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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, January 7. 2014Tuesday morning linksWhy drugs are expensive: It’s the science, stupid. Feeling rejected when you are lonely A book: The Cave and the Light: Plato Versus Aristotle, and the Struggle for the Soul of Western Civilization USDA ‘Permanently Relaxes’ School Lunch Menus A government program that was abandoned because it didn't work? Amazing. 2013 Gun Sales Skyrocketed, Broke Previous Record by Wide Margin He's passionate about Stendhal. The Red and The Black is a classic -15 degrees F: Life is beautiful I blame climate change. Oh, so does the Daily Beast! In praise of competitive Federalism The UN: Are We Still A Member Of This Thing? Who is behind the ship of fools? Detroit Freezes Pensions, Ditches Defined-Benefit Plans Obama lied about meeting his own brother Why? Barack Gives Michelle Birthday Trip To Hawaii…We Pay For It Britain's version of Tea Party rocks political system across the pond Breaking News: Half The Time the Weather Was Above Average Try this: Half the time the temperatures were below average. Like today. Journalists tend to be terminally innumerate. The most-hated climate scientist: MIT's Richard Lindzen Veterans feel sting of Ramadi and Fallujah losses Union insanity in France What's Right about Social Justice:
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The U.N. is an agency filled with the best and the brightest, many graduates of the finest universities in both the West and East. It incarnates the desires, dreams, and will of the elite of the world and the downtrodden of the world. In short, it is thoroughly evil and could be no other way.
"It incarnates the desires, dreams, and will of the elite of the world and the downtrodden of the world. "
I doubt that it incarnates for the downtrodden, as that's a lie by the so-called/self-proclaimed "elite" they use to further their interests--money and prestige without doing much, while claiming much. Cynical? Moi? The Social Justice video is mistaken on a key point. Libertarians do not disagree primarily with the minimum wage, for example, because it is deleterious to unskilled individuals, but because the government is forcing an employer to ascribe an artificial price for labor. The fact that it also hurts unskilled individuals is a side effect that is also unwanted.
This misunderstanding skews his whole argument that Libertarians and Classical Liberals are not so far apart from the Left. Would he make the same argument that Libertarians and Nazis or Communists were not that different because they both want to help the plight of the down trodden? Or would he make the same argument about the Left and Nazis or Communists (which in my mind is a more apt comparison)? The fact that most sides of the political spectrum agree on the same desired outcome is not significant (I would even imagine that the little twerp in North Korea would argue that his policies would in some way help the poor). The way in which they propose to get there is all the difference. "He points out that in Holland, a country that allows adult euthanasia, it has been suspected that doctors and hospital administrators were occasionally killing patients to free-up hospital beds.
" I can confirm that. My mother has terminal cancer. Days after the diagnosis she was scheduled for a consult with a mysterious "terminal patient care specialist" who, when we investigated, turned out to be a specialist in talking people into accepting euthanasia. We summarily cancelled the appointment. And that's not the first time. When my mother was in a coma back in '07 doctors pushed my father very hard to let them "terminate her care" because "there's no chance of her surviving without permanent injury". No surprise as to the latter, she was in a coma after they bodged up a surgical procedure to amputate her right leg, causing her to end up with an MRSA like infection. She did come out of the coma half an hour before they were going to shut down the life assistance machinery, over the objections of the family (something they're not legally allowed to do without permission from the patient...). Now, that's only 2 data points, from a single hospital, but I've heard similar stories often enough from other places in this country to understand it's rather common. Obama lied about meeting his own brother.
From the link: QUOTE: Even if you’re Obama’s own half-brother. Here’s Mark Obama Ndesandjo, describing to Laura Ingraham how it felt to hear Barry falsely claim to have met him only once. Where has the POTUS claimed he met his half brother Mark only once? Here is the POTUS talking in 2009 about meeting his half brother Mark in a 2009 visit to China.QUOTE: "I don't know him well. I met him for the first time a couple of years ago," Obama told CNN. "He stopped by with his wife for about five minutes during the trip." That would be "more than once," by the POTUS's own words: in China in 2009, and "several years ago" before the China visit. The "several years ago" would refer to having met Mark in the 1980s in Kenya, an event which is recounted in Dreams From My Father,pages 184-185. Barack Obama is visiting Kenya, and talks of meeting Ruth and her children. Ruth is an American whom Barack Obama Sr. married after Barack Jr.'s mother divorced him.QUOTE: But only a few days later, Auma and I came home to find a car waiting for us outside the apartment. The driver, a brown-skinned man with a prominent Adam’s apple, handed Auma a note. Barack and Mark also had lunch together not long after, according to the book.“What is it?” I asked. “It’s an invitation from Ruth,” she said. “Mark’s back from America for the summer. She wants to have us over for lunch.” “Do you want to go?” Auma shook her head, a look of disgust on her face. “Ruth knows I’ve been here almost six months now. She doesn’t care about me. The only reason she’s invited us is because she’s curious about you. She wants to compare you to Mark.” “I think maybe I should go,” I said quietly. Auma looked at the note again, then handed it back to the driver and said something to him in Swahili. “We’ll both go,” she said, and walked into the apartment. Ruth lived in Westlands, an enclave of expensive homes set off by wide lawns and well-tended hedges, each one with a sentry post manned by brown-uniformed guards. ….. We came to one of the more modest houses on the block and parked along the curve of a looping driveway. A white woman with a long jaw and graying hair came out of the house to meet us. Behind her was a black man of my height and complexion with a bushy Afro and horn-rimmed glasses. “Come in, come in,” Ruth said. The four of us shook hands stiffly and entered a large living room, where a balding, older black man in a safari jacket was bouncing a young boy on his lap. “This is my husband,” Ruth said, “and this is Mark’s little brother, Joey.” “Hey, Joey,” I said, bending down to shake his hand. He was a beautiful boy, with honey-colored skin and two front teeth missing. Ruth tousled the boy’s big curls, then looked at her husband and said, “Weren’t you two on your way to the club?” “Yes, yes,” the man said, standing up. “Come on, Joey…it was nice to meet you both.” The boy stood fast, staring up at Auma and me with a bright, curious smile until his father finally picked him up and carried him out the door. “Well, here we are,” Ruth said, leading us to the couch and pouring lemonade. “I must say it was quite a surprise to find out you were here, Barry. I told Mark that we just had to see how this other son of Obama’s turned out. Your name is Obama, isn’t it? But your mother remarried. I wonder why she had you keep your name?” I smiled as if I hadn’t understood the question. “So, Mark,” I said, turning to my brother, “I hear you’re at Berkeley.” “Stanford,” he corrected. His voice was deep, his accent perfectly American. “I’m in my last year of the physics program there.” “It must be tough,” Auma offered. Mark shrugged. “Not really.” “Don’t be so modest, dear,” Ruth said. “The things Mark studies are so complicated only a handful of people really understand it all.” She patted Mark on the hand, then turned to me. “And Barry, I understand you’ll be going to Harvard. Just like Obama. You must have gotten some of his brains. Hopefully not the rest of him, though. You know Obama was quite crazy, don’t you? The drinking made it worse. Did you ever meet him? Obama, I mean?” “Only once. When I was ten.” “Well, you were lucky then. It probably explains why you’re doing so well.” That’s how the next hour passed, with Ruth alternating between stories of my father’s failure and stories of Mark’s accomplishments. Any questions were directed exclusively to me, leaving Auma to fiddle silently with Ruth’s lasagna. I wanted to leave as soon as the meal was over, but Ruth suggested that Mark show us the family album while she brought out the dessert. “I’m sure they’re not interested, Mother,” Mark said. “Of course they’re interested,” Ruth said. Then, her voice oddly distant: “There are pictures of Obama. From when he was young….” We followed Mark to the bookcase, and he pulled down a large photo album. Together we sat on the couch, slowly thumbing through laminate pages. Auma and Roy, dark and skinny and tall, all legs and big eyes, holding the two smaller children protectively in their arms. The Old Man and Ruth mugging it up at a beach somewhere. The entire family dressed up for a night out on the town. They were happy scenes, all of them, and all strangely familiar, as if I were glimpsing some alternative universe that had played itself out behind my back. They were reflections, I realized, of my own long-held fantasies, fantasies that I’d kept secret even from myself. The fantasy of the Old Man’s having taken my mother and me back with him to Kenya. The wish that my mother and father, sisters and brothers, were all under one roof. Here it was, I thought, what might have been. And the recognition of how wrong it had all turned out, the harsh evidence of life as it had really been lived, made me so sad that after only a few minutes I had to look away. On the drive back, I apologized to Auma for having put her through the ordeal. She waved it off. “It could have been worse,” she said. “I feel sorry for Mark, though. He seems so alone. You know, it’s not easy being a mixed child in Kenya.” I looked out the window, thinking about my mother, Toot, and Gramps, and how grateful I was to them-for who they were, and for the stories they’d told. I turned back to Auma, and said, “She still hasn’t gotten over him, has she?” “Who?” “Ruth. She hasn’t gotten over the Old Man.” Auma thought for a moment. “No, Barack. I guess she hasn’t. Just like the rest of us.” Where has the POTUS stated he met his half brother Mark only once? You cannot help someone by doing for them that which they should do for themselves. We wouldn't raise our children like that why do we insist on raising others children like that. The problem with freedom is people are free to fail or do drugs or otherwise screw up their life. If we make it public policy to save people from their mistakes then indeed more people will make the same mistakes. And why not if the government is going to rescue you? Welfare is not the solution to poverty and wasted lives it is the cause.
Something to think about:
First: We are advised TO NOT judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics. BUT...we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics. Funny how that works..... And here’s the other one worth considering: Seems we constantly hear about how Social Security will run out of money. BUT, how come we never hear about WELFARE running out of money? What's interesting, is the first group "worked for" their money... but the second didn't. What GARBAGE.
You use the LANGUAGE and TERMINOLOGY of the Leftist Totalitarians, you have already LOST. What naive cr*p, to say, "oh, we agree on the ends, just not the means to achieve it." LIBERTARIANS ONCE AGAIN PROVE THEY ARE THE USEFUL IDIOTS OF THE LEFT. I guess all it took was for the Left make societal-destroying cries of "legalize homosexual marriage!" and "legalize marijuana!" for the Useful Idiot Libertarians to hear the dog-whistle and bark WOOF! WOOOOOFFF!!!!! KEEP whining about how the Right is "just as bad" as the Left. No. Stay "pure", libertarians. Your fate is in "safe" hands. UNTIL IT ISN'T. YOU IDIOTS. FINALLY, "Libertarians need to decide with whom it's easier to live: those who share the morality of the vast majority of our founders, who gave us the greatest document for self governance ever created by men; or those who seek fundamentally to change this republic into something that conservatives and libertarians both will lament." FROM: http://www.americanthinker.com/2013/12/neal_boortz_libertarianism_and_moral_government.html |