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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, October 10. 2014Marijuana Is Not Harmless Or Of Minor ConsequenceMany otherwise prudent people, many of whom may have smoked marijuana decades ago when it was far less potent than now, have gone along with the increased legalization of marijuana. It may be so that for most consumers, who do not abuse it, the harmful effects are minor. However, for many the short and long term effects are not minor. It is ironic that liberal politicians who are so eager to stamp out smoking tobacco and who are so fervent about controlling other things many consume are supporters of marijuana legalization. Their reasons are either that they still do imbibe or that they see another source of taxes they can spend on their other notions. A scholarly analysis of the research since 1993 done into the health effects of marijuana finds:
Posted by Bruce Kesler
in Our Essays, The Culture, "Culture," Pop Culture and Recreation
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Great, a meta-study. Epidemiology is even less credible than climate "science". It isn't science, it is statistics.
The fundamental issue is not about possible harm to the self. It is about who owns the self which might be harmed. And about the harm of attempt to deny those cases where this is demonstrated benefit. And about the disparate impact of policies of denial. Unsupported denial of evidence is not evidence.
Neither are anecdotes, but in my less wealthy upbringing I had several friends commit suicide in their teen yerars after becoming dependent on (then less potent) marijuana, and several others bocome adult wastes. The ill effects of marijuana on teens, who are in formative and difficult adjustment years is common. It may not be predominant, and it may be that we don't or shouldn't care, according to some who argue for marijuana legalization, but that is not my morality. We do have an obligation to protect minors. And some of the most successful adult businessmen I know smoke pot daily.
Everything being said here about pot could also be said about alcohol, were things better when it was illegal? Keeping minors away from marijuana (and alcohol, volatile solvents etc) is a good idea for the same reasons we restrict their right to contract, possess tobacco, marry, ban opiates in baby formula, etc.
However, adults should be able to grease their own skids to Gehenna. Which is the right underpinning all others. So how did your teenage friends gain such regular access to MJ, if it was illegal and under duress from the Great American War on Drugs?
Now, if MJ had been regulated, rather than banned to the black market, perhaps some of that regulatory taxation revenue would have made it to far better educational programs aimed at folks such as your now-dead friends, instead of huge, black market MJ profits being used to buy off corrupt police and politicians? People who want to use, are going to use, the issue is from what market do they buy? I don't smoke it but...
The Drug War has killed far more people than pot - and wasted $ billions in tax dollars on a lost cause. Militarized police drug raids and long jail sentences are definitely worse for your health than an occasional joint. Do whatever you want, as long as I'm not paying for it (including your healthcare). correct, that's the real reason we should not criminalise drugs.
If you have freedom, you have freedom to ruin your own life. If you have freedom, you have freedom to consume what you want, and not have the government tell you you can't eat/drink/smoke something "because it's bad for you" (read "because it costs us tax income"). I've never done drugs, alcohol, or tobacco. But that's by personal choice. I've seen what it can do to people (plus I find the smell of tobacco and pot smoke foul, and the few sips of wine and beer I've tried were tasted so bad I spit it out and never tried again) and don't want that for myself. But I'm dead against people denying me my personal choice. The spread of marijuana and its use is the only thing that can explain what has happened in this country in the past few years.
Maybe, my preference is the fact there were several bad batches of LSD in the 60's.
We have a vote here in Florida. I am of very mixed opinion. I realize marijuana can really mess up people and their lives. On the other hand, I doubt legalizing it will make it more available to someone who wants it. It is already pretty available.
On the other hand, we spend too much money (and SWAT team effort) on drugs. A conviction can mess up a person's life as much as being addicted to marijuana. Anyway, I am torn. Do we want to not give a stamp of approval to marijuana or do we want to stop so many of these useless convictions and prison sentences? When in doubt, always err on the side of greater liberty, less government, and individual responsibility.
I will take dangerous freedom over safe oppression any day. It's been entirely positive for me. No ill effects. I function at a high level. Much better than alcohol which I DID NOT function well with. Legalize it. Prohibition does now work. We can't protect everybody from themselves. Yes, I know people who took it too far. So what? People take all kinds of things too far.
I think decriminalization of the use of pot is long overdue. Put a tax on it like cigarettes and a restriction on it's use by anyone under 21 like alcohol. Treat the illegal selling of it just as you would illegal selling of cigarettes and giving or selling it to minors in the same way as giving or selling them alcohol. We do need a better way to identify intoxication in drivers.
So? Alcohol does far more damage. So does sugar. Harm is a poor argument in the face of Liberty. Everyone should be free to go to Hell in their own fashion.
I was about to go into my standard rant about how the War on Some Drugs has had HUGE and unintended costs and consequences, and the drug war has killed more people than drugs ever have, and that the fully-intended side effect of the WoD has also been our freedoms and liberty - only to see tha NJSoldier at #4 has said it all before me.
If it were up to me, I'd make EVERYTHING legal, with one condition; you have to get a Drug Users ID Card. You get the card by sitting through a MANDATORY one-week in-person class about what drugs are, what they do, and how to take them quasi-safely. After that, you're able to buy any drugs you like. There are some caveats; you can NEVER again have government-funded heath care of ANY kind. You can never be hired for any sensitive job. And you cannot run for elective office. If you're caught using drugs without a card, you go to jail for a week and you're required to take the class. If you OD, it's your funeral, which you or your heirs pay for. Drug legalization cannot help but have disastrous effects in a welfare culture. If the homeless (read "bums") can get free drugs (which is already happening in some states), we will get more bums. It is only a matter of time before EBT cards can and will be used to purchase drugs, as drugs will be the next human right that suddenly appears in the penumbras. It is also only a matter of time before cannabis addiction will be classified as a disability, and so Social Security will pick up the tab. So, in the end, all those who see this as a triumph for less government will be proven wrong. Taxpayers like me, who cannot even afford a decent cigar or a nice bottle of wine for the weekend, will be picking up the bill for a nice lifestyle for a bunch of stoners. Hooray for that.
The EBT card is already used to buy drugs. In fact the purpose of welfare is so that welfare recipients can buy drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. We are kidding ourselves if we think we are "helping" the poor by giving them money and benefits. If we ended welfare tomorrow the drug dealers would go bankrupt.
So what if it's harmful?
The last I checked, high-fructose corn syrup wasn't doing the human race any favors, yet that product is freely available on supermarket shelves. At least cannabis has some positive effects, such as inhibiting tumor development in cancer patients: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/pdq/cam/cannabis/healthprofessional/page4 Make the allowable age for purchasing cannabis 21, and completely legalize it for adults. If you're looking for some sort of do-gooder crusade, I'd like to suggest you direct your efforts towards implementing a total ban on corn syrup. "...high-fructose corn syrup wasn't doing the human race any favors, yet that product is freely available on supermarket shelves."
That is what the quacks would have you believe. But in fact HFCS is just sugar and your body requires sugar to function. The only known and proven health risk from sugar is dental caries. The underground alternative health pseudo-intellectuals like to create these alternative reality claims and then launch Quixotic efforts to make their fairy tales appear to be true. Sadly too many believe in this spoonfed pap. As for pot curing or inhibiting tumors it is a non-story and one that the National Cancer Institute should be ashamed of. The findings were statistically insignificant and yet they choose to report on them. But worse yet the findngs were about rats not humans. Maybe (and that is a big MAYBE) pot would be useful for rats. Probably not but MAYBE (wink, wink). I wish the someone would do studies on this beast. I never did maryjane when I was younger. However, after having back surgery in '09, at the ripe age of 66, that left me with a super bad case of drop foot and neuropthy in my left leg I finally tried it. I had to do edibles, went on O2 at the age of 65, non smoker my whole life. Thank God I live in Colorado where they made it legal for medical MJ. I make my own edible brownies that have anywhere from 50mg to 70mg per brownie. Take one around 4 or 5 in the PM while my ass is parked in front of the TV. It kills the back pain, neruopthy and relaxes me so much I can sleep all night with no pain. One of the large grow wharehouses in the stae is concentrating on plants producing higher levels of CBD which has shown to reduce seizures in kids with medical problems. So there are positive results if it not abused!
There have been studies and your perception of it's benefits are consistent with the results of those studies. Pot is useful to alleviate pain, calm nervousness and relax you. It can be a useful medication for certain medical conditions. It doesn't "cure" anything any more then an aspirin cures anything but it is still useful. When I was a kid we had older family members sufferring various end of life conditions and alcohol was the medication of choice to allow them to rest/sleep through the night or to forget their pain and fate.
No harm what so ever. That is a bunch of arbara streisand for sure. Just LOOK who has taken over the oral office in dc and has did the voodoo he does so well to the United States.
Just LOOK at all the pictures he is in smoking a joint, no harm, bah hum-bug. |