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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, May 28. 2015Thursday morning links Insane Mountain Goat Photos Markets know more than economists How to Use Up All of Those Fresh Herbs Throw them in salads The all-male feminist support group. The Perils of Paid Family Leave ...the real minimum wage is always and everywhere $0.00 an hour, as any unemployed person (or self-employed) can confirm for you. Why don't more colleges compete for students? "People are wasting valuable thinking time on meditation and mindfulness and should stop trying to clear their heads..." Clean energy killing birds by the millions The Civil Disobedience Charles Murray Wants Has Already Arrived The Next Time the Media Complains About High CEO Pay.... It May be Projection Republicans Push For Over-The-Counter Birth Control, Liberals Immediately Oppose The Plan ‘Massive Expansion of Federal Power’: EPA Issues New Rules Over Waters Near Rivers All your water is belong to us What is fascism? Rand: The Republican Brand ‘Sucks’ He's a breath of fresh air Clinton Foundation hit with racketeering lawsuit Before the crash that she blamed on speculators, Senator Elizabeth Warren made a bundle by flipping houses. Pray For Graccident—–It Will Trigger The Demise Of The ECB And The World’s Toxic Regime Of Keynesian Central Banking North Korea’s Real Life Hunger Games - What it's like to fight for your life in North Korea. Foreign aid scandal: UK money is 'STILL going to convicted Palestinian terrorists' Comments
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Fascism: I love this quote: (parentheses is my contribution): FauxScienceSlayer Moa
There are only two systems of governance: either you have property rights (to use and dispose of your property as you see fit), free speech and rule by informed consent....OR YOU DON'T. There is virtually NO difference between communism, fascism, marxism, nazism and socialism....they are all REBRANDED FEUDALISM. For an educated take, see Dr. Jonathan Steinberg’s (Annenberg Chair, U Penn) " European History and European Lives, 1715 to 1914". Sorry, for it's length, but it is not difficult, if you are interested in history.
Exasperated: they are all REBRANDED FEUDALISM.
That just shows how off the rails this is. The Left was a revolt against feudalism. Left means political advocacy of greater equality. Right means support for hierarchy. Liberals try to balance liberty and equality. Conservatives want to preserve tradition and moderate change. Statists advocate more government. Libertarians advocate less government. Progressives believe government can be used to reform society. Extremists believe the ends justify the means. Someone can be on the Left and support more government or less government, just as someone on the Right can support more government or less government. There are left-wing anarchists and right-wing anarchists. There are left-wing statist and right-wing statists. Fascism has always been considered an extremist movement of the Right. That's where its support was found, and its policy was one of absolute inequality. Under Nazism, there is no way a Jew will ever be equal to an Aryan. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-wing_politics http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing_politics Remember the chemical spill in West Virginia????Sheesh, the EPA has been in existence since the 70s, and in all this time no one put together that it is not a good idea to put a chemical facility next to a water treatment plant, let alone next to a river that is a source of drinking water. What is the point of having an EPA?
EPA’s 2013 budget was $7.9B and they employ 16,000 (this is just Feds), more than 300 per state. It just goes to show you that Regulation is not a magic bullet. Where was the focus on the big picture, as opposed to obscure unlikely event scenarios, pondered by wonks, who use it to justify their jobs and existence, and incidentally collect big bucks from the chumps. After West Virginia, I suppose that they had to get off their keisters, huffing and puffing, and pontificating over an event that eluded them. They do have the time and resources to persecute some schmuck who built a duck pond on his property and send a SWAT team to threaten some property owner who removed rusty barrels and garbage from his property and trimmed back vegetation. U.S. regulatory costs exceed the total value added by the entire U.S. manufacturing sector; it suffocates small businesses in favor of the crony capitalists and suppresses investment in the US. Looking at the chemical spill in West Virginia, 80,000 ( not including state and local regulations) pages apparently wasn’t sufficient or the bureaucrats couldn’t enforce the regulations they had. I’ve got an idea, let’s add more incomprehensible, duplicative, contradictory, and counter-intuitive regulations which leads to prosecutorial gamesmanship and overkill. Everyone must be a criminal; and we need SWAT teams to enforce regulations. This is why DC is a BOOM town while Main Street and the rest of the country slide backwards. You seem to have some weird idea that the EPA is about protecting the environment or something.
The Epa has nothing better to do than to ban the elements and compounds that it doesn't like, and declare everything a pollutant. I am not against all government, but I am against ALL government ALL the time. Statists seem to not grasp the concept of diminishing returns; I refer you to Daniel Ikenson: “Economics teaches the theory of diminishing marginal returns….." Let’s apply this concept to regulation, say pollution abatement. “In 1970, when the EPA began to regulate activities that were presumed to have adverse impacts on environmental quality, there was great scope for air and water quality improvement. There was a lot of low-hanging fruit in those days. But, today, after the most obvious and affordable abatement measures have already been adopted and the associated benefits have been reaped, the marginal cost of the next increment of improvement is greater and the marginal benefit from that effort is smaller.”……… AKA, bang for the buck. Now that the low hanging fruit is gone regulators have to increasingly resort to bizarre, obscure efforts to justify themselves and their jobs. These efforts cost a mint but make minimal difference.
Regulation is inherently tied to the size of government and this is the heart of the conundrum. How do you balance regulation to protect the public’s interest (health and safety) and not strangle innovation, investment, and growth? How do you keep it manageable, how do you avoid a patchwork of conflicting, complex, and counter intuitive regulations from multiple jurisdictions? Re: The left opposes OTC birth control drugs
The column says that Planned Parenthood is against allowing birth control to be sold over the counter. It seems like they are just looking out for their own financial interests. If more women take birth control, there would be less need for abortions and they would lose money. It's all about money... and death. Also, remember Planned Parenthood makes coin doing physicals, contraceptive counseling, then prescribing/selling contraceptives.
Especially those low dose contraceptives.
The ones that if you don't take them at the same time everyday you will end up pregnant. And since most teenagers aren't exactly "responsible" ... guaranteed repeat clientele. btw, anyone else notice that as the increase in hormonal birth control increased, so did weight gain? endocrine disruptors. Re: Unions and the minimum wage
So this union guy says that companies who hire union workers should be allowed to negotiate with the union for a lower-than-minimum wage. When you get a job offer, you can ask for more or decline because it isn't good enough. Isn't that a negotiation? What's the difference? long story made short, union membership and thus union dues.
Longer story, many of the LA unions (like the UFCW) agreed to a slightly above minimum wage for new hires so long term employees would be kept on. However, if the minimum wage is higher, the union contract needs to redone where the employer has a strong case that even a DoL arbitrator can see for reducing hours and positions. Re: What is Fascism
What a great column! More people need to understand who the left is what the left is actually trying to do. As usual, the labels they throw around are a just projection. They are what they accuse others of. not a useful definition of fascism or anything else. the author is just expressing his view of How Things Ought To Be vs everything else he doesn't like. limiting fascism to an economic theory is childish, although the author uses it to cherry pick attributes of several forms of government to make his case. he can only accomplish this by ipse dixit assertions and nonspecific claims. there are no concrete examples. its virtually impossible to discuss such ambiguous claims.
if anything, the author believes he's not in control of his life and all this is projection. RE Clinton Foundation hit with racketeering lawsuit
a civil RICO case, racketeering only in the most loosely defined sense. Klayman v. Clinton here. I don't see this going anywhere, standing issues. interesting summary of the clinton doings. Re: Male Feminists.
You want to know what's wrong with academia? How about all those straight white male cowards I have come to call male castratos who occupy tenured positions on campus. Positions rewarded to them on the grounds of their sycophantic behavior. But, then again, these are seldom men who have ever served in our military, seldom men who ever stood up for an agreed upon code of ethics no matter the cost to them personally. Yup, you can call them feminists if you want to--as for me I have much worse names for their cowardice! you didn't actually click that link, did you?
Mountain Goats: Going where no wolf has gone before, or ever will.
Tracked: May 31, 10:00