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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, January 10. 2014Friday morning links
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office: “Redskins” is derogatory and offensive Is the War on Cancer Hopeless? Where is this Gwilym Morgan? Where is the man who can say, they are men as we are, not savages?
College sports: The Elementary School of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Who’d a-thunk it? Taxi cartels don’t like competition? Does Paying People Not to Work Create Jobs? There’s a Scandal Brewing in Colorado, But It Involves a Democrat, So It’ll Die Quickly Sarah Palin: I Went to Fox to 'Piss Off the People' Who Wanted Me Dead 24 Underreported Democrat Scandals That Make News Media's 'Bridgegate Mania' Look Like a Joke Sequester: LEAKED EMAILS DEMONSTRATE THAT VINDICTIVE EXECUTIVE SOUGHT TO PUNISH CITIZENS IN GAME OF POLITICAL PRESSURE Obama’s war on discpline standards coming to a school near you Remember this, via neoneo?
Global Warming: The Unfalsifiable Hypothesis BBC editor: BBC blackballed immigration debate End Result of Germany’s Green Energy Policy: More Coal Maine EBT Cards Used in All 50 States Comments
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Re miners and professors. The dirty secret of academic life is that tenured full professors are members of the upper class. They may not be the 1%, but they are surely the 10%. They claim to be middle class, and many did in fact come from the middle class or lower, but the claim is fatuous.
Faculty hypocrisy about income inequality and race and gender realism has some interesting psychological routes, but I don't know what they are. Thomas Wolfe is the best describer still about the Radical Chic. ’Nam comes to Iraq: When we went into Afghanistan, then later invaded Iraq, a number of pundits and such noted that radical islam has been fighting this battle for upwards of a thousand years. They may see the last 10 years as just a minor skirmish.
RE: Neoneo.... just a thought, but I thought subservience\slavery was a bad thing?
Seems to me, that taking away freedoms, self-determination, and free will only leaves a hollow life and one of woe\misery. Also, arn't those hallmarks to Democracy? And, without the possibility of negative results, how does one achieve clarity of a solution and the rewards of the situation, both good, or bad? Seems always having success with no chance of failure would give a jaded life. Maine EBT cards used in all 50 states. I suspect this is probably true for every states EBT card but somehow the information about Maine's EBT cards was "leaked". It would seem impossible to believe that the bureaucrats in charge don't know this and can conclude just as we all do that these people don't really need welfare. I don't begrudge a family going to Disneyworld but it would seem to be an automatic disqualification from welfare. Disneyworld is not for the poor or cash strapped and in fact as pretty damned expensive. Who says their's no fraud n food stamps?
re U.S. Patent and Trademark Office: “Redskins” is derogatory and offensive
Who do they think they are? Silly me. I thought their job was to register trademarks, not tell people what they can an can't use. What ever happened to free speech? How interesting that one time a word is deemed 'offensive' and then in the next use it is not. Or is it all about greasing the right palms? Could I trademark Jigaboo Jake's BBQ Ribs if I just bribed errr... expressed my gratitude to the right people? "Does Paying People Not to Work Create Jobs?"
yes, as it will create a new layer of government bureaurats tasked with overseeing the program. Whether there will be more of those than there will be people losing their jobs due to the program remains to be seen. RE:war on Cancer.
Totally believe its win-able, just like aging and mitigating genetic issues is our future. We have the technology.... except that cancer is not one disease, but thousands.
And that's where the "war on cancer" idiocy goes wrong, it doesn't take that into account. It portrays cancer as one big thing that can be magicked away with some single miracle cure if only we could find it. Iraq: we won only in the sense that Iran held their fire and let us clean out some Sunni radicals for them. al Qaeda to Iraq returning may be useful in distracting Iran. It won't be any fun for the locals.
Don't miss this explanation of the polar vortex by Princeton U. Physicist Dr. William Happer.
And for the history buffs he relates how this new and terrible global warming phenomenon ;-) saved the American Revolution, even as the Continental Army froze their musket balls off in January 1777. QUOTE: About this time of year in 1777, just before the Battle of Princeton, there was a similar sequence. On January 2, Cornwallis’s men marched south from New York City through cold rain and muddy roads to try to trap George Washington and his little Continental Army in Trenton . On the night of January 2-3, a polar vortex swept across New Jersey, with snow and a very hard freeze. Aided by the extremely cold weather, Washington was able to evacuate his troops and artillery over newly frozen roads and to avoid Cornwallis’s encirclement. Reaching Princeton on the viciously cold morning of January 3, Washington won another battle against the British and escaped to winter quarters in Morristown. Thank you polar vortex! You are misinformed: the CIA/ SOF ultimately determined that Iran was the ultimate backer of the fanatics.
It's open source: AQ has been given perpetual residence in Iran -- to include OBL's number one son. The mullahs use multiple cut-outs to hide: deep burkas, if you will. Iran co-founded Hamas. What does that tell you? Iran has never conducted a 'straight-up' aggression in thirty-years. They're tied into the Lockerbie bombing: it was a contract hit -- a tit for tat for Flight 655 -- the Vincennes shoot down. This was the event that caused Khomeini to terminate hostilities against Saddam. He felt that he couldn't prevail against the Great Satan, too. This is where the Iranians are coming from, right or wrong. As for WHY Iran 'loved' Zarqawi: he was triggering Shia unity -- and a fulsome expulsion of Sunnis from Baghdad. For every Shi'ite he murdered -- reprisals killed six Sunnis. It was double-plus good! The Shia victims fly to Allah -- the Sunni leave town... permanently. During this latest dust-up, the conditions are ripe for the Sunni elements to be liquidated en masse in the Iraqi western desert. The rules of engagement will be quite unlike anything they've come to know from the Americans! AQ certainly does not have a bunch of buddies within the southeastern Iraqi Euphrates river corridor. They've been missing from the cities for years and years. Anthony Esolen's article - the Gwilym Morgan excerpt - is the most real-liberal, humane, comprehending article I have seen coming from a college liberal arts faculty in a generation. Stunning.
Tracked: Jan 11, 09:57
Tracked: Jan 12, 08:53