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Friday, December 13. 2013Friday morning links 3 Reasons Why Our Teenagers Can’t Find Jobs - And why this is terrible for America. Big Farms Are About to Get Bigger:
Why the circular firing squad from conservatives, and why now? Third EPA Official Implicated in $900K Scam Chris Matthews Panics About 2014: ‘The Tea Party is Still Growing!’ NYT: Obamacare Debacle Could Kill Big Blue:
Green Weenie of the Week: RI Sen. Whitehouse’s Latest Self-Dealing Scam Unions Paid MSNBC's Schultz $177,000 in 2012, $75,000 in 2013 - MSNBC host often touts "blue collar workers" and unionized "teachers" on his show. Philanthropy, stock-picking, and Presbyterian frugality:
... President Obama told Chris Matthews he had discovered “we have these big agencies, some of which are outdated, some of which are not designed properly.” "he had discovered..."? Connecticut's Obamacare Exchange Spends $75K on Murals Comments
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The EPA is scam by bureaucrats to enrich themselves and their cronies. Who knew? Everybody honest, which leaves out the media, academics, lawyers, politicians…, well almost all of them, anyway.
love the story about the Boston matron...(could have been something my grandmother would have said about a girlhood friend ). But the post on frugal WASP giving misses some basic points. We WASPs deliberately backload giving for many good reasons, including:
1) the desire NOT to ruin children. Being rich and not having to work is a curse morally and spiritually even if one temporarily has more ski trips and more people want to go out with one (don't give kids any money beyond the best education and educational trips you can until AFTER they have established themselves as workers, become self sufficient). Being hungry makes them work hard and develops character. 2) any organization you give principal to may take the money and use it for purposes that might appall the original donor. Better to give just interest. Better yet, set up some kind of trust with outside review where it can be discovered if some jackass is giving your money to ugly murals like that Access Health project and that the gift no longer is being spent as the donor intended. It is particularly relevant when people leave money to churches, which tend to be captured by cliques or narcissistic ministers who take the place in directions a generous giver might not have wished to support. When we are alive we can vote with our feet, after death, only a good trustee can make sure that our hard earned money is used wisely. 3) the phrase "spendthrift trust" obviously isn't familiar enough to the parents of some of the rich brats gone wild in the tabloids. I think it's highly relevant to organizations, not just mentally unstable, shiftless or foolish individuals. Most sensible people know that you don't give a hyper 25 year old male 100K (he will get a Ferrari and/or spend it on coke and hot babes). Nor do you give an outright grant to a charismatic community organizer and his hip organization. If you have half a brain. You provide tangible needed items (think Andrew Carnegie apartments for workers) and leave money invested to maintain them. To make an analogy: If you are rich as Croesus and want to help a homeless mentally ill person in your community, probably best to ANONYMOUSLY set up a perpetual rent payment on a safe apartment they cannot be evicted from rather than outright giving them a home of their own that they will borrow against in a fit of mania, lose and get homeless again. The article didn't mention how cherished a principle anonymous giving is in WASP tradition (and nowadays in evangelical churches). So as not to give for the wrong reasons, for vain dumb show. 4) Lest I sound as if I don't trust people, I'd say simply that people don't usually intend to waste your generous donations. They simply think that they have figured out better uses for it than you intended. Also, I know from personal experience of receiving generous gifts from relatives, that the temptation to spend it (camera gear!) is much greater with windfalls than when one has slogged to earn the money by the hour (NOT on the Boston common but at a computer shuffling paper) Please do not pay rent for a mentally ill, formerly-homeless person to live in my complex next to me.
So the tea party is too conservative. Cutting spending and taxes is simply too conservative for Democrats and now for Republicans too. So the Democrats, Republicans and the Chamber of Commerce have finally found something they agree on. This is what we were all hoping Obama would do for the U.S.; bring us together. But it seems that the Tea party has finally done what Obama, Reid and Pelosi couldn't. We are finally united around one principle, i.e. more taxing and spending.
I have been having a hard time with this site this morning, so please excuse--this is my third attempt at posting this simple observation about the Healtcare mural.
1. it is done in the palette and style of "Latin America". 2 it is intended to deliver a much larger picture than healthcare. It delivers the message that Obama is like Jesus (or Che Guevera)--he and he alone has provided medical care for the illegal immigrants to whom this mural is addressed 3. it is a campaign advertisement for the next election 4. if you do not believe in the power of the visual to influence individual and group action then please contact your local university and tell them to cancel those classes covering visual communication! There was at one time billboards on the buses in Seattle. These billboard declared that Martin Luther King was equal to and very much the same as Jesus. This mural is just the same attempt in another little corner of the liberal world. I am not really that concerned about the budget issues right now. Do the more fiscally conservative republicans really believe they could get something passed through Harry Reid's Senate and signed by Obama that fits their fiscal world view? I've really given up on anything positive happening until at least after the 2014 elections or in 2017 when we have a new president.
Voters memories are short. There will be bigger issues that come on the horizon before November 2014. The 'in fighting' between RINOs and more conservative legislatures will be a thing of the past. Obama has had the talking point about "reinventing government" for some time and like much else, is mainly talk. At least Al Gore's attempt gave us piles of multi colored paper that couldn't be recycled.
Re: farms getting bigger, I notice in the Farm Bureau mag I get the farmer of the month always has a side venture, home made preserves, commodity trading from the tractor, butchering, etc. Though I think the only way small farms can survive is either the foodie/green market or "gentleman" farms. The Korean purge intense? Only for folks with rose colored glasses. If you don't like Obamacare, you're a racist. If you don't accept Common Core, you're a racist. If you don't believe in global warming, you're a racist. If you don't want to raise the minimum wage, you're a racist. If you don't understand how unemployment can be down, you're a racist. If you don't concur with tax-and-spend policies, you're a racist.
Get the drift? NorKs: Scorched Earth Tactics RULE!
EPA: Clearly needs Congressional oversight/inspection/reaming out. Tea Party: Nice endorsement from Chris! I hope Mead's right. "NorK's" ?? I didn't pick up the North Korean reference at first so I Googled it. Turns out Nork is Australian slang for breast.
"3 reasons why our teenagers cannot find jobs . . ."
Amen! When I was a teen, I and friends did several of those types of jobs - cut grass, bale hay, paint houses and barns, etc. I have cut more lawns and painted more fences in my lifetime. To this day I hate, hate, the smell of freshly cut grass. Two of my friends even started their own "business" washing windows. They paid for business cards; decades before the home computer and printer, so this was done at expense at a print shop. They then distributed those cards around town. For 15 bucks (which was a lot of money back in the 1970s) they would wash all of your windows on the outside. They carried their ladder around town - quite a chore in itself - used the homeowners hoses and outside water. But, they were proud of the work they did. And loved the money they earned. Good luck trying something like that today! They would have to get a business license, perhaps be bonded in case they broke any windows, get insurance in case they fell from the ladder, pay sales tax, pay for permits or whatever else governments think of to raise money, etc. No, I guess today's kids are better off trying to get a job at the mall selling pizza or slurpies. What I don't understand is why young, white girls don't clean rooms in hotels. Why does it always have to be the women who have just arrived in the US. When I was a teen ager I waited tables at a restaurant that did not serve alcohol, cleaned rooms in hotels, and starting when I was about 13 until I was 16 (working age) I mucked out every barn in the area. My daughter started selling hot dogs when she was 14 (lied about her age), and delivered papers until she was 17. There are jobs out there it's just white kids won't take them.
I have a little experience around the hiring of low level service workers in hotels and in general. If you want to test it out pick a likely 18-21 year old "white girl" and have her apply for jobs in that field. She may notice open discrimination or she may not but she won't get the job. Just as most American teens would not be hired to pick berries or other farm produce the "white girl" won't be picked to make beds and clean rooms in a hotel. Odds are she will be interviewed by a hispanic and a hispanic will be choosen for the job. But I'm sure that is simply coincidental.
Tracked: Dec 14, 13:17
Tracked: Dec 15, 09:15