northern shore of the Med, there is the other way that the Islamics spread their doctrine. That's a secular view too. Ref Green Warrior
I sent a link to my wife. She works with a woman like that. Irrationally obsessed with all things green (this is at the adminstration offices of a presigious university). Tries to recycle (or preferrably) compost most everything. I stuff arrives in styrofoam, she hoards it in her office in the hope that some day it can be recycled. Food scraps (vegan, of course) also get hidden in her office (so the other workers won't throw them out) for eventual composting. Of course this means fruit flies; however when my wife tried to do something about the fruit flies she argued that "they only live a few days". She helicopter-parents a son who goes to Montessori school (surprise!). There are regular small conferences with refreshments, she will not touch any trays etc that have touched meat. My wife has to hide her personal bottle of dish detergent (with labels removed) to avoid a lecture. Yowza. Suggest to your wife that she put a sign on her desk that for her, any discussion of environmental "issues" is a MACRO aggression.
"There’s something Eric Hoffer said: 'Intellectuals cannot operate at room temperature.'"
To which I might add: "There could hardly be a more unbearable - and more irrational - world than one in which the most eminent specialists in each field were allowed to proceed unchecked with the realization of their ideals." - Friedrich Hayek Artisanal Firewood: P. T. Barnum would be SO proud.
Barber won't cut woman's hair: First, have her sign a statement that she knows he's not set up to do that, that she absolves him of all harm, that she will not complain to any authority, and that she accepts ALL responsibility for asking him to do it. With a witness' signature. Faces: Worked for me! BBC LEFTIST!: Not news to most of us. Gang of Z does not accept that. Western Values: Why would the world NOT reject it, given our "elites", academia, and media have rejected it and keep telling the world they should, too? The American Refugee Resettlement Scam
Thar's gold in them refugees! From the article: "It originated with the Refugee Council USA, the lobbying arm of the out-of-control, serially corrupt U.S. refugee resettlement industry. And yes it is an industry. There are nine so-called “voluntary agencies” (VOLAGs) that contract with the federal government to resettle refugees. While they are classified as tax-exempt non-profits, this is a massive profit center -- earning them close to $1 billion in 2014. That comes out to almost $8,000 per-head. And since the current annual refugee cap is 70,000, double the refugees, double the income -- it’s simple math " http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2015/09/the_american_refugee_resettlement_scam.html Blue State Blues: Residents Say ‘Enough’ to Tax Burden, Stifling Culture of Connecticut
Folks now flee the state you used to move to when you’d “made it”; Senator Scott Frantz weighs in. http://pjmedia.com/davidsteinberg/blue-state-blues-residents-say-enough-to-tax-burden-stifling-culture-of-connecticut/?singlepage=true GoneWithTheWind: This wasn't just a lie of omission or just a compilation of stats, you specifically used the 5% unemployment number as "proof" that Obama's policies have saved us from the recession.
It's called evidence, not proof. When combined with other evidence, such as the increase in total employment, it paints a picture of a slow but steady economic recovery from the worst economic calamity since the Great Depression. |