Only in England! Knife Amnesty!!! Admittedly, it is scary the way a knife can slash out at someone when the holder just couldn't control the willful destructive mind of the knife. On the other hand, if you can't buy a handgun, then what are you supposed to do when someone really pisses you off in England? Hit 'em with a pudding? Then there will be Pudding Bowl Amnesty. Other Side of Kim
A Steven Breyer quote which explains a lot. YARGB
Laura Ingraham in Iraq. Image below, and story at Expose the Left. Not a pudding bowl in her hands: 
Religion of Peace: 5 years in jail for attending a gay wedding. Gay and Right
Happy First Blog Birthday, Pamela! Atlas Shrugs
Will ABA impose racial quotas on law schools? Volokh
Popularity of Sharia law in Moslem nations. Quite popular. One Hand Clapping
Enviros urge: Stop drinking water - bad for the env. Is beer preferable? Env. Economics
Moslems march against Valentines Day. Michelle
Cartoon via New England Repub via NYPost: