Some years ago, after his governorship of NY, Cuomo had a short-lived national radio talk show.
I phoned in once, on a whim. He was gracious, warm, and pleasant, and I was pleasant to him. I asked him what was on liberalism's agenda. He said government needs to provide and run medical care in the US. I said "OK, what after that?" He hesitated. I said "How about government car insurance?" He said "That's definitely something to look into."
Then I got to my point: I asked him "At what point is the progressive agenda complete - where does it end?" He hesitated again, then said (approx) "Government needs to assure that all Americans get what they need." I cheerfully responded "That's what I thought." It went on for a brief while.
He emailed me the next day, and asked me to call again. Said I had interesting comments. I never bothered to do so, though, figuring he was hopeless. An affable guy, though, unlike his son "Evil Eyes" Cuomo, aka Michael Corleone. They took Mario off the air a while later because he acquired no listeners.
Sleazy politician, good speaker, decent fellow, and deeply misguided which is disappointing in an immigrant family.