We'll leave out the billionaires, because they are too few to move the dial. Let's just look at the very high-income people who make America look unequal in the statistics.
Who are the piggish people with multi-million annual incomes?
Pop music stars
Pro athletes and coaches
Hollywood stars, producers, and agents
Fund managers of large popular funds, hedge and regular
Large urban real estate investors and brokers
Successful creators of new businesses and venture investors in highly successful businesses
A small number of CEOs of major corps.
A microscopic number of authors
Investment bankers? Not much anymore
I don't begrudge any of these people their incomes, but I sometimes envy it while aware that I would not be capable of doing what they do. Still, if we taxed them all 100% over 1 million, we'd eliminate the statistical "crisis" and people would have to bitch about something else.
Who am I missing on my list?