Flash sales at GILT
Bob Dylan Investigated in France for 'Racist' Comments
What is the social benefit of old people?
What's the "social benefit" of anybody?
Y2Kyoto: I'll Miss The Polar Ice Caps
Liberal snobbery
“Happy Holidays Is What Liberals Say” Shirt Removed From Website
Pope Francis and the media: Missing the forest for a couple of trees
Nobel Prize-winning economist warns of US stock market bubble
Argumentation: A Tactic That Works Against Liberals
Agree and amplify. Eg, government should run car insurance and homeowner's insurance too, etc.
In Response To Obamacare Disaster – 11 Conservative Doctors Are Running For Congress
Core Incompetency:
The New York Times writes that the effort to rehabilitate HealthCare.gov is in truth part of a broader project, “a frantic effort aimed at rescuing not only the insurance portal and Mr. Obama’s credibility, but also the Democratic philosophy that an activist government can solve big, complex social problems.” We’ve been having that debate for a long time, and, while it may not yet be settled to everyone’s satisfaction, we have answered the narrower question of whether this administration can solve big, complex social problems: It can’t even solve its own website.