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Monday, August 24. 2015Monday morning links
Yale's Robert Shiller: Market 'Aftershocks' Are Coming It's needed Deutsche Bank Sums It Up "The Fragility Of This Artificially Manipulated Financial System Was Finally Exposed" From Whitewater to Email: David Kendall, the Clintons’ Dogged Lawyer I guess he works full-time for the Clintons Go Ahead and Pile Up Those Student Loans…. Bummer: We Only Have 100 Days To Save The World Realities Of Climate Change, Politics And Public Knowledge. Naomi Klein: “Climate Change” Is Making Racism Worse To the new culture cops, everything is appropriation Even Speech We Hate Should Be Free Very offensive song Thomas Sowell: No More GOP Excuses On Immigration Republican Elites: You Can’t Secure The Border, You can’t Deport, You Can’t Stop Illegal Aliens,…. The Quiet Revolution: How the New Left Took Over the Democratic Party:
Donald Trump: Warrior male extraordinaire Is Trump worse than that? WaPo columnist to Hillary: Stop digging Intel Ops: Hillary broke “So many” laws The Most Pathetic Headline to Come Out of the Terrorist Attack on French Train Terrorist Is ‘Dumbfounded’ That He’s Taken for a Terrorist ISIS Blows Up Temple of Baal Shamin in Palmyra I have always wants to see Palmyra Immigrants: ‘Please Tell Brussels We are Coming, No Matter What’ 3,000 migrants rescued off Italy in single day, tensions rise The IKEA Murders: Sweden in Crisis Leader of the Free World in Martha's Vineyard:
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QUOTE: Even Speech We Hate Should Be Free Sure. That includes speech which disapproves of the content of speech by others. For instance, if someone uses the n-word as a derogatory, others have a right to condemn that speech. True, but the moment those in opposition seek to use government to stop the "offenders" speech they are revealing themselves to not be Americans. They may be United States citizens, but they also reveal that they do not embrace the ancient liberties that our Constitution was ratified to protect.
JK Brown: the moment those in opposition seek to use government to stop the "offenders" speech they are revealing themselves to not be Americans
Certainly not friends of fundamental liberties. Did you have an example in mind? Here's an example; sort of . . .
Chick-fil-a Not exactly stifling speech; but, it is intended to have that effect. There should be no "political litmus" test before giving out a business license. While they didn't quite go as far as Denver seems to want to go, both the Mayor of Boston and the Mayor of Chicago said they would do the same - deny business because the CEO of Chick-fil-a didn't hold "their values." charles: Here's an example; sort of . . .
As you say, sort of. The council says they are concerned about discrimination, which is a legitimate public concern.
2015-08-25 08:53
Actually, no. Discrimination is NOT a "legitimate" concern when talking about Chick-Fil-A as there have been no legitimate complaints filed against them.
Such talk is nothing but a "cover" which leftists buy into without thinking. Crying "discrimination," "racists," "sexist," etc. causes those on the left to react like Pavlov's dogs - they just start salivating at the mouth.
2015-08-25 09:59
charles: Discrimination is NOT a "legitimate" concern when talking about Chick-Fil-A as there have been no legitimate complaints filed against them.
Keep in mind that they haven't been turned down for the new location, only that the council is taking a look. If a close-held corporation has an avowed racist (or sexist or homophobe) at its head, then most people would consider it a legitimate question whether the corporation is discriminatory. You're example only works, sort of. The greater problem isn't legal impositions, which tend to work themselves out, but mob behavior, which is more nebulous. Is the mob right to shun a racist (or sexist or homophobe)? When does it become excessive?
2015-08-25 10:08
Speech We Hate Should Be Free
All other speech should be charged for, probably at least 99 cents on iTunes. QUOTE: Mississippi School Band Told To Stop Performing ‘How Great Thou Art’, Bird Dog: Very offensive song No, but the public school district had already admitted to giving preference to Christians, then they violated their agreement with the court. Everything they do is now suspect. QUOTE: In Defiance A Lone Voice Began To Sing The Forbidden Song… People can sing whatever they want, as long as the school doesn't sponsor such speech. That's not really true. I agree that any government organization or government funded organization should not be involved in religion. BUT that also means they cannot stop the free expression of religion too. They can neither mandate it nor repress it. they cannot discuss it or prevent discussion of it. They cannot support it they cannot stop it.
What they have done instead is become the religion police and more correctly and honestly the Christian religion police. They have overstepped their authority. Their job is to say nothing and do nothing as it concerns religion. Their job is NOT to make sure that citizens say nothing and do nothing as it concerns religion. Sweetpea: BUT that also means they cannot stop the free expression of religion too.
That's right. What is means is that school faculty, when acting in the role as agents of the state, cannot proselytize. However, students can express their own religious beliefs, as long as it is not disruptive or intrusive. Sweetpea: Their job is to say nothing and do nothing as it concerns religion. In which case, the band director, an agent of the state, can't lead the band with the intent to religiously proselytize or to take actions preferring one religion over another. Interrupted as I started this comment by a telemarketing call, on my cell-phone number. Guess it's time to change the number, again.
I see what's wrong with that hymn, any references to God (The Father) or the language of the KJB irritates the secularists. At my old church the Pilgrim Hymnal was replaced with a black book that within all patriarchal verses and 'archaic' language was purged. The even rewrote 'American the Beautiful'. Thank God someone in this country is fighting back. Don't pay the fine, burn down the Courthouse. After all, you built it. QUOTE: Leader of the Free World in Martha's Vineyard - First black president - Recovery from financial meltdown - Twelve million new jobs - Lowered unemployment from 10% to 5.5% - Cut deficits by 2/3 - ObamaCare - Nuclear deal with Iran - Steps towards green energy - Wall Street reform - Eliminated bin Laden - New START treaty with Russia - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUl_jf9aWZI Heh. Whatever it is, three are meaningless, one is racialist, five are simply false, two are part of the problem, and at least one is dangerous.
you can't see the training wheels on his bike.
even the neighborhood dogs ride Indians (usually Scouts) out here. I didn't know 'first black president' was an accomplishment. He was born that way. He didn't do anything to 'be' black. An accomplishment is something you achieve with work and effort.
As for the rest, just looking at the stock market last week and today will tell you most of these items were built on a foundation of sand that is only now beginning to collapse. "I didn't know 'first black president' was an accomplishment. He was born that way. He didn't do anything to 'be' black. An accomplishment is something you achieve with work and effort."
I disagree. It is an accomplishment, a milestone, in the same way that JFK becoming your first (and only?) Catholic president was. The same would be true for the first woman president. These things have a certain symbolic political effect; let's face it, once Obama took office, the old saw that African Americans had no chance of occupying the Oval Office due to discrimination etc., etc. was effectively put to rest. So being "first" is an accomplishment but the most important take-away is that it clears the debate. You've now had a Catholic president and a black president so the issue now becomes moot: neither African Americans nor Catholics can argue anymore that the presidency is somehow out-of-bounds to them. And with that, you can get on with arguing more substantive issues, judging a president (white, black, male, female, Protestant, Catholic or whatever) by their performance. Because of course, just being white, black, male, female, Protestant, Catholic or whatever is no guarantee a president will be any good at all. identity politics is crucial to libtardism. in fact, it doesn't actually matter that little barry accomplished almost nothing, it is vital that he's "black".
while I'm not denigrating that becoming president is a huge personal achievement for Blackbarry Himself, how does this help some kid straight outta Compton who, after eight years of the Great Community Organizer's tenure, remains unemployed and unemployable? "[H]ow does this help some kid straight outta Compton who, after eight years of the Great Community Organizer's tenure, remains unemployed and unemployable?"
How did those eight years of the Bush presidency help some white kid straight outta Allentown who remained unemployed and unemployable? The vast majority of white male Americans have always had zero chance of becoming president. But there has never been any question that the presidency was barred to white American males. The vast majority of black male Americans have also always had zero chance of becoming president. But neither was there any expectation that a black American male could even be a president.
2015-08-24 20:22
we conservatives don't practice identity politics. that Bush was a white guy president means nothing to me. if he'd been Jewish, it would mean about as little.
its the libtards who k00kgasm because Bambi is black, and as for that, so what? how does identity politics help black kids? if someone's into identity politics, its a sure bet that someone will never be anyone, ever. a black kid should acknowledge someone's achievement, like, say, Ben Carson, but just being black isn't going to make anyone be someone like Ben Carson. libtards somehow think they're sharing in the Community Warlord's glory. they're not. identity politics is for life's losers, meaning, all libtards.
Donny "The Bear Jew" Donowitz
2015-08-24 20:47
Not so fast, you're only half right. President Obama shares a common ancestry with the following people:
Harold Macmillan, Sarah Palin, the Bushes, Dick Cheney, the Hemingways, Birch Byah, Robert Byrd, Gordon Hinkley(Mormon church), Katharine Hepburn, Jimmy Carter, John Pierpont Morgan, Brad Pitt, Georgia Okeefe...........among many others, per WARGs. I don't doubt that a very considerable part of the African-American population of your country is "part white" to some degree.
However, given your country's unhappy history with regard to race, this is somewhat moot; in American society, being "part white" did not generally give an African American any claim to being white.
2015-08-25 13:19
What country hasn't had a history replete with actions that could be legitimately criticized???
But you entirely miss the point. If anyone today in the U.S. or Canada or anywhere can be punished or criticized for something someone else did in the past then that is crazy. That kind of thinking only exists for one purpose and that is to give one group power over another. The African-America activists seek power and they do this by this kind of racial discrimination that you seem to be advocating. Should all Canadians be punished for the poor treatment that early Canadians meted out to Indians or for that matter to the French? Should all the French Canadians be punished for the mistreatment by their hands of English and Scotish immigrants. The list is endless.
2015-08-25 16:40
Who's talking about punishment or mistreatment?
I was merely pointing what I thought was patently obvious: the historical record regarding the status of the coloured population of the US. In that regard, the election of a black president [i]is[i/] very much an accomplishment and a milestone (as were, say, the appointments of Condoleezza Rice and General Collin Powell), an acknowledgement that black Americans are at last moving upwards and onwards.
2015-08-25 18:34
SO no punishment than why even bring it up? What has anyone alive today to do with the civil war or slavery? Why even bring it up if it doesn't matter? Why say something about a country's history and ignore every country's history? There was an intent to besmirch. I guess we could quibble over if that was "punishment" or just a cheap shot. Who, exactly, alive today were you "shooting" at???
2015-08-26 10:31
"SO no punishment than [sic] why even bring it up?"
You tell me.I didn't bring "punishment" up. You did (in your comment # "Why say something about a country's history and ignore every country's history?" Er, because the discussion isn't about "every country's history"; it's about your country's history, specifically your history with regard to African Americans.
2015-08-26 10:41
When you bring up the country's history as though it has some meaning in the context of what we are discussing it is punishment. It is like your wife being angry at you because you are a man and a man once cheated on her. How in the hell does that relate to you??? And that's what I'm wondering is how in the hel does what 10,000 or so Southerners in the 1800's and before relate to anything or anyone today??? (There were probably 10,000 or so people who owned slaves, the rest of the Southerners did not.)
Interestingly and ironically it would have made far more sense to reflect on the far more recent violent history of African-Americans. I can assure you that there are a couple dozen cities where you dare not walk at night and many of them even in the day if you are white. But having said that I would have to agree that such a statement would be unfair to the 90%+ African-Americans who don't rob, shoot, assault and rape people. The crime rate for African Americans is 10 times greater than it is for European-Americans. So at least it would be a valid statement unlike your assertion that somehow American's today must carry the shame of what a handful of people did over 150 years ago.
2015-08-26 20:42
"So at least it would be a valid statement unlike your assertion that somehow American's today must carry the shame of what a handful of people did over 150 years ago."
Where exactly have I made any such assertion? Not content with introducing "punishment" into the discussion yourself and then blaming me, you now inject "shame" and attribute that to me as well. Here's what I'm going to do: leave you to argue all by yourself since you appear determined to fabricate my opinion out of whole cloth anyway.
2015-08-26 22:34
Well considering your long history...
Naw, just kidding. Maybe you're right and I misinterpreted your intent. I just feel that it is a loaded statement: "given your country's unhappy history with regard to race".
2015-08-26 23:34
JonBenet Ramsey, Buster Crabbe, Robert Duvall, Howard Dean, Christopher Reeve, Juliette Low, John Steinbeck..............
Your response does not address the pretense that President Obama is a descendant of African American slaves.
2015-08-25 17:09
"Your response does not address the pretense that President Obama is a descendant of African American slaves."
Does anyone, anywhere, not know his father was Kenyan? Is anyone, anywhere, "pretending" he descended from African-American slaves? And does having an African father rather than an African American one remotely change Obama's "blackness"?
2015-08-25 18:45
Z: - First black president
Why does race matter so much to you lefties? Z: - Recovery from financial meltdown The slowest recover on record where there are more small business failing than being created. Z: - Twelve million new jobs The lowest job participation rate in almost 40 years, wages either stagnant or declining, productivity declining. Z: - Lowered unemployment from 10% to 5.5% See above Z: - Cut deficits by 2/3 Mostly accomplished by the sequester that Obummer didn't want. On the other hand, he has racked up more debt than all previous presidents, the first to have multiple $T deficits. Z: - ObamaCare Insurance rates are skyrocketing, even though participation is mandatory and in many cases subsidized, many do not sign up. It's so bad, congress won't sign up for it. Z: - Nuclear deal with Iran Returns $150B to the largest sponsor of terrorism who says they will continue their current behavior, ends the arms embargo, requires the US to defend Iran, only lasts 15 years, does not end their nuclear weapons program Z: - Steps towards green energy i.e. expensive energy that is unreliable and kills wild birds Z: - Wall Street reform To what end? Z: - Eliminated bin Laden Set up Iran in Iraq, the Taliban is in a stronger position to retake Afghanistan, does not support our allies against ISIS -won't even share intelligence, allowed our embassy in Benghazi to be overrun, allowed our ally Yemen to be over run Z: - New START treaty with Russia I believe Russianow has more nukes than we have. mudbug: Why does race matter so much
The U.S. used to persecute people because of their race. mudbug: The slowest recover on record where there are more small business failing than being created. The worst financial meltdown since the Great Depression. mudbug: The lowest job participation rate in almost 40 years, wages either stagnant or declining, productivity declining. Sure. The jobs market is still anemic, though has recovered the last few years. mudbug: Mostly accomplished by the sequester that Obummer didn't want. No. The biggest difference has been due to the economic recovery. mudbug: Insurance rates are skyrocketing Health care inflation has been reduced. mudbug: Returns $150B to the largest sponsor of terrorism who says they will continue their current behavior, ends the arms embargo, requires the US to defend Iran, only lasts 15 years, does not end their nuclear weapons program We responded to this on another thread. The $150 billion embargo was put in place concerning their nuclear program, which the agreement addresses. The U.S. is not required to defend Iran. Yes, it only lasts 15 years. They have agreed to reduce their stockpiles of fissionable material, and extend their breakout period. mudbug: expensive energy that is unreliable and kills wild birds The global energy sector will be revamped over the next generation. You're welcome. mudbug: Set up Iran in Iraq That was George Bush. mudbug: Why does race matter so much
Z-Troll: The U.S. used to persecute people because of their race. It still does. They're called white people who actually work for a living. mudbug: The slowest recover on record where there are more small business failing than being created. Z-Troll: The worst financial meltdown since the Great Depression. ...and all of it due to failed policies of the left, e.g. the community reinvestment act. mudbug: The lowest job participation rate in almost 40 years, wages either stagnant or declining, productivity declining. Sure. The jobs market is still anemic, though has recovered the last few years. You're joking, right. Obama has ensured that moochers continue to have fewer incentives to work. The job market for low skilled workers - they are low skilled because of leftist policies - is abysmal. Obama and the left want to ensure that seeking government handouts is more favorable than actually working full time. He's attacked this problem from two sides - making it costly for small businesses to hire full time employees and making it beneficial for workers to elect to receive govt handouts instead of working full time. mudbug: Mostly accomplished by the sequester that Obummer didn't want. No. The biggest difference has been due to the economic recovery. Again, what recovery? The "recovery" has been a fake. Pumping more money into the system has given the false illusion that things are getting better while it has doubled (at least) our national debt. Our well being has nothing to do with how many dollar bills are printed and everything to do with how much (goods and services) we actually produce as a nation. Under Obama, our productivity has declined. mudbug: Insurance rates are skyrocketing Health care inflation has been reduced. In whose universe? Due to leftist policies, quality is falling, and costs are rising. Oh, I get it, it's the old leftist trick: falling = rising, but not as fast. mudbug: Returns $150B to the largest sponsor of terrorism who says they will continue their current behavior, ends the arms embargo, requires the US to defend Iran, only lasts 15 years, does not end their nuclear weapons program We responded to this on another thread. The $150 billion embargo was put in place concerning their nuclear program, which the agreement addresses. The U.S. is not required to defend Iran. Yes, it only lasts 15 years. They have agreed to reduce their stockpiles of fissionable material, and extend their breakout period. Obama's deal with Iran is treasonous. I'm not sure whether he has been promised some financial payoff once he returns to private life or if he simply desires to destroy the US. Obama is a LIAR. mudbug: expensive energy that is unreliable and kills wild birds The global energy sector will be revamped over the next generation. You're welcome. Really? Even "if" the global warming crap was factual and a real problem, restrictions on the US cannot solve it when China, etc. laugh at these restrictions and continue to be the chief polluters. The goal behind the climate change agenda is not environmental, it's financial - wealth transfer from wealthy nations to moocher nations...and that's why Obama supports it. mudbug: Set up Iran in Iraq That was George Bush. Bush's problem was not that he went into Iraq. It was that he concerned himself with the politically correct sissies on the left and didn't just go in there full tilt and destroy the place. We could have easily done so, set up a base and used "their" oil (which was developed by US firms to begin with and taken from them by the greedy mooslems) to compensate us for our inconvenience in having to solve their problem (Saddam). Mike M: It still does.
You're right, of course. While great strides have been made, there is still racial and sexual discrimination. Mike M: ...and all of it due to failed policies of the left, e.g. the community reinvestment act. Um, no. The problem was a bubble in the shadow market in securities aided by a breakdown in the ratings system. Mike M: Obama has ensured that moochers continue to have fewer incentives to work. Nonetheless, 12 million jobs have been created since the financial meltdown. Mike M: Again, what recovery? Average real GDP growth has been 2.4% in the U.S. since the recovery, greater than its competitors in the developed world. Mike M: In whose universe? https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0b/U.S.National_Healthcare_Expenditures-_Annual_Percent_Change.png Mike M: Obama's deal with Iran is treasonous. Hyperbole, not an argument. Mike M: Even "if" the global warming crap was factual and a real problem, restrictions on the US cannot solve it when China China is moving to address climate change, though, like all countries, has to balance current needs against planning for the future. Mike M: It was that he concerned himself with the politically correct sissies on the left and didn't just go in there full tilt and destroy the place. Destroy Iraq in order to save it take the oil. The Americans did a pretty good job of destroying Iraq as it was. It's harder to kill everyone than you think. The Nazis found that German soldiers would suffer psychological breaks after hunting down and killing innocent people. That's why they invented the gas chamber, to put distance between the ordinary soldiers and the murders.
2015-08-25 08:47
Don't forget the 93 million American's out of the workforce.
Congrats on that, too. QUOTE: Democratic Party leaders have contended that progress requires constant adaptation, changing morals, and liberal interpretations of law and history. Yeah, imagine that. Some people think that the country has to adapt to changing conditions, that racism and sexism should no longer be considered valid moral positions, and that history might be seen as a story of progress. QUOTE: What’s remarkable is how the political and cultural center of American values has collapsed in the last two and a half decades with the Democratic Party having moved dramatically to the left. Actually, many political scientists see the Republican Party leadership has having moved farther to the right, than the Democratic Party to the left, which has largely been reduced to rear-guard actions to protect previous gains. https://i1.wp.com/voteview.com/images/polar_house_means_2014.png "Yeah, imagine that. Some people think that the country has to adapt to changing conditions, that racism and sexism should no longer be considered valid moral positions..."
Wish that were the case. But it is not. What some wqant is to define "racism" in any way that favors them and gives them power. There doesn't have to be any actual "racism" all that is required is that you be one of the "favored" groups and be vocal and outraged. But isn't the charge of racism racist? And what is sexism today? It is anything that singles out one gender, female. it can be a compliment or a well deserved insult. Doesn't matter. However if the target is a male than all is fair. You can say anything and imply anything about a male with impunity. Even advertisements join in the fun of belittling males. Be careful though, it is safe to belittle white males and risky to belittle black males. Let's be honest. All of the PC activism is racist/sexist intended to favor one group over another. It is indefensible. Yet you defend it... Sweetpea: There doesn't have to be any actual "racism"
It's quite a stretch to imply there isn't any racism. Sweetpea: But isn't the charge of racism racist? Not if it's true. There is more than substantial evidence of racism in America. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCh8HhZ3Bww "It's quite a stretch to imply there isn't any racism."
I quite agree. After years of hard work racism was at a low point I believe around 1990 or so. Then it took a turn for the worse and racism today is as bad as it ever has been in my lifetime. The ironic thing is it is almost all racism on the part of blacks and other minorities against whites. It is so bad that black activists have to scrawl racist slogans on their own dorm doors to get any attention. Well, too bad about Zachriel's ignorance spam. Kinda messes up the page.
I'll point out that the WaPo is suddenly concerned about cultural appropriation because it's getting turned against leftists. It is leftists who have culturally appropriated universities, they've culturally appropriated fields of physical science (climate change fear-mongering), they've culturally appropriated entertainment media. Now their own language and tactics are being used against them, such as gamergate and sad puppies. The pushback is growing, as people are realizing the institutions they paid for have been appropriated by ignorant barbarians bent on tearing down W. Civilization. And in case it was too subtle, all of this was meant to tie in to my first paragraph. DrTorch: too bad about Zachriel's ignorance spam
Ignorance can be addressed, but you forgot to point out where we were in error. "Ignorance can be addressed,"- Not with fools. Prov 18:2
"you forgot to point out where we were in error" No, Prov 12:23. You're the one explaining how energy "sloshes" around from one form to another. But that was funny. The Left is in for a real problem with the potential selection of Elizabeth Warren as Biden's running mate. Senator Warren is perhaps our first faux Native American Senator; her entire career(Harvard employment) is based on her faux ethnicity-cultural appropriation (and ethnicity appropriation) at its finest.
Mississippi School Band Told To Stop Performing ‘How Great Thou Art’, In Defiance A
Lone Voice Began To Sing The Forbidden Song… Very offensive song people looking for victimhood, but in a safe way. this is elemental first amendment stuff. don't use public money to produce a public protestant performance. it isn't a matter of being offended, there's nothing offensive in HTTA to any Christian, and I certainly don't care one way or the other, as my own faith is more firmly rooted that texas skool people's. but the rule is firm, well known: the government can't appear to favor protestants over Christians, Jews, even islams. so just don't do it. the "protest" singing was more bullshit. the court didn't prohibit the tune from being sung in public, it prevented the government from organizing the event. no one, and not the skool, is in the least risk of being fined, and the offer at the end of the article to pay any ten large fine was even more bullshit. real protest would have been to strike up the band and take the consequences. actual Christians used to do that a lot. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
" don't use public money to produce a public protestant performance" Where is the caveat in the 1st amendment that you can't express your religion if you receive taxpayer money? How does public funding trump "shall make no law"? Using that metric, no one drawing any kind of money from government should be able to practice their religion, be it a welfare or SS recipient or government employee. you should have at least a primary education in constitutional law in order to participate in public debates on fundamental constitutional issues. meaning, at least read wikipedia.
while I understand completely your refusal to accept the power of the USSC to interpret the Establishment Clause (while insisting that your interpretation trumps everyone else's), it is a fact that the "wall of separation" phrase coined by Jefferson and used by the USSC since the 19th century means that the government cannot favor protestants or any or religious group over another group and that includes using tax dollars to fund a high school band playing a protestant hymn (worship song? what do they call these tunes?). I'm going to belabor this point because sure as shi'ite you'll miss it. there's no prohibition against crooning Amazing Grace at a football game, but it cannot be organized by the skool or district. it is also true that no court or skool could prevent the spontaneous singing of any worship song. your social security analogy is beyond worthless. I expect within my lifetime the Supreme Court to rule that believers cannot be allowed to vote, based on the separation of church & state.
The Trotskyite hack on Martha's Vineyard! Love the helmet for the mannish boy.
Not for nothing, but how is it that the most famous guy in the world, who happens to be the President of The United States, continually looks like such a douche?
And I read somewhere this weekend that Obama's racked up 1000 hours on the links. If you've ever seen him swing the club, you'd know it hasn't helped. At all. Which is why you've never seen a video of him hitting a drive or playing an iron shot (with the exception of his first winter vacation on that public course in Waimanalo). And you never will. Douche or dork?
Either one, he does sort of have the "Steve Urkel" look about him, doesn't he? charles: Douche or dork?
That sort of bullying over human differences (Obama has Luo ancestry) seems to be waning in the new generation. Bullying? I didn't say it to his face.
Doesn't bullying have to be directed AT the "victim" in order for that word to be used properly? (I'll explain that STATEMENT for you Zach; it is what is known as a rhetorical question which means it isn't a question that you are supposed to respond to as the answer is obvious.) And, if you think that was a case of bullying did you also call out the left when they made much worse comments about Bush or Palin? How about when rude comments were made about Palin's kids? That isn't a rhetorical question; but, I'll bet the answer is no. charles: Doesn't bullying have to be directed AT the "victim" in order for that word to be used properly?
It's directed at anyone who resembles the object of your derision for not conforming to your notions of what a person, or a "man" should look like. It's an age-old form of humor, of course; the pickaninny, the fag, the chink. Times they are a-changin'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DC5RtcypOqE charles: And, if you think that was a case of bullying did you also call out the left when they made much worse comments about Bush or Palin? How about when rude comments were made about Palin's kids? That isn't a rhetorical question; but, I'll bet the answer is no. Making fun of Bush or Palin concerning their ethnic appearance would certainly be wrong. Thought most of the derision was due to Bush's malapropisms and Palin's word-salad.
2015-08-25 10:23
Hey Zach-
You just earned your own douche credential with that "waning" bullshit, too. I could give a shit what his ancestry is. I would say "asshole" pretty much says it all. |