Enormous 4th Century BC Macedonian tomb discovered by farmer in Greece.
It's easy to be Green - so say US corporations. Who knows whether it makes a difference, but I don't think that's what it's about.
Cool book: A Treasury of Royal Scandals.
More on the Left's efforts to muzzle free speech on the US airwaves. Aronoff at Accuracy in Media.
Registering ammo (!?!) in Boston. Good example of how a nanny state becomes a fascist state. MassBackwards.
Dhimmitude further defined and explicated. Diana West at Town Hall
Katrina $ wasted: Who is surprised? New Orleans is not exactly the world capital of, um, probity.
Cheney's attempted murder of lawyer "pal." So, the old guy got peppered. Big deal. It must be a slow news week, especially if you won't report progress in Iraq. I saw one news report that said he was hit with buckshot! More likely #8s or #9 birdshot from Cheney's 28 ga. Not very scary. Hey, but what about the rumors that Whittington is Libby's natural father, and also Abramoff's bag-man for the White House? Investigate that.