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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, October 2. 2014Thursday morning linksLouisiana Is Disappearing Into the Sea - And guess who's blocking efforts to save the land Political disputes in ancient Athens I like this term "knee-pad journalism" Lena Dunham Warns Women GOP Could Affect Your Sex Life Romney on 2016: “We’ve got a lot of people looking at the race. We’ll see what happens.” Navy sailors distrust commanders, fear crippling political correctness University of New Mexico to Host ‘Threesome’ Sex Workshop for Sex Week Why stop at 3? Top US Doctor: Illegal Immigrant Children May Be Spreading Mysterious Respiratory Disease California Sends in the Sex Police Vermont: Job Losses Adding Up in America’s Most Liberal State Liberals Call for New Constitution How Liberals Became the New Book Banners - The First Amendment is under fire from the progressive left. Government Desperation Is Increasing The silly, selective ‘war on women A decade after welcoming wind, states reconsider Slow But Certain Integration in Israel - There's more promise for improved Arab-Israeli relations than you think. Why State Dept. Defends UNRWA's Artificial "Refugee" Designations Why Is America Wasting the F-22 Raptor on Bombing ISIS? Germany's military doesn't just choose not to act. It can't act. Islamic State Using Human Shields America's Big Military Mistake: Cutting Land Forces Too Quickly Trackbacks
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re Louisiana Is Disappearing Into the Sea - And guess who's blocking efforts to save the land
The author discredits himself with lines like this: "Meanwhile, coal terminals and oil refineries and gas storage facilities continue to sprout along the lower Mississippi, belching out more emissions, hastening the rise of the oceans,.." Actually, I couldn't get through the entire article. I couldn't see where coal terminals or gas storage facilities had anything to do with Louisiana's receding cost line, but maybe I was too hasty.
The truth is that it has been going on for a long time. The issue of Louisiana waters vs Federal waters was big a few decades ago. I believe it went to the Supreme Court. The issue was about oil leases. Rigs were set up in Louisiana land so Louisiana got the royalties from the oil but when the coast eroded, they were in Federal waters and the Feds wanted the royalties. The case was eventually settled in Louisiana's favor, I believe. A commercial pilot I know who flies out of New Orleans Airport regularly told me that he has noticed a degradation of the marshes over the last twenty years or so he's been flying. I did read in the article that the Corps or Engineers were implicated in as much as they built the levies that make the city viable. So it seems that protecting the city is responsible for much of the problems. In addition to that, the Mississippi River is trying to flow into the Atchafalaya River but again I believe the Corps of Engineers is dredging the Mississippi to preserve the lower river as a port for ocean going ships. In the long term, I'd bet on Nature against the Corps. The solution seems to require a couple of million people to endure frequent flooding, the city of New Orleans to give up its port and the Mid West to give up access to ocean going ships that ship their grain. I saw this some weeks back. Long article, but scroll through as it has maps showing the loss of land and showing how the Mississippi has meandered down through the ages.
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:IqWfBs12HogJ:https://medium.com/matter/louisiana-loses-its-boot-b55b3bd52d1e+&cd=20&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=palemoon I am sure Government can throw lots of money at this problem, enriching many cronies in the process, but I seriously doubt they can fix it. Furthermore, the people implementing the fix will likely use it to advance a political agenda I disagree with. In any event the US coastline has always changed. Nothing remains permanent forever. The primary driver of the loss of land along the gulf is the very large alluvium fan that makes up the central part of the gulf coast is very busy slumping gulfward and has been for several million years.
Why does anyone to Lena Dunham? She is a nihilistic, self-loathing person who shows far more of her skin than I want to see. I know she has been lauded as the feminist voice of her generation. But if she is at all typical of her peers, then it's time to give up hope.
If she isn't saying anything mock-worthy, can we all just ignore her? If so, maybe her 15 seconds of fame will end and she'll go away. For Bull Dog:
Sorry for the delay in responding to your story—you are coming into this debacle about 25 years after it began I respect your desire to remain faithful to the needs of your family and to provide for them in the best possible way. BUT, you must understand: from the beginning of NOW (National Organization of Women) there has never been a goal, or an ideal, of meeting men on some middle ground. There has always been only one strategy— dominate or destroy. That is what the original leadership of NOW demanded and it was they taught their lieutenants to demand, etc. on down to what they teach your daughter in college today. Understand that there is no one in the legal community who will represent a straight, non-Jewish, white male against any female or a minority—NONE—NOT ONE! For you there is no legal system. No defense based on an agreed ethic. From the moment you walked into her (EVP) office to offer good faith, you moved into another realm. I think it will not take too long before you discover that it is not a very nice place to be —probably less than a year. From now on you are clearly weak: you do know how bullies feel about weak people don’t you? You are in a very vulnerable position—but, you must understand for her it is all now pure gratification (a little wet spot in her panties that no one will ever notice) Because you have no defense (see # 4). There are rare occasions when women in power have seen the advantage of taking care of their male employees—but, those occasions are few. My suggestions for you are this: Keep working, demonstrating good faith—but start looking. Ask the Barrister to connect you with wealthy donors to the Republican party, or to other conservative engineering company managers. If you have an advanced degree (at least a master’s degree) you can possibly get someone at FIRE to help you find a teaching position with a 3-5 year contract. It wont’ be much, maybe just one or two night classes a year—but, it is a foot out the door. Meanwhile keep your day job, while looking at ways you can update your skills. Better still, take a look at the “passions of your heart”. I know that is typically not considered good advice and certainly is not good advice to a youngster just starting their college education. However, for an adult of your age it is a different perspective—a different viewpoint that may offer you insights into other job opportunities. Volunteer for projects you care deeply about—see who you meet. In your own local community, do NOT put the word out that your looking to find another position, especially not within the local community of fellow engineers—just keep your mouth shut and ears open. However, if you have friends in other cities in your profession ask them to keep an eye open. Finally, here is MY passion: to help straight, white, American men get organized in local community groups to help protect each other and support each other, so that they will never again be ashamed of what happens to them in the workplace. To help them voice their their opposition to the new value system that has been put into place in this country. We need you to speak out as a unified voice. Just think how bad it was when the “Father’s Rights” groups came into being back in the late 1980’s. White fathers had no rights—ZERO. But, finally a small group of men here became linked to another small group over there, they organized and their voices were heard. Maybe then, and ONLY THEN, will someone in the legal community have the courage to stand up in your defense. Maybe that is something you would like to work on in your spare time—out of town of course for now. Be certain of this — when you no longer have something to offer the EVP and her chosen gals, you will be out of a job. Unless you are ready to stoop to some pretty low levels. Her secret joy is in creating castratos. Don’t lie to yourself. All of this is coming from a woman who has been stalked, had her home broken into, been assaulted and physically attacked in public, and whose husband has not had a full time job in 15 years. All because I refused to let him stay on and “make her look good.” They stole, and they stole, and they stole. And, when I refused to let them steal anymore they tried to destroy a good man—they destroyed a career—but not the man, nor his family. If you never served in the military let me assure you that helping to get men like yourself organized and protest this abuse in the workplace may be equal to having done military service and defending this country. It is that IMPORTANT! Perhaps you can even get your wife to start organizing other white wives into forming a group to support men such as yourself. Good Luck. Re: California Sends in the Sex Police
This, along with the recent idiocy where 'feminists' demand I pay for their birth control is just another example where the Left, after beating on that they don't want government in our bedrooms actually does want government in our bedrooms. Re: Liberals Call for New Constitution
Those are NOT liberals (big or small 'l')! They are tyrants and/or ignoramuses who want more control over your life. Does Anyone Else Remember HIV/AIDS?
I remember when it was first discovered and declared an epidemic--it was still in Africa then. But, the democrats and the liberals and gays in this country went ballistic at the thought of isolating any cases getting of the airplane in this country. QUESTION How many lives could have been saved had we chosen not to follow the advice of the liberal party? I believe it would be in the hundreds of thousands. NOW we have to listen to the jerk in charge of CDC: "preventing flights from leaving west Africa will just spread the disease, because people will feel isolated and panic and flee to other countries" Perhaps this medical doctor is unable to understand that without airplanes that "flight to other countries" would not include the US! Local Africans would have to walk, ride donkeys, use mopeds, etc., but they would not be coming to the US. GEEZ when the hell do we get rid of PBS NEWSHOUR? See here: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/officials-try-reassure-public-ebola-containment-tracking-possible-exposures/ Whoops. That was the wrong link to Dr. Frieden here is the correct link:
http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/u-s-equipped-isolate-ebola/ Re "knee-pad journalism". Does the White House press room have prie-dieux? Should we start a collection to provide the poor reporters with them?
I couldn't make heads or tails from that 'Louisiana Is Disappearing Into the Sea' link but this is an interesting discovery from a year ago:
http://www.livescience.com/37977-underwater-cypress-forest-discovered.html It was and is a mistake to bring/allow ebola patients here. We may get lucky and 6 months to a year from now this is a non-story and no one died. Or it may be like this new mystery polio-like illness affecting kids. Four have died so far and the illness continues to progress. Some experts feel confident this illness is coming from the recent invasion/immigration of children from South and Central America. In other words our government allowed this in because of a political plan, ignorance, arrogance, stupidty or intent. These children wouldn't be anymore dead today if the government had gone into schools and shot them like Adam Lanza did. Our government willfully brought death and illness to our children. We weren't so lucky on that one. But the MSM is working overtime to make sure this too is a non-story. There are about a dozen serious ilnesses making the rounds in this country today that we thought we had eliminated. Everyone of them are the result of lax border control and lax and intentionally stupid immigration policy. Where is the headline telling the American public what our politicians are doing to us?