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Saturday, May 23. 2015Saturday morning links
Pic: An old one of Bob in his tennis whites Cahokia: New Evidence May Solve Mystery of America's Huge Ancient City Epic Leatherback Turtle Migration Tracked A nighttime bike tour of the Matterhorn I hiked that trail many years ago, up above Zermatt. Difficult hike up. How to Use Oil Base Gel Stain Over Existing Finishes How to Refinish Furniture - Refinish furniture in less time, with less effort and mess, and get better results Three German Shepherds walk into a bar When Do I Prune Daffodil Flowers? Slavery in Senegal In just 3 generations, our young men have gone from taking Normandy to Boy Scouts not being allowed to use WATER guns The most obese group in America are the people on food stamps. New York Times: Eating food aggravates drought An amusing campus poster Ted Nugent speaks to graduates N.Y. allowed to exclude “Choose Life” plates from specialty license plate program, because they are “patently offensive” How about "Choose death"? Noonan: The Trigger-Happy Generation - If reading great literature traumatizes you, wait until you get a taste of adult life. Robot Medicine Z-Man goes to the wrong doctor. Our doctor (guy with a solo practice, his wife works in the office and they care about their people) knows the whole family, we see him around town, he has known me for 15 years, knows my medical history, makes me get echo stress tests, goes through a lengthy interview touching on health, fitness, diet, emotional issues, work, family, etc. He will see anybody in the family at any time, and he will give phone advice. In fact, he was the one who advised my wife to fly my father-in-law from Cabo to UCSD Med Center this Spring. Scandal Rap Sheet: 48 Reasons to Distrust & Despise the Media How U.S. Workers Brought the 'Great Reset' on Themselves:
Carly Fiorina got fired once (for her decision to buy Compac?). But hey, MSM - do you remember this?
Were it not for “reporters” like Stephanopolous the comically inept and hopelessly corrupt Ms. Clinton would not dare run for mayor of Chappaqua. Chris Matthews Defending Hillary: FDR Was 'Secretive' and Turned Out Best President of 20th Century Hillary Clinton's dark whisperer is back - Sidney Blumenthal has been here all along. In fact, he never went away. Visit By Pope To Cuba Will Test the Pontiff As Well as the Castros ISIS Rapes While Senator Whines About Fictional ‘Game of Thrones’ Rape ISIS: We Thank Allah for Letting Us Rape Non-Muslim Women Iran’s Supreme Leader Rules Out Broad Nuclear Inspections Comments
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Eating Food aggravates drought:
The guilt over eating and choices in eating has been going on a long time, there are starving children in China/Africa/India, ya know. There has been two conflicting messages from our nanny state handlers: - we waste too much food, you shouldn't buy more than you are going to eat because it goes to waste and sits in a landfill and rots (better to have farmers take the loss and throw the stuff out) (landfills generate electricity, and one landfill mr. fjord does work in, they use the heat from the methane emissions for greenhouses where they grow more food. wow. that's so evil. ) And no mention of the first lunch-lady's school lunch program. and - You need to eat foods that are good for you - fruits and vegetables, because we are all obese children who need to be told what to eat. Eat your 7 servings of grains too. Typically those are the foods that rot the fastest. Especially "organic" vegetables. and 7 out of 10 children experience hunger every day!!!! Again, school lunch program... serve something edible once. Let them pack lunches. Kill public education - even better. Also, probably the largest contributor to food waste is government regulations. The expiration dates require restaurants, and stores to dispose of food when there is nothing obviously wrong with it, but it's "out of date". I call this a suggestion. Except for mayonnaise. That gets weird. Also truckers must themselves dispose of packaged food when the box gets damaged. Nothing wrong with the food (because we are frequent recipients of this food, and we're still alive - ) but someone might sue. Stores won't take the chance to receive it. Restaurants can't give uneaten meals to the homeless, certain foods can't be given to the homeless due to nutritional guidelines, etc. The message should be turned around and say Gvt Aggravates Drought. Gvt Aggravates Hunger. Gvt Aggravates Food scarcity. Soon govt will be the arbiter of your diet. Maybe CA farmers could grow crops that are more suited to their desert climate. You know. Not rice, alfalfa, almonds... Or they could ask the Isreali's how to farm in the desert. The Great Reset: “Weren’t we all supposed to have highly paid, self-actualizing, hi-tech jobs or service jobs by now and simultaneously cultivating our inner artiste?
“The average American is at the heart of this story -- as the victim and as the perpetrator. We suffer as employees because we exert influence as consumers.” I think Megan McArdle’s explanation is good but I agree with Tyler Cowen(among others) that this is a reset. I think it has been in the works since the 60s, beginning with the automation of refineries and chemical plants. I am not claiming that new “middle class” jobs are not being created, rather that they are not being created as fast as they are disappearing. And yes churn is to be expected; it is a good thing. I think of it as the great leveling; the information/digital revolution is like a perfect storm for what we think of as the middle class, for the regular everyday person who is not exceptionally gifted creatively, or a master of abstract, mathematical concepts. There is a huge asymmetry in knowledge and power between the regular folks and the Mandarin class. Without a robust middle class, Who is going to be the Taxpayer, Who is going to be the Consumer? Who is going to commit to a Mortgage, or an Education, or a Major Purchase, without some confidence in a reliable, steady, long term income?? Who is going to get married and have children? Doesn’t the contraction of mid level skilled jobs, suitable for the middle class, factor in? Don’t look to the Dems or the Reps; we need some fresh ideas, not the stale recycled ideas of 100+ years ago. The Cargo Cult solution is to artificially prop up people (ie minimum wage that exceeds the value of the jobs) or subsidies, while inflaming controversial social issues to distract the public. Then there are the “magic formula” purveyors who claim that if you just roll back taxes and regs, all will be well. And yes, there is a small kernel of truth to this; I just don’t think it is going to unleash the kind of growth we really need. Found bouncing around the right wing echo chamber:
QUOTE: Lifelong democrat Jerry Zeifman, in charge of the Watergate investigation, gave this reason for firing Hillary: "Because she was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer, she conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of this Committee, and the rules of confidentiality." "whatever Zeifman may have thought of Hillary and her work during the investigation, he was not her supervisor, neither he nor anyone else fired her from her position on the Impeachment Inquiry staff (Zeifman in fact didn't have the power to fire her, even had he wanted to do so), his description of her conduct as "unethical" and "dishonest" is his personal, highly subjective characterization, and the "facts" on which he bases that characterization are ones that he has contradicted himself about on multiple occasions." http://www.snopes.com/politics/clintons/zeifman.asp Zeifman's contribution to Hillary's leaving the impeachment committee is overblown.
Zeifman did said Hillary was a liar and unethical. Some things never change. That's why trusting Snopes to confirm your priors is a bad idea. Zeifman certainly exaggerated that he fired her. It was that he refused to keep her on after her assignment was completed. It's not a big deal either way, but waving it around as science! is unintentionally revelatory.
At this point even close friends of the Clintons acknowledge they are sociopaths. The Z Blog: Zeifman certainly exaggerated that he fired her.
What you mean is that the claim that Zeifman fired her is false. Truthiness.
2015-05-23 15:57
To repeat, your comments are unintentionally revelatory. You reveal things about yourself that most people try to conceal.
QUOTE: Chris Matthews Defending Hillary: FDR Was 'Secretive' and Turned Out Best President of 20th Century That's hardly a valid defense of secrecy, but it does raise an interesting historical point. The Roosevelt Administration had built up a huge reservoir of good will during the Great Depression, so that when WWII rolled around, people rallied around the government to defeat fascism. The American people empowered the executive with vast powers of secrecy necessary to fight the war; then, at the start of the Cold War, under the threat of the atomic bomb, the government retained and expanded these powers. The American people trusted their government and presidents. It took a new generation before this trust was broken by Johnson and Nixon. Key word "allowed" to use water guns
Real men don't follow petty rules. Find your inner rebel and stop asking permission. Try not to be thug, but throw off all this "mother may I" crap. Words to live by!
To ask permission is to seek denial. It is often easier to get forgiveness than permission. Noonan: The Trigger-Happy Generation - If reading great literature traumatizes you, wait until you get a taste of adult life.
I was going to remark on how trigger warnings are triggering because of all the recent mass shootings, but confirming the definition, I found this from 1913, which has so much humor in the current trigger warning crisis. Trigger \Trig"ger\, n. [For older tricker, from D. trekker, fr. trekken to draw, pull. See Trick, n.] 1. A catch to hold the wheel of a carriage on a declivity. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mech.) A piece, as a lever, which is connected with a catch or detent as a means of releasing it; especially (Firearms), the part of a lock which is moved by the finger to release the cock and discharge the piece. [1913 Webster] That they demand a warning regarding a catch that engages to slow or stop the descent on a downward slope has it's own humor And in 2, the second part appeals to my inner 13 yr old. QUOTE: Scandal Rap Sheet: 48 Reasons to Distrust & Despise the Media That's the worst of it? Gee whiz. He didn't even mention cheerleading the Iraq War, probably the worst ever American foreign policy debacle, leading to tens-of-thousands of deaths, millions of refugees, and continuing chaos in the Middle East. Don't be stupid. Chearleading a policy that may or may not have been, as you describe it, "the worst ever American foreign policy debacle", is not the same as telling a lie so it fits your agenda and passing it of as news.
Besides, things were going a lot better in the Middle East before Obummer (or was it the Hildebeast?) took over foreign policy. I forgot to mention that the Demoncrats you adore also chear going into war against Iraq.
Enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5p-qIq32m8 Presumably, you believe the claim that Iraq had WMD was a lie. Maybe you can lis for us al the intelligence agencies that thought the did not have WMD. mudbug: Chearleading a policy that may or may not have been, as you describe it, "the worst ever American foreign policy debacle", is not the same as telling a lie so it fits your agenda and passing it of as news.
It's a reason to distrust the news media, and far more relevant than Monica Lewinsky. mudbug: Enjoy But it was George Bush who engaged in a war that was disastrous for the Iraqis and destructive to American policy goals. mudbug: you believe the claim that Iraq had WMD was a lie. "the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy" mudbug: Maybe you can lis for us al the intelligence agencies that thought the did not have WMD. You could start with the U.N. who had inspectors in Iraq, who could find no evidence of WMD, even though the Americans kept telling them where to look. So you equate being "wrong" (your definition) with lying? You really are a piece of work!
mudbug: So you equate being "wrong" (your definition) with lying? You really are a piece of work!
We did no such thing. The topic was "48 Reasons to Distrust & Despise the Media", most of which had nothing to do with lying, and were generally weak examples. We provided a much more significant example, one that had wide-ranging consequences for the U.S. and the world. Just when the media should have been most skeptical, they were taken for a ride (literally) by the government. http://americanobserver.net/photos/20071204/20071204_jackgrubertruck.jpg
2015-05-23 20:51
ISIS Rapes While Senator Whines About Fictional ‘Game of Thrones’ Rape
Senator Claire will need super enhanced secret service protection from Ramsay Bolton. Squirrel getting into your bird feeder?
Thy this: funny. http://safeshare.tv/w/NOZOjdApvG I'm no expert, but I've heard that squirrels will try to climb the post often enough that they will purposely wipe whatever slippery stuff is used. Many years ago, I saw a hilarious video in a Wild Birds Unlimited store for their squirrel-proof bird feeders. They have changed their style to something that is just as effective but not as entertaining to watch. Here's a video of a similar bird feeder that is just as entertaining: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfHu-UJaK0Q
Sooo, has anyone ever compared the fact that democrats point out so frequently, "Muslim countries are monstrous because Muslim tradition allows men to rape little boys and induce them into a homosexual existence" with the other item liberals are so famous for-- "homosexuality is a genetic trait"?
Why can't they even get this ludicrous conflict in their ideologies straight? New York Times: Eating food aggravates drought
in the libtarded world of Settled Science, once water is consumed by nuts, it vanishes from the universe and is forever lost. a good point: 1) How much water does an illegal alien use? There is a stunning disconnect between welcoming illegal aliens by the millions and ignoring the costs, only one of which is additional water use. Wheew! And, here I thought you and I would never be able to agree on anything ! ;-)
Apparently, it is just everyday working Americans who pollute and stress fragile environments, and risk tipping them to the point of no return. Go figure.
Tracked: May 24, 09:16