Warming update: Shocking’ damage from heavy snow will take days to clean up, says Calgary Mayor
College Students Declare Bras, Band-Aids ‘White Privilege’
Fifth-grader is banned from using ChapStick at school because it´s considered an ´over-the-counter drug´
There's a Giant 'Super Henge' Underneath Stonehenge
Gearing Up for the Post-Radio Shack World
Free speech and civility at universities
For too long, the cab and limo industries have employed political cronyism and protectionist regulation to fend off competitors -- all at
the expense of innovation, efficiency, and service
Attack ISIS? Hold On, Mr. President
Maybe it’s time for America to stop taking the bait. Islamic militants do monstrous things all over the world. We cannot stop it all.
ISIS Army Parades in 43 New Toyota Hilux Trucks – Donated By US Taxpayers
Former prosecutor says Wisconsin investigation fueled by “hyper-partisan” DA and union activist wife
Willful Avoidance - The media ignores an important, bipartisan warning on American military readiness.
When sales of adult diapers exceed those of baby diapers
Selling your home: The Art of Scrubbing All Identity From a Home
The MSM really does think of its consumers as children, minds of tabla
rasa to be molded into a leftwing worldview, objectivity and facts be
America is running out of jobs. It's time for a universal basic income. The politics of a guaranteed income get a lot easier when you acknowledge that the U.S. is no longer the land of opportunity
Nice. Like retirement, rockin' on the porch sippin beer and smokin legal weed.
Psychologist: Minorities Are Obese Because of Racism - Are racial microaggressions making you fat? One professor at an N.J. public university thinks so.
Overweight, rightly or wrongly, is a class and character marker in the US regardless of skin tone
I’d love to stomp ISIS flat, with a big ol’ American boot on their neck,
as they gasp their last breath, while watching us kill their pet goat.
I’m not really sure that’s the best answer, anymore, though.
Nor am I
Women should be doing high-paying work like this
Obama: “Let’s Make Things Clear: ISIS Is Not ‘Islamic'”
Coulda fooled me
Missing Persons (ie killed persons) photo below via Sultan's Divided We Stand