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Wednesday, January 7. 2015The new French Revolution
Is everybody worried about the "backlash"? I hope not. We all have big problems with these bat-shit crazy bloodthirsty barbarians. Brit imam living on welfare celebrates Paris massacre. Where is Charles Martel when you need him?
Also, Some Outlets Are Censoring Charlie Hebdo’s Satirical Cartoons After Attack - News outlets shy away from publishing the controversial images of the paper’s satirical cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.
Also, France Under Islamist President in Novel Stirs Controversy Some of the victims. CNN’s Sally Kohn: Wanting To Censor Criticism Of Islam Is Consistent With Belief In Free Speech… Catholic League President Bill Donohue on Charlie Hebdo: 'Muslims Are Right to Be Angry'
Finally, this:
Posted by The News Junkie
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I didn't understand the significance of the image you posted so I googled the words on the sign.
Finding out that it refers to protest of the murders in Paris by AK47 wielding gunman shouting Allah Akabar (but according to the State Dept and Obama are still not to be called "Muslim Terrorists"). So more Twitter hashtags such as; #stopthekilling or #cantwegetalong?. That will work. Maybe we are not on deathground yet, but we can see it from here. There was a huge rally in Paris where many held posters saying, "Je suis Charlie" (I am Charlie). It will be very unfortunate if it goes no further than a rally and lighting candles. My question is, "what are they willing to do about it?"
Two years ago, a crude video against Islam was used as pretext by Islamists in various countries for riots and violence. Though that same video had nothing to do with the coordinated attack on U.S. outposts in Benghazi, resulting in the assassination of U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens and three others, the administration claimed it did. The administration even rewrote talking points to blame an imaginary protest against the video as leading to those deaths.
Not long after, President Barack Obama spoke at the United Nations.... he had this to say about people who mock Islam: "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam." http://thefederalist.com/2015/01/07/how-president-obama-sold-out-charlie-hebdo/ Wretch at Belmont Club says:
"Leftist orthodoxy now accepts the innocence of Islamism as an article of faith, on par with say, the enlightenment of the Buddha. It has to be true or else their little world falls apart. The belief in the existence of faceless second amendment cults has now become an existential value for the Left. They are too completely invested in multiculturalism, social deconstruction and redistribution to doubt the faith now. To misgive their chosen pathway to power, is to fail at the last step. So they’ll grit their teeth and plunge on; they will never give it up on pain of anathema. And therefore they will cling to their dogma, however improbable it might be, long past the point when any reasonable Leftist would have doubted it. This is the most dangerous aspect of the crisis facing the West. Not only are we in danger of tearing our politics apart, we must. It has now become a case of destroying our civilization in order to save it. We have to stay crazy to avoid the growing suspicion that we’re nuts. The cultural elites of the West are going to hang themselves in the morning according to a schedule that they themselves have devised." http://pjmedia.com/richardfernandez/2015/01/07/security-code/ "...you can’t defend something unless you believe in it." And are equipped to do so, and have the will. Equipped they are not. Willing they are not. By the time they are, will it be too late? My Magic 8 Ball says YES.
Just remember - it is their "Law Enforcement" who will prevent Mere Citizens from dealing appropriately with the swill. Same over here in West Pondia as well.
I have hopes that this increase the backlash that is happening in Europa now and start one here. If not, Both the Europe and the US is lost. Europe is slowly (the US is slower) handing itself over to Muslims - radical and "moderate".
I am heartened a bit by news the president of Egypt is calling for reform in Islam. I'm tempted to say it needs its own inquisition - but the inverse of the Spanish Inquisition - where Muslims who practice and support this murderous intolerance. You have to like the sign behind Choudary that says "Muslims persecuted for their belief". I guess, if you are a satirist of Muhammed and are shot with an AK-47 while the shooter shouts "Allahu Akbar" doesn't constitute persecution for for your beliefs! So, what happens when most of Europe is within range of nuclear-warhead-carrying ballistic missiles from Iran?
Most likely, a complete elimination of free speech and free press on the theory of not antagonizing the barbarians. When the dust settles and we learn more about this I predict that one or more of these terrorists were known to the authorities as potential radicals/terrorists. And that a mosque and imam in France helped coordinate this attack. In other words there was sufficient information available to have prevented this attack. Then you have to ask would these 12 victims and their families been in favor of enhanced interrogation of terrorists to acquire information to stop future attacks? Or would they be more like Zach and prefer to play this game blindfolded? Sooner or later the West has to accept and acknowledge that radical Islam has declared war on us and intends to kill or enslave us all. Today they used AK47's tomorrow it could be nerve gas or nuclear weapons. I suspect we or most in the West will continue to treat these as random attacks by people who are coincidently muslims and that soon moderate muslims will rise up and stop these crazies in their midst. Surely if we give them enough and limit our freedoms enough they will choose to coexist with us. Right???
Will someone please explain to me again what the moral problem is with waterboarding these folks?
You'll have to ask Zachriel. I'm sure he will have something to say about it.
Please don't.
When I see he is taking over a thread...I'm gone. Sometimes, I can’t believe that the US has gone so long without a major terror attack. Consider what the Bush administration confronted. Think about defending everyone, everywhere, 24/7, and the costs involved in hardening every potential target. Then consider the resources it would consume and multiply that exponentially by the lost opportunity costs. No one has the wealth to sustain that indefinitely. In the USA, 9 million sq miles, 300+ million soft targets, 100s of thousands of public places, tens of thousands of infrastructure targets(bridges, reservoirs, transportation hubs), thousands of entry points, and multiple means of attack (dirty bombs, biological threats, poison gas, planes, IEDs) to bring death and destruction OR economic disruption. Then besides the human cost, think what 9/11 cost the American economy. Hats off to GWB.
It was good ol' Shrub II who gave us the "Religion of Peace" bullshit.
May he burn in hell where he belongs, along with the REST of the Rove Repbulican swill. I fail to understand the absence. The absence of what I consider to be the most important question in this discussion.
Why did Europe tolerate from the beginning: incoming middleast groups who created their own legal systems, took control of their own territories within European countries, and demanded the right their their leader and only their leaders had a right to own the narrative of the place they occupied BY CHOICE in a foreign culture? What/why didn't the Europeans see that from the beginning they were managing immigration in a fatally flawed way. How easy it would have been 30 years ago to say to individuals and their imams--"you accept the way we live or you go back". Why didn't they have the guts to do that? Oh--I remember now--Pastor Jimmy Carter and his "tolerance" initiative. Led everyone to let their guard down and surrender their own culture to a group who infiltrated with evil intention. Perhaps, not all, but those who had good intentions had a great tradition of blind obedience to power and a supreme lack of courage which they attributed to being "holy". Does this remind you of a process Bull Dog? "Go along to get along"... what a way to run a country! Remember the Balkan War? Why did we get involved in that?
I can't summarize the issues in one comment, but frankly I'd have let them fight it out. A victory by the Serbs would have severely curtailed the colonization of Europe by the Islamics for generations. Missed opportunity. Early on in a long train of them. The Crusades had it right the first time! John the River: Remember the Balkan War? Why did we get involved in that?
The Balkan War was creating a huge refugee crisis on the borders of NATO, and was threatening to destabilize the region. The U.S. involvement results in no U.S. combat deaths, while resulting in decades of an uneasy peace, but peace nonetheless. John the River: A victory by the Serbs would have severely curtailed the colonization of Europe by the Islamics for generations. Most Muslim immigration is legal in Europe. Continued war in the Balkans would have meant more Muslim immigrants, not less. "We" became involved w/the 90's Muslim wars due to political pressures by the American left, and here's an excellent summary on (mostly western) European immigration:
http://www.euro-islam.info/key-issues/immigration/ I sure hope that it will soon be former Fox News anchor Shepard Smith. A man who hold his own culture, own society, and own people in such contempt should not speak for anyone on TV.