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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, July 17. 2015Friday morning links We are now living through a great period of extinction, through an epoch of idea-death. University policy suggests disabled people can't consent to sex The Destructive Lie of ‘God’s Favor’ - God’s provision and affection aren't synonymous with success. Fired From Ford for Criticizing Homosexual Behavior Fired From Ford for Criticizing Homosexual Behavior - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=60780#sthash.TGndicUl.dpuf Rabbits won't eat it Innovation and Top Income Inequality Markets in everything sandcastle butlers those new service sector jobs McDonald's franchisees have never been this depressed America wants a “modern, progressive burger company” Little girls sign up to play chess in droves. So why are so few of the world’s top players women? First High Resolution Photo of Pluto Raises Concern Confederate Flag Flies High at Florida Southern Pride Ride Rally University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Freshman Mocks Diversity Orientation The Driscolls: Ed and Nina’s Excellent Adventure…or GATT (Gone—Almost—to Texas) Pension payments to Chicago public union employees have become so high that today all the property taxes paid by the households of Chicago go exclusively to pensions. Purdue eliminates chief diversity position UCLA Daily Bruin’s proof of ‘on-campus racism’ fabricates narrative The narrative requires racism EPA Head Gina McCarthy Admits Obama Climate Regs Have No Measurable Impact On Climate Epstein: The Folly Of "Fair" Housing Krugman refused to allow it to be televised Luis Palau: Thousands flock to NYC for the "Latino Billy Graham" Concealed Carry: It’s Booming! I have mine Washington Post: New Gun Laws Needed Even if They Won’t Work Is American Government in Decay? Francis Fukuyama and other critics misinterpret Where no president has gone before Wisconsin Supreme Court: the partisan John Doe investigation was unsupported in reason or law Confederate Flag Flies High at Florida Southern Pride Ride Rally - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=60774#sthash.00wcvgiv.dpuf Professor Sees ‘Terrifying’ Similarities between Scott Walker and Adolf Hitler Trump speaks to emotion How Socialism Destroyed Puerto Rico, and How Capitalism Can Save It "It’s a fascinating thing in that most people, including me, thought the Greek crisis was a threat to the EU model. It is turning out to be a confirmation of the model." Disaster: Today's Warrior Purge in the U.S. military China’s young people have spoken. And what they want is sex Blame the Banks - Why is Greece Ex-Saudi spy chief: Nuke deal will ‘wreak havoc'; Arabs lose faith in ‘oldest and most powerful ally’ The Iran Nuclear Deal: Good and Bad News for Turkey Obama Turns to U.N. to Outmaneuver Congress - Washington is working on a new Security Council resolution making the nuclear deal legally binding on the next president. IS missile hits Egyptian ship near Sinai Markets
in everything sandcastle butlers those new service sector jobs - See more at: http://marginalrevolution.com/#sthash.RQ60BH7s.dpuf Comments
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"Fired from Ford for criticizing homosexual behaviour"
America's new witch trials make the witch trials of the 1620's look small. Whether this issue is political or social it would seem obvious that there are two sides to this and being in favor or opposed to either side is a legitimate belief to believe in or to espouse. While it is normal forhumans to think that their own opinion is the only correct one it is not consistent with the constitution and democracy for the government to insist that THEIR opinion is the only correct one and dissent must be punished. The government should defend those fired for an opinion on this issue just as vigorously as they defend any individual denied their civil rights. Too bad about the kale thing, I've been trying to eat healthier.
20 years ago, phytoremediation of heavy metal contaminated sites was a big story in C&E News and elsewhere. They used big leafy plants that would take up the Ni, Pb, etc. So I guess this isn't really a surprise. "Fired from Ford for criticizing homosexual behaviour"- This will continue until sane people organize and push back. What incentive is there currently for the lunatics to stop? I looked it up once...spinach has a lot more iron than kale and has its own benefits...plus, I think it is tastier than kale...and you don't have to soak in dressing/oil to make it soft in a salad.
http://www.onegreenplanet.org/vegan-health/food-face-off-health-benefits-of-kale-vs-spinach/ Just eat spinach again, and you should be ok. I have been substituting spinach in any recipe that calls for cooked kale, because I don't like cooked kale. And it works just fine! Concealed Carry: It’s Booming!
I have mine ------------ I have one too, and although I rarely carry, I handle shotguns constantly through ATA and league competition and regular team practice. I have trust in the people I shoot with or who someone can vouch for, I have zero confidence in casual shooters or, even worse, the guy who owns a home defense gun and rarely uses it it for anything. at a shoot at a local range I saw a shooter at the far end of the line respond to the range master by turning towards him -- sweeping his rifle across the rest of the line and sending people diving for cover. In '06 I was dusted with birdshot and gravel after someone on the 16 yd trap line didn't know what her gun's trigger pull was and blasted the ground 10 feet in front of us. I've seen countless numbers of minor safety violations or just plain ignorance (e.g., the guy wearing an Orvis catalog who didn't know his gun needed a choke). I'm convinced that if there's ever a home invasion shootout next door, stray bullets are going to come flying through my walls. all that said, it's a price for the second amendment worth paying, but I wish people wouldn't glorify gun ownership or treat it like a fetish. Re: modern, progressive burger company
Just what we need - political burgers. I guess we just don't have enough politics in our life... They look and sound enticing, but once you've chewed on it for a while, you realize there's not much meat in it.
Indeed mudbug.
I have watched them make what I believed to have been bad decisions for 40 years. They have substituted 'health' for taste at every turn and caved to every left wing criticism along the way, the latest being the bizarre thinking that by raising the help's wages and therefore prices, customers will come flocking back. They apply fantasy solutions to real world problems, then fail utterly and they just can't understand why. As commenter Zach correctly noted the other day, they are still huge. However, the commercial graveyard is full of companies that were once behemoths. I am of the opinion that McDonald's can still be saved, but a bunch of PC lefties are not the ones who will be able to pull it off. For fast-food, my rule of thumb, a happy staff means a happy customer. There is not a dimes worth of difference in quality and flavor is all that is different. But a happy staff means quality will be decent and SAFE. A happy staff means what you order is what you get -- with a smile and a pleasant word. mickyD took the Happy out of their meals.
Disaster: Today's Warrior Purge in the U.S. military
apart from the general trashing of professional officers which to me seems excessive and unfocused, the article cites Curtis LeMay as a posterboy warrior. I doubt this. the ethics of his urban area firebombing campaign against Japanese cities should be on the table for discussion, both in and of itself and as a model for future campaigns. not debating its effectiveness, just the morality. the US Strategic Bombing Survey for the Pacific doesn't completely distinguish the effectiveness on the Japanese war industry of precision attacks on military targets vs area attacks, but it does contain figures on the effect of malnutrition caused steadily rising food shortages That, and the loss of oil supplies that would have won the war, and these were caused by the naval blockade. there were 806,000 civilian casualties. which would have been dwarfed by the number of US civilian causalities had JFK followed LeMay's advice and invaded Cuber. the local commanders there had authorization to use nuclear tipped missiles against the US. casualties would have been in the millions. so the article needs to redefine what it means to be a warrior. As a retired Canadian Army officer, I have never much liked the term "warrior" much. Surely the aim is to simply have a military of disciplined and capable fighting soldiers? The term "warrior" has always conjured up negative, ill-disciplined images for me.
Also, there is a strong element of historical revisionism in the modern view of WWII Allied bombing campaigns. Because we are now capable of such pinpoint accuracy in our targeting, it's easy to fault the tactics of another era. (The above shouldn't be taken to mean that I am not critical of certain decisions made in those Allied campaigns.) I don't see this as historical revisionism. the USSBS, produced immediately after the war, notes that there were raids that targeted military/industrial works and there were raids that area bombed civilians. in Europe, 8th AF engaged in raids that specifically aimed at military targets (a factory, a rail yard, etc.), that the bombing was in fact area bombing due to creep back and other reasons doesn't detract from the intent to not bomb civilian areas. RAF leaders had no such qualms about its night bombing tactics, although area bombing was a concern to the British government at the time.
the bombing campaign in the Pacific was intended to burn out civilian areas of cities. regardless of whether this was an effective tactic (justified because some industry had been dispersed to these area but hardly justified as pure retaliation), this is a debatable moral issue, only a moral cripple would say the issue isn't. otherwise, then, sure, carpet bomb Raqqa or Tehran, or Qom. LeMay would approve. I'm sure you'll have some readers k00kgasming at the idea. It is naive to condem fire bombing of japanese or German cities. Both countries were killing civilians by the hundreds of thousands a month. Bringing the war to an end was more important then some armchair idea of waging war. Those cities and those civilians were manufacturing war materials 24/7. They were legitimate targets and ending the war sooner by massive bombing campaigns saved more lives than it took.
Women Playing Chess: She realized she was alone, and quit. Why? She does not say. Need for emotional support, perhaps.
Purdue dumps diversity provost: Excellent! Amazing! Surprising! For most women, verbal communication is a strength. We are more open with our emotions. In fact, we have to 'burn through' those emotions sometimes to feel rejuvenated and stress-free. Chess is quiet, boring and your motives are hidden.
Sorry, I have never liked chess. I don't see why this is something to bemoan. Men and women have different strengths and different interests. That says nothing negative about women or about men, honestly. Most kids like to play games. It's not a surprise to me that girls join chess teams because it is a 'team' and it looks like a fun game. Then, they get into it...realize there is all of this narrow focus and studying and the 'game' aspect is over. Men are typically more focused on one thing at a time. Women are not like that. It is neither good nor bad. Just different. So get over it already, chess people. Should we also be sad that more men don't want to be kindergarten teachers? or nurses? or stay-at-home parents? You're saying men and women are different, and may have different interests? Wash out your mouth, little missy! You are in violation of Feminist Rule #1: There ain't no differences!!!!!
The death star.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_Star My Debate With Paul Krugmann....Krugman refused to allow it to be televised
Herr Dr. Krrugman had good reason to not allow it to be televised, as he doesn't like being exposed as a pretentious fool for all to see. Consider Krugman gets p3wned on Canadian Health Care |
Tracked: Jul 19, 09:07