You are being sold, and don't know it. Product placement ads in movies and TV shows.
The Pacifist Left marches over the cliff with their grey pony-tails, with Cindy leading the way. Haven't we all noticed, however, that the Pacifist Left always picks which side should be Pacifist, and which side is entitled to go to war (ie, whatever side opposes the evil, evil US)? Cindy, remarkably, sides with Germany in WW2. I am not sure this represents true pacifism...
And the LA Times likewise goes over the cliff. Claude Allen steals because he's black? So what about all of the white thieves? Lots more white thieves than black thieves in the USA...guess it's cuz they're white.
A counter-protest in France. Who knew? Without Instapundit?
Trout fishing in basement, in Belgrade. Convenient, yes. Sporting? Well...
Women spend a total of two years of their lives getting ready to go out. Would it be more accurate to say that women waste two years of their husbands' lives waiting for them?
Welsh Church turns other cheek - and gets stabbed in that one too. Wake up, UK. We love ya, but you are acting like schlemiels.