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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, July 4. 2015Saturday morning links
So much for government education What kind of nation did the Founders aim to create? Reagan Warned about Airbrushing Our History Away America Isn't Getting More Liberal — It's Getting More Libertarian. Today the public is broadly more libertarian than it was just decades ago The government wants you to grill fruit for the Fourth of July Grilled pineapple slices are delicious - but why is this the gummint's job? Fats and carbs: One of the Biggest Mistakes in Nutrition Research
How America's Workforce Has Changed Since 1977 Hah! 19.8% of U.S. Workforce Was Foreign-Born in June That Didn’t Take Long: North & South Carolina Shark Attacks Blamed on Global Warming NY Times Loves How Communism Is Good For Cuba’s Environment Want to save Puerto Rico? Make it a U.S. state. No thanks. Let it be its own tropical country. The Tolerant Left A Field Guide To Acela Republicans - To start with, Acela Republicans hate Republicans. Obama: I´m Reagan and Hillary can be Bush 41 Politico: "As I noted last month with a link to an AEI infographic, if Clinton patiently endures her falls from public popularity she’s almost always rewarded with a rise." "... at this very moment, politicians from Spain's Podemos to Italy's Five Star movement are drafting memos demanding that the IMF evaluate their own debt sustainability."
Europe’s Real Existential Crisis Except for London and Germany, Europe is a suicidal museum Southern Italy, Europe’s soft underbelly Southern Italy, Europe’s soft underbelly Brzezinski on Russia: 'We Are Already In a Cold War' The middle-east peace industry - Catch the Jew Hamas, Under Fire from ISIS, Fractures Into Many Dangerous Pieces Comments
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"Americans Don’t Know Why We Celebrate 4th of July"
Here I am in Canada (some of my family's ancestors were on King George's side which is, ahem, why they ended up in Canada) and even I know the significance of the Fourth of July. The "good news" is that you are not alone: we've just celebrated Canada Day on 1 July and I'm willing to wager that lots of my fellow countrymen haven't a clue how the Dominion of Canada came into being back in 1867. After all, "history is hard and all that stuff about dead people long ago is s-o-o-o boring". But to heck with that! In honour of your day I have the US flag flying next to the Canadian one at the homestead. Later, I'll be hoisting a cold one (a Samuel Adams lager no less!) to toast our southern neighbours. Happy Independence Day to you one and all! “Fats and carbs, one of the biggest mistakes in nutrition research.”
An article in the “Real Clear Science” should be an honest science based article. But the author resorted to a dishonest practice by implying certain opinions expressed in 1970 were in fact “settled science”. By implication she is saying all of science was complicit in a stupid and incorrect belief that we know know to be false. Her critical example was “Scientists in the 1970s concluded that the human body could not convert carbohydrates into fat.” She failed to cite her source for this claim but anyone who was alive and paying attention in 1970 knows that in fact that was not the belief and we have always known that your body can turn everything and anything you digest into body fat. So what was her intent with this subterfuge? It seems that the food bigots or activists cannot make their case without some lies and disinformation. So first she needed to disparage science and secondly to spread doubt about the mainstream theories. How else can she prop up her own theory? So, WHAT, exactly is “harmful” about carbs? The entire human population from the time we came down from trees and before has searched for and eaten carbs. What, exactly, do carbs do that is so terrible? There is of course a disease; diabetes, which can be controlled to some extent by a specific diet. But for the large majority of people all of whom eat carbs, what is the harm? Does eating carbs “cause” heart disease, cancer, strokes? Does it cause early death? This may sound a little over the top but indeed there are some who claim that carbs indeed cause illness and contribute to poor health. So is it true? There is zero evidence of it but there is a theory AND there is an industry, a multi-billion dollar industry of books, supplements, speaking tours and diets that benefits from this pseudo-science. All of these activists and special interests are working overtime to outlaw sugar and white rice and flour are next. Why? Mostly because that is what many of these people actually believe. The internet and books are full of these claims. No proof but claims galore. If it were true then there would be no better opportunity to prove it then the U.S. diet. We eat carbs every day all our life our life spans should be plummeting and our serious illnesses should be increasing. But the opposite is happening. We are eating more carbs than ever and every year our life expectancy increases and the rate of most illnesses decreases. It would seem that carbs, or fats or protein (meat) do not have harmful effects on our health. So why do these somewhat bizarre claims persist? It goes back to the simple fact that there are indeed some diseases that need and benefit from a restrictive diet. Inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, diabetes, etc. All diseases which are miraculously helped by restricting and controlling what you eat. This inevitably leads to people jumping to the conclusion that those food items that must be restricted in fact “caused” those diseases. This brings me back to when I was a child and my dear grandmother would tell me not to put sugar on my cereal because it would cause “sugar diabetes”. Now my grandmother didn’t know in the 40’s that sugar doesn’t “cause” diabetes but in 2015 there is simply no excuse for unscientific superstition based medical/health beliefs. Carbs aren’t gonna make you sick or kill you. Go ahead, eat a potato and put some sugar on your oatmeal. The pseudo-scientists are wrong. QUOTE: 19.8% of U.S. Workforce Was Foreign-Born in June Here's some historical context. http://almanac.ushli.org/wp-content/themes/almanac/images/2012/Table7.2.jpg The Greeks never voted for bankruptcy? That's exactly what they voted for. What they didn't vote for was the need to bear the consequences of their own bankruptcy. That's not a failure of democracy; it's a failure of voters.
"Another quote: The intelligentsia … have encouraged the poor to believe that their poverty is caused by the rich – a message that may be a passing annoyance to the rich but a lasting handicap to the poor, who may see less need to make fundamental changes in their own lives that could lift them up, instead of focusing their efforts on tearing others down." The Left hates poor people. so does its worst to keep them poor. (Yes, "best" is the usual word, but clearly it does not properly describe what is occurring.)
Puerto Rico a state? No, but thanks.
The same with DC; the last thing these United States need is another Democratic voting block. |
Tracked: Jul 05, 09:31