Annan wants US military help in Darfur to support any NATO efforts. What about the rest of the world? The US will only end up being hated if we go in there.
Religion of Peace. You already saw this probably, but the imams have put a price on the heads of cartoonists. Michelle.�Freakin' idiots. You can insult my God all you want. Neither He, nor I, will feel harmed.
Canada turning warmer towards US. Great. Am. Thinker. It also looks as if they will dismantle their huge expensive and equally ineffective gun registration bureaucracy. Captain Ed. That's even better. I guess it was time for a change up there.
What the heck is going on with young teens�at My Space? NY Sun
The Common Man in NH. Eaten there several times. Good for after skiing. Wizbang shows the true NH heart in the face of nagging Feds.
So sensitive: (from Chronicle of Higher Edn)
College students in Arizona may be able to opt out of required reading assignments they consider personally offensive, under a bill approved on Wednesday by the State Senate's Higher Education Committee. The measure would allow students to decline assignments that "conflict with the student's beliefs or practices in sex, morality, or religion."
Gee, that about covers everything, doesn't it?