The pup had a great morning with John's venison bones in the snow. Happy dog.
Catholicism Rocks. Am. Princess. Good eats for Mardi Gras.
Were the Founding Fathers Christians? I always thought of them as Deists mostly, children of the recent Enlightenment, but deeply imbued with a Christian culture and view of the world. Here's the case for that, albeit delivered in an irritable, if not hostile, manner.
Prep. Heard lots of good comments about this coming-of-age book. Ordered it.
54 years old and perfect. Dinocrat. Makes the idea of turning 30 seem almost appealing.
Canadian medicine going private. Despite the law. It's about time. There's no way Harper will fight this movement of doctors seeking freedom to practice medicine. This is a big deal - the first step in the unraveling of socialism for our comrades from the north.
Robert Scott dies. Who? A guy who has done more for this country than any of us will every do.
Washington seized by Moslems in 1977. Remember? Tim Blair does.