A street fair on Lex
They are cooking that corn the right way. The city is always a blast to walk around in, everywhere.
More pics below the fold -

42nd Street - heading to the Pearl Theater (an Off-Broadway theater, but in the theater district)

Times Square, duh

There's an Uber car

Way west, there's The Pearl. We saw their perfect Uncle Vanya.

It's just west of this cool off-b'way theater, Playwrights Horizon:

After the play, we grabbed an early supper at the West Bank Cafe. I recommend. My chef friends say that you can always test the quality of a kitchen by their roast chicken. Perfect, juicy and crunchy skin on bed of sauce and mashed taters. That's all it takes to please me. Mrs. BD can have my vegetables if she wants - I believe they cause cancer anyway.

Hiking back east, seeing always interesting stuff if you meander. The Belasco:

The Harvard Club - pleasant inside with Teddy Roosevelt's moose

The Algonquin - classic for a cocktail and literary chat

The national HQ of the GCA - The Garden Clubs of America. Far more life-enhancing than the UN. A little renovation to that old rockpile.

Main store, Brooks Brothers. Several stories of basics, and professional salespeople. Been going there annually since a kid. Still can wear my first Brooks tux (well, original waist 35, now let out to a pudgy 36 but they are happy to do that for you).
Yes, I do love visiting the City, and if I were rich a rich man, I'd have a place to stay there with fireplace and a couple of servants. But in which neighborhood? It would be so difficult to decide.