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Saturday, March 28. 2015Saturday morning links
An ancient bomb shelter Dear Daughter, Here's Why I Don't Work New York's Newest Subway Expansion Is Delayed, But at Least the Photos Are Gorgeous Meet Dartmouth’s new radical professors Prince Charles To Americans: Capitalism Has “Enormous Shortcomings” I think his family is more into benevolent Feudalism (the modern term for that is pretty much Socialism with the royals replaced by a new, less benevolent, royalty) The Closing of the Campus Mind - Schools of social work are silencing conservatives. The economics of political correctness Sustainability, the New Campus Fundamentalism Finally: An Anonymous, Online, Geo-Tagged System to Report Microaggressions at College! Climate skeptic scientists push back against ‘witch hunt’ National Association of Scholars says ‘The fossil fuel divestment movement, is an exercise in futility.’ Socialist Thomas Piketty’s Theory on Income Equality Wrecked by 26-Year-Old MIT Grad Student Bill Whittle Video: Fantastic Idea! Why Not Let 16 Year-Olds Vote? If You Think the Pacific Ocean is Next to New York, Should You Be Allowed to Vote? DHS Secretary: 'Thousands' of Unaccompanied Children Still Crossing Into U.S. Economist: The junior senator from Texas is dangerous To whom? Prohibited Hillary! Descriptors Hillary! had her server wiped Where is Rosemary Wood hiding? I believe this would be a serious crime if a Repub did it. Still, she is in trouble. Spoliation. Obama’s Middle Eastern Flameout Has Dems, Media Starting to Panic The bipartisan consensus against Obama’s Middle East policy is getting wider and deeper all the time. Am I the only person who has little interest in US involvement in the middle east? They are all tribal lunatics and barbarians (except Israel which is basically a European transplant), like most of Africa too. Nobody gave me the job of running them. Egypt's president backs joint Arab military force They are all going to kill each other. Nothing new in that. That's the way they roll. U.S. Senate votes unanimously for amendment to send message on Iran Rethinking Operation Protective Edge - The 2014 Gaza War China Is the New Power Broker in the Persian Gulf - Oil is transforming
the country’s foreign policy. Can the
United States handle
the consequences? Comments
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Am I the only person who has little interest in US involvement in the middle east?
No, there are plenty of us who rank the Levant as fairly low on "world priorities". I note that not even the eeeevil oil companies are interested in the region, so what's the push? The crux of the matter with the Islamic State (and more generally the current wave of Islamic extremism) is that it is successfully hollowing out all the beloved pieties of the West by presenting in starkest fashion their antitheses: slavery, capricious brutality, ethnic cleansing, dogmatism and militarism.
If Western "bien pensants" are not prepared to confront the Islamic State in a bloody-minded and deliberate fashion, then their entire political platform is a sham. Personally, I would not like lunatics in the Middle East with dreams of jihad glory having access to nuclear weapons and no one around to rein them in.
When oil was discovered in the Middle East (and was the dominant source in the world), it was important to make sure that region was run by semi-stable governments. It would've been a mistake to let another country (like the U.S.S.R. at the time) rush in and take control. The U.S. had to be involved. Note that it was only the "dominant source in the world"
due to the West shutting down it's own sources. Can't have those nasty, dirty oil wells chattering away in my backyard, dontchknow? "my social welfare and policy professor "
See, if you are in college, you should make sure you don't have one of those. Study something of value in college. If you are curious about the useless subjects, then read a couple books. But it is interesting in the story on schools of social work, that the individual was in grad school, warned to keep quiet, but remained, despite incurring debt for her troubles. I guess that is the kind of critical thinking that causes someone to go to grad school for social work. Obviously such people care about others, yet they don't spend their time trying to learn how to do something useful for others. Prince Charles denounces centuries of English history and culture. Without capitalism, the United Kingdom is just an odd little place off shore from the European continent. This was demonstrated from 1940 on with the rapid decline of the British Empire as England embraced Socialism. Margaret Thatcher's rolling back to the capitalist traditions saved the 1970s "sick man of Europe".
Again I fall back on Alan Macfarlane's 'The Invention of the Modern World. Here is the chapter summary from chapter 4, "The Origins of Capitalism" QUOTE: England had a very sophisticated capitalist economy stretching back hundreds of years. It was full of money, markets, relatively free but skilled labour, banks, limited liability, the stock exchange, mortgages and many other devices to help move capital and labour around. And it was like this for many centuries before the industrial revolution. Embarrassment prevents any comment from me on my future King.
Still, I will say this: opponents of capitalism always seem to forget it's not an "ism" like Catholicism, liberalism, fascism, communism or conservatism. It's not a belief system; it's an activity. (The People's Republic of China figured that one out pretty quickly.) If Maggie's posted this I apologize for repeating.
From Ltc. Ralph Peters: Brooks Brothers vs. Barbarians "Why do our “best and brightest” fail when faced with a man like Putin? Or with charismatic fanatics? Or Iranian negotiators? Why do they misread our enemies so consistently, from Hitler and Stalin to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Islamic State’s self-proclaimed caliph? The answer is straightforward:" http://nypost.com/2015/03/15/why-our-prep-school-diplomats-fail-against-putin-and-isis/ Even if if had been posted before (and I don't believe it has), it SHOULD be posted again, and again, and again…until our citizens wake the heck up.
re Hillary! had her server wiped
If this had been done by a mere mortal, would it be obstruction of justice or something? Or this? On Her Majesty's Personal Secret Service: Hacked Hillary/Blumenthal Emails Reveal She Was Being Fed Intelligence By Her Own Private Spy Service From Ace of Spades blog: "So many questions here. One important question is: Did she disclose the emails containing these intelligence reports to the government? I strongly doubt that. Is she claiming intelligence reports about Libya, during the civil war, and in the build-up to Benghazi, are "personal"? How could she possibly claim these are not work product? But she will claim that -- she must be claiming that. The question that strikes me as even more deadly is: WHO THE HELL WAS PAYING FOR THIS? Hillary's spymaster was a former director of the Clandestine Service for the CIA in Europe. He now owns his own private intelligence firms. These are not the sorts of services purchased by poor men. These are the sorts of services purchased by very, very rich men, and big well-capitalized corporations, and even governments." http://ace.mu.nu/archives/355793.php Mind
If it had been me I would be in prison. A server is cheap , Linux server operating systems are free. Remember the You Tube lie..? That it was a video that caused Benghazi. That's the stuff that was wiped. Why care about the mid east? Money, from various "cultural exchange" programs, the sale of arms (which deliver hometown jobs and campaign funds), etc. There is also the fact the pundits have to stop recycling essays zone if they have to start writing about the democratization of Pacific Island tribal cultures.
Hunter college, Dartmouth, et al, a reminder of what Jerry Faber in his essay, "the Student as Nigger" wrote that to every degree awarded, two small shriveled glands you once prized were stapled. BTW, couldn't find a free link to it, so might need to find a real library. re the misallocation of water
Marginal Revolution cites Mother Jones as a source for their post. Not a credible source in my view. Their point is a valid one. Agriculture uses the lion's share of the water. Shut off the farmers and the city people have all they need. In my view markets should be used to price water. The problem now is it is likely priced too cheap. "Shut off the farmers, and the city people have all they need." Not necessarily so; often from different sources. And if you shut off the farmers, where will you get your food?
Yes. You are right, Frances. Shut off the farmers' water and our produce has to come from somewhere else, probably at a higher price.
You misinterpreted my comment. I wasn't advocating taking the farmers' water, but if push comes to shove the water will be diverted for urban use, even if pipelines need to be built. That's where the votes are. I had always been under the impression that the farmers in California had a legal right to the diverted surface water. A California lawyer specializing in water rights tells me they don't. That makes it much easier to take their water away. re Economist: The junior senator from Texas is dangerous
Not surprising coming from the extreme left Economist. I liked it when they said that voters need to be able to choose between two adults. Is Hillary their idea of an adult?
Yes. I imagine she is. But in her absence I reckon any candidate nominated by the dems will suffice for the writers at the Economist.
Like the rest of the dead tree media, what is so insulting is the pretense of being impartial when the impartiality is so thin as to be invisible. Me, I'm going with this assessment of Cruz. Terribly dangerous he is, with is call to reclaim what has been usurped
QUOTE: In the year that the Magna Carta turns 800, Senator Ted Cruz began his bid for the presidency with an appropriately active, as opposed to passive, choice of words that “[i]t is a time to reclaim the Constitution of the United States.” American Thinker Dear Daughter: Good one!
Any vun not subssssscribink to Climate Change (TM) in toto, unanimously, und ferrrrfently vill be ssssshot at dawn! If Hillary is a centrist is that who we are all voting for?
Tracked: Mar 29, 10:35